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1 August 2012

Bucket List = BIG TICK

I've completed all the do-able things on my bucket list. The last time I posted, Milly was away in the States and it was really quiet at home and we didn't have anything in particular planned. I went to Alder Hey as planned and things are kind of continuing to grow slowly and so nothing really new there. I don't think about it all too much as they didn't think I'd be here 18 months ago and I could waste the life I've got just thinking about it all.

Anyway, we picked Milly up on Friday morning and on the way home, Mum and Dad told us both some really big news. Very early that morning, they'd gone and booked flights to Vancouver, leaving the next day! Can you believe that? So about 18 hours later, we were all sat on a plane heading to Canada.

Me with Nicole and her dad, Captain Bill
Whale watching was probably one of the main things on my bucket list and I've wanted to go for as long as I can remember but I'd kind of accepted that I would never get to do this one. I wanted to see Orca whales in their natural habitat and without me knowing, Mum had been chatting to Nicole at Mackay Whale Watching to set things up. I first chatted to Nicole about a year ago cos she sent me a You Tube video that she'd made of whale watching. At the beginning, it has her dad saying "welcome aboard Alice" and I can't tell you how amazing it was to hear him say that to my face! Yes, it was a bit mad as we couldn't get full insurance but mum and dad had decided that they needed to get me there regardless and as I was on what we call 'a good spell', they just took me!

We had the most amazing few days and Nicole and her family really looked after us. I just couldn't believe that I was actually there. I'm sure that the whales heard that I was about, cos they came out and I know that we'll all remember it forever. It was such a magical and relaxing place. Thank you Nicole, Bill and Donna (and thank you for letting me wear your snuggly North Face coat)!
My helicopter ride - WOW

Can you believe that I got spotted? A lady called Trish recognised me at Manchester airport and when she found out that I was flying to Vancouver, she called her sister, Jenny, who works for Lush and they invited us to their store in Whistler! Next we bumped into some lovely people in Telegraph Cover who treated us to lunch and took us on their massive boat which was called 'Shadowfax' and just amazing and another nice man, Peter heard I was in town and arranged for us all up for a helicopter ride with the rather mad Trevor, which was never on my bucket list but I'm so glad I got to do it.

After Vancouver Island, we went up to Whistler which is the prettiest village and we just had one day to relax before we had to fly home. I got to go to Lush and be spoilt by Kristine and Sam. They gave us facials and hand treatments and I got to have a play with all the products and choose some amazing goodies. I got spotted there too, by a lady on holiday! And the Canadian people are so, so nice in every single way.

Scary chair lift ride to the top of Whistler Mountain
Anyway, now I'm writing this at stupid o' clock cos I'm still in the wrong time zone LOL.

I've been watching as much of the Olympics as I can. It really, really annoys me that we applied for tickets and got nothing and then you look at the screen and see all these empty seats everywhere. I know they've said that they are going to try to make more available but it's no use for anyone outside of London as a day isn't enough to book hotels and actually get there. It just makes me mad.

Milly is in the conservatory playing on her Wii Olympic sport and Mum is attempting to clear the pile of rubbish on her desk and Mabel is snuggled in her bed. Dad has been in bed for a bit so I guess he's changed back over. Oh, I haven't said that we are getting another puppy as soon as we find the right one. I have it down to three names - Maisie, Poppy or Lottie. I've got a Facebook survey going on to figure out which name you all like the best - how crazy is that LOL, you can find it HERE.

This weekend is my Dad's 50th birthday and he wants it keeping quiet so I'll just share it with you all!
Then I'm back to hospital next week to figure out if there's any other pills for me to try. Last time we were there, my consultant was off to Iceland and I can remember I was really envious.  I had no idea that a few days later I'd be off even further away on what was my best holiday EVER.

So thank you everyone who made this month one of my most special ever.
Check out my Facebook pages to see my photographs from Vancouver.
Alice x


  1. I'm so happy and excited for you that you got to go to Canada.I did wish your dad a happy birthday on your facebook page lol. God Bless you. xoxox

  2. Hey pretty girl, I'm so glad to read about your surprise trip! You look so happy :) And you are obviously surrounded by such awesome people with love in their hearts. I look forward to your next update :)

  3. Alice! Glad you're still doing well and getting to travel to wonderful, exotic places. If you're ever in Los Angeles, or need something from the West Coast, please let me know! I think of you often and hope your good(ish) health continues!

  4. Ah, Alice, that's so fantastic! Huge congrats to that accomplishment and what sounds like an amazing trip.

  5. Dear Alice, what a wonderful adventure! I am so pleased that you were well enough to enjoy all the exciting opportunities which came your way. We shall be thinking of you next week - you are always in our prayers.

  6. Hi Alice, I just wanted to say you've brightened my day. I got some bad news this morning and after reading your email update I'm feeling a lot more cheery about it all. You are such an inspiration to everyone :-)

  7. What an amazing thing for your parents to do!!
    So glad you had such a fantastic time!!
    I've got my fingers crossed they sort this crazy business with the Olympic seats!!

