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25 June 2011

Mug heaven

There was a point when I thought we were never going to get there, but after 3 1/2 hours and three major hold ups, we got to the Emma Bridgewater factory in Stoke. I have been so excited about today, because we've collected Bridgewater pottery for years and to have my own design in production is unbelievable. The mug will be available on the Bridgewater website in around 2 weeks time, supporting the THHN. Stock will be limited and all will bear my signature x
Tired now, bed time, night night x


  1. yay alice ;)

    Its me Adhiti - you've seen me post on your facebook. I love your blog and i love your posts, you're an inspiration and you're a sweetheart.

    I just wanted to say i am from Kenya and when i read your bucket list i felt like so bad. I wish you weren't too sick that you couldn't go to one of the most amazing places in the world. I hope that one day the doctors tell you you are strong enough to travel out of the UK and can go, or even better i realy hope you do get better.


  2. Hi Alice,

    I see Whale Watching is on your to-do list and I hope you get to go. My experience was completely magical. We went kayaking out to the Johnstone Straight (I live in Canada) and camped on the beach. We saw a baby Orca 'practice' hunting salmon and then be shuushed along and hurry'd up by it's pod! A orca came right up to my boat and swam under it. On our last morning, I woke up really early and went to the beach. It was so foggy I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. But I could hear the orcas in the water in front of me. It was one of the most magical experiences of my life and I wish the same for you.

    Here are two links to video, if you care to enjoy!

    Keep blogging. You're awesome and don't let the jerks of the internet hold you back! xo Jocelyn

  3. That's so cool!

    I'm so glad your bucket list is getting ticked off and that good people around you globally are making it happen for you.

    I wish we could see photos of you in action on all your adventures.

  4. Coolio, sure shtick up a link and we'll buy one when they're done.

  5. Fantastic Alice. Glad you had a good day.

  6. Hi Alice!

    That's so exciting about your mug design going in to production! Make sure you let us know when it's available for purchase.

    My cousin is moving into an apartment across the street from his hospital on Monday. He'll be there for a month or so with his wife because he's undergoing a bone marrow transplant. We're really hoping that it kicks out the lymphoma, because the doctors don't know what else to do. So your goal for more bone marrow donors is definitely close to my heart. x

    Good luck with everything!

  7. one of your wishes soething as simple as a back massage? If it is...can you contact me?

  8. Excited to see what your design is! Sleep well, Alice!

  9. Alice,

    That's great news about the mug. Can't wait until we can purchase one and show our support. Congrats on accomplishing that. I'm not sure if you knew this, but Taylor Swift has an unreleased song called "Gracie", which was written about a young girl named Gracie who suffered through bouts of leukemia. Eventually, Gracie overcame to odds and is now cancer free today. Hopefully you will experience a miracle similar to hers. The rare song cannot be found anywhere on the internet, but let me know if you would like to hear it. You could probably relate to it and appreciate it more than just about anyone.

    Kind regards,


  10. Dear Sweet Alice,

    My name in Diane and I live in the States, in a small town named Swansboro, in North Carolina. It is on the Atlantic coast....lots of hurricanes.
    Anyway I just wrote you a long post and lost it!!! I hate when that happens.
    I will repost tomorrow. But I wanted you to know how in awe of you I am. You are incredibly special, talented, creative, and courageous. Swimming with sharks......awesome!!!
    With all my prayers,

  11. I'll be watching the website!!
    I've never seen Bridgewater pottery, so now I'm going to check it out!!
    Wow, Alice, I love watching the bucket list get accomplished!!! I guess I should get working on mine too, eh??
    NB, Canada

  12. How exciting! Do you think we will be able to get them in the US?

  13. Yeah! That is awesome!! Alice, you are amazing! You truly have inspired me! Keep up the good work.
    From- Oregon, USA

  14. Alice That's cool! I am very happy to know that. You are an amazing girl! Kisses Kisses Good Night! Ps. Sorry for my English, I can not speak it very well. kisses

  15. hi Alice, my daughter and I enjoy your blog.

    I just signed up as a bone marrow donor here in the US.

    May all your dreams come true.

    Lucinda and Sara in Texas

  16. Its no nice of you.I am waiting for the stocks.Have a nice time and enjoy your life.

    Web Designer Bahrain

  17. You are an inspiration for me to live each day as i should...with gratitude, compassion, and a smile :) I am also inspired to register as a bone marrow doner.

  18. Can't wait to see this!! Way to go Alice!! :-)

  19. Hope you'll post a picture of the mug, oh and of cause a link to the Bridgewater site?

  20. so glad you have designed your mug. How many has your Mum pre-ordered. lol. I am sure it will look fab and seel out in no time raising even more money. Have a lovely weekend.
    Sheryl Mackenzie

  21. WOW WEE!!!! I Want them all!!!!
    Thank you so much Alice!! xx

  22. Will look at your design-mug :-) !!!
    Keep inspiring people.

    Chris (Belgium)

  23. Will look at your design-mug :)
    You're inspiring people.
    Togehther we can make a difference.

    Chris (Belgium)

  24. Well done you! Can't wait to see the design... boy your list is shrinking.... can we offer you the Photo shoot you haven't had yet? :-) Colleen x

  25. Another one ticked! Can't wait to see your design. Well done. Have a good weekend Alice. xxx

  26. I can't wait to see it :)
    You're an amazing person Alice - keep your chin up :).

  27. thats awesome!!! Glad u had lots of fun doing it!