  8. Hi Alice, that sounds like an awesome is on my list of places i want to go/things I want to see list, glad you were able to do it xx

  9. Hello,

    congratulations on your nice trip!!! I am so glad you got that beautiful surprise. I got chills just reading your post!! you are an amazing girl!! I wish you'll be able to do a lot more things that arent even in the list :) good luck for your new traitment. Im praying for you.

  10. Welcome back, Alice! I've missed you, and have been wondering how you got on at Alder Hey. Fingers crossed for next week's visit, we'll all be hoping that your consultant has something else for you to try. Your holiday sounds amazing! I'm so glad you had such a fabulous time. I hope you soon get your body clock back onto G.B time, and rest up before next week. Welcome to your new little puppy - I always wished I'd called my daughter "Poppy", so that will be my vote! Happy 50th Birthday to your Dad. Very best wishes, and thinking of you all, every day, Wendy Ely xx

  11. Whale watching... wow!! So nice to hear you had a great time in Canada, sweetie!

    Answer already the pool, Happy B-day to your daddy.

    Com carinho,

  12. Hi Alice!

    I was so, so excited to see that you got to go to Vancouver Island and see the whales. What a magical experience. I left you a video of my time with the whales - we went to Port McNeil (weird little town) and Telegraph Cove and kayaked from there west. It was awesome and my heart broke for you when you said it wouldn't happen.

    But it did! YAY YOU! xoxo

  13. Hi Alice !
    I'm French and I've been reading your articles for a while now and I'm really glad you have the chance to do everything you wanted and even more ! You're a very inspiring girl and very brave ! I wish you all the best and a happy birthday to your father. Amélie xx

  14. Being Canadian I am so happy that you were able to visit Vancouver and were made to feel so very welcomed. Whistler is one of my favorite places and thank you for saying such nice things about us Canadians. (I like to think we are a kind and friendly peoples) Hope you are feeling well and a very Happy Birthday to your dad...sending big hugs :-)

  15. Brilliant, that was a great read, I particularly liked the phrase 'stupid o' clock' :-)

  16. Hi Dear! I love reading your blog. Looking your last picture you looks little sad or maybe tired. I'm glad to see where you are. xx

  17. Bless your heart, wee girl. I lived in Canada for a year and loved it. The Orca Whales were such a highlight for me too. x.

  18. Wow. I love the idea of seeing Orcas!!! Congrats on the whales and on fulfilling the bucket list.

    I love your blog, too. So pleasant to read.

  19. You were in my old neighbourhood! So glad you got to enjoy it:)

  20. GOD bless you . I learnt about you through my son Dr RD Arora.It is inspirational to read you in your blog .

  21. You are so lucky to have such an amazing family Alice! I love your blog and (am a Nova Scotian in Finland!) am so glad that you were treated wonderfully in Canada and got to see whales!
    What a fantastic dream come true!

  22. Hey Alice - I'm so glad you made it to Canada and had such a positive experience. Yes, we are really nice aren't we - lol. Your parents are a wonder - what a surprise! I loved the facebook pics. There's nothing like a new pup in the house and Mabel can show her the ropes and teach her what she (he) needs to know. Rest up and take care till next time...

  23. Alice, really glad you got to have such an amazing trip.
    I know what you mean about the Olympic tickets - really frustrating. Me and my sister have decided to go to the Paralympics instead, there's still lots of tickets available. Maybe see you there?!?!

  24. Really, really happy you got to whale watch xx

  25. What fabulous news! what a fabulous post!! Brilliant brilliant brilliant and so glad you are powering through your bucket list. Very glad the whales came to see you. People come out to you because you are fabulous and we love you!! xxxx

  26. Wow! You're doing so fantastic hun. Been following you on your adventures through the blogs and all that. You've grown so much with all the experiences, even with the blog writings. Thanks for letting us into your life and sending warm positive vibes your way x

  27. oh!! I am so glad that you got to go whale watching in Vancouver!! I went whale watching in Quebec when I was there last summer.I read your post and I jumped for joy that you were able to see the whales! *hugs*

    Lots of love,


  28. Oh Alice
    I was so over whelmed to read this ( My eyes filled up!!) Well done Girlie, Keep kicking a*rs..
    I love the name poppy for a puppy, I got 2 kittens 2 months ago called them Doctor Evil and Uncle Fester!... I promise to keep fighting if you do...xx Big hugs

  29. So happy you were able to visit Vancouver (My current city!) I'm not surprised people recognized you. If I had seen you I would have said hello as well. What a wonderful surprise from your parents. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Aww that's just amazing! I am so happy you all got to go and had such a great time ^.^


  31. Dear Alice,

    I have been reading your blog for quite some time now, but I couldn't leave a message for you because I did not have any of the profiles to comment with. But.. Now I do! :)
    First of all, I want to let you know that you are certainly a beautiful and inspiring person to me. You have so much strength an positive energy, everytime you post a new story I am glad to hear from you and read all about your adventures.
    How awesome that Milly got to carry the olympic flame! You and your family must be really proud of her. You in an earlier post, I saw that you said that you keep finding things that you really like, but that you don't have much time for that. Dear Alice, please do not worry about that. It is never too late to find things that make you happy.
    And finally.. It must be a great experience to get to go whale watching and fly in a helicopter. WOW! I really the picture where you are flying yourself! :D
    Please keep enjoying the things you do and stay your sparkly, lovely self. I hope to read more about your adventures soon!

    Lots of love,

  32. aww, that's amazing! Looks like you had fun in the helicopter.
    Happy Birthday to your dad!

    P.s I think you should call the puppy 'Poppy' - it's a beautiful name :-) x

  33. hi,
    i'm sorry I didn't know where to write my comment.
    I just wanna tell you that you look very courageous and I wish your wishes to be exhausted, even crazy ones.
    Life can appear unfair to give diseases to nice people whereas monsters are still healthy. Wish you to benefit from time with your family, friends, to explore everything you want and don't forget that thanks to your lovely posts, many people, like me, would never forget you. It makes me think that some of us suffer because of tiny problems, whereas you are so strong even if you're only 16 (and a half !)
    I wish me to become like you, so courageous and strong
    Peace on you,
    you can answer me if you wanna (and if you've the time) on : aly 136 at (spaces and the word "at" are against hacking, of course it has to be replaced by @ !)
    i'm sorry for my bad english,
    love, xoxo,
    alyssa, from france

  34. Just read about your incredible trip to Vancouver to go Whale watching. I am so thrilled for you. Best Wishes.

  35. I just read about your completion of your bucket list here-->

    I'm so happy that you have been blessed with many ppl only get to dream while they exist. You have LIVED your dreams, and that means you are truly LIVING.God bless((HUGS))

  36. Come on young girl! I am a Chinese. A year ago I learned your experience in a English test, and from then on I've tried to visit your blog but it was difficult in China. Now I finally make it! Come on!

  37. Awesome to see that you've completed your bucket list. Lord Jesus be with you.

  38. Alice- I found a link to your blog last night on the today show website. I clicked on it and stayed up until I read every post. You are a phenomenal and inspiring young woman. Your parents must be very proud. I think your story is incredible and an inspiration. Best of luck in all you do.

    Aimee Cain
    New York

  39. A year ago, I learned you in an English test(I'm a Chinese student). From then on I've tried to visit your blog, but it's difficult in China. Now I make it. 加油!

  40. It is really a good news who is suffering from breast cancer.Thank you for giving information on cancer treatment.It is really good and helpful for the people.Keep giving such a valuable information.I will wait for your next post.
    Cancer Support Group

  41. I just finished reading an article about you from ITV news, I am so very happy you have finished your bucket list. What an amazing girl you are Alice with an amazing family. I live in Alberta, Canada so thank you for your lovely words about Canadian people. Hope you did okay at hospital and that a new medication was found that may help you, sending big hugs and many prayers to you and your family.....:-)

  42. Been quietly following for some time. I'm delighted for you that you've gotten to complete your list and that your whale watching trip was so brilliant!

  43. I just happened to came across your blog through search engine, but my heart melts upon reading your posts. I've been complaining about life sometimes, but then, you, is fighting for it. You just made me realize a lot...

  44. Alice, because of you and your courage, I will stop looking over my shoulder and wondering when my cancer will be back. That is a complete waste of whatever time I have left. You have shown me by example that life, each and every second is to be totally used up, rolled around in, stomped on, jumped into with both feet. Thank you dear Alice. You are my inspiration.

  45. Don't give up!

  46. I'm glad you completed your list and that you got to visit Canada! I'm from Vancouver and I think it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. I count myself very lucky to live here. I hope you found some meds that work and I'll continue to check in on you always.


  47. Good to see you on the TV the other day getting your BEM with your sister. Well done for all your hard work and courage. Good luck to Mum and Dad on their adventure too. xx

  48. Alice 加油!
    Uh I'm a sixteen-year-old girl from Taiwan :')

  49. i hope my wishes for you become reality for you.

  50. I have only recently come across your blog and have spent the whole afternoon reading about your adventures and the wonderful things you are doing for people. You are such an inspiration, thank you xx

  51. wow,your such an inspiration to teenagers across the world! your such a wonderful person! xx

  52. Hey. Today I failed to accomplish an entry to my bucket list. I was so depressed for days and googled some other people's list to find how they cope with it and I found yours. This is amazing. This maybe too late but I would like to congratulate you. Thank you for the inspiration. My days were never brighter than this. Thanks

  53. I read your blog and am very happy you had such a spontaneous fun filled holiday! You have already accomplished so many of the things I have on my own bucket list. You should be so proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals. :)