  28. Hello Alice, glad you enjoyed your trip to Stoke. It's great to hear that you have your own design in production how exciting.

  29. Looking forward to seeing it! Will definatly keep an eye out. xoxo

  30. Morning Alice
    Hope you had a great time yesterday. I'm looking forward to seeing and buying your artwork soon! This means I shall be drinking even more cups of tea! Have a great w/end lovely lady.
    Trina xx

  31. I can't wait to see your design Alice! I have no doubt the mugs will sell out in hours when they are released! Xxx

  32. do you mean that we can buy one???
    wow, I can't wait for it!!!

  33. I can't wait to see it Alice and will look forward to purchasing one :)

  34. That's brilliant news! How exciting to have your own design on the shelves soon. Looking forward to seeing your mug.

  35. Ooooh well done you... can't wait to see you new design and WELL DONE again to you for raising funds and awareness for some amazing charities and services xxx

  36. Good on you Alice hope you had a great day xx looking forward to buying your mug such a good charity

  37. I'll be waiting for it to appear Alice!! Wow! You are getting to achieve so much.... Maybe you can start planning other activities for other people! Aren't you astounded at what you have achieved in such a short space of time!?

  38. Well done, Alice - hope they ship to Australia xx

  39. I'm really looking forward to seeing it, Alice!! Will def purchase it as well, I think your charity choice is fab. a thousand ♥s

  40. Oh-oh-oh-meeeee please. Tell mom she's not allowed to pre order them all either :-)

  41. Hey girl.
    What pleased me is that you finally got to do your own mug. I'll probably buy one of them. =) How are you? feel good. how much you have left on your list now? you should not add a few other things. I think of you girl. Many hugs from Linda Persson from Sweden.

  42. Glad you had such a lovely day, I will have to check the website when they go on, hopefully I can buy one!! :-) xxx

  43. I look forward to seeing them Alice and I bet there will be far more orders than there will be mugs available.....Hope you enjoy your massage and your mum doesn't snore when she is snoozing in the waiting room..x x x

  44. Well done Alice, I'm proud of you hun :-)

  45. Wonderful news, can't wait to see what you've come up with! x

  46. You are amazing!!! A real inspiration!!! :)
    Because of you, my brother an i signed up to be bone marrow donors!!
    All the best form Germany

  47. Ooh how exciting. Can't wait to see the design!! I want pictures ;)

  48. Congrats! Glad you were able to make your mug!!! I'll have to see if they will ship one to the US! Keep hacking away at that list kiddo, I know you can get everything done!!!


  49. Glad you had so much fun, Alice~ I hope I get to buy a mug! xx Molly

  50. I'm planning on buying one of my mum and another for my sister for Christmas. (We are mug addicts and love our tea!) I'm so happy you had a lovely time Alice, take care x x

  51. Hello Alice, it's lovely to meet you and thank you for sharing your
    life and dreams with everyone. I work in a hospital and when I see the patients who are not well enough to look after themselves are confined to their bed and/or have a terminal illness then I know I am blessed to be able to get up in the morning and go about my daily life.....and it's people like you my darling that keeps me humbled and thankful that I am able to. You are such an
    incredibly srong and brave little lady and an inspiration to all who know you.... and will be to those who will come to know you. Bless you wee lassie and I hope you will tick off all that is on your Bucket List

    Love & Light to you

  52. Night gorgeous girl :) x

  53. So thrilled this has worked out for you!!!

  54. Hi Alice, wow that's fantastic, can't wait to see your mug, I bet it's a great design. I'll keep my eye on the Bridgewater website :-) x

  55. Sounds like great fun Alice. Hope you slept well. *hugs*

  56. That's so exciting Alice! I've recently started a blog to try my luck at writing and all that jazz, and I came across yours through a fellow blogger. I have to say, you are INCREDIBLY brave for documenting your journey this way, and sharing it with the world. It's inspiring that you're carrying on with it despite the fact you've been beaten down by bitter people who must have nothing better to do with their days than try to get attention through controversial comments on your site. You are awesome, keep at it! x

  57. Hey Alice! SO excited for you and designing a mug!! I would love to buy one. :) I'm still praying for you... God Bless you and your family. *Hugs* from Lauren in Orlando, Fl.

  58. Pleased you got your mug design done Alice. don't forget to let us know when it is on the website. The cause you have chosen to support is a great one, I know how important a break can be to families of children who are ill. Well done on all the work you are doing for others - you are a special young lady and are part of a fantastic family!

  59. hemp seed oil can cure cancer.
    Start on the hemp seed oil flax oil, COQ10 Enzyme, Laetrile vitamin B17. All these things can save your life

  60. Will definitely be purchasing

  61. Hi Alice,
    What wonderful news about your mug.
    I will try and find the pottery on line.

  62. AW!! how exciting!! congrats!!

  63. Thats so exciting! I love Emma Bridgewater stuff- so jealous you got to design a mug! Cant wait to see what yours looks like!
    keep your chin up- youre so brave
    jx :)

  64. Congratulations on your mug design. Hope it turned out just the way you wanted it to :-)

  65. Alice, I've collected Bridgewater pottery for years, too, and can't wait to order your mug! Because of you, I ordered a bone marrow donor registration kit this week.
    Thank you so much.

  66. That's awesome Alice! I'm glad you're having such a great time completing your list. I hope you have/had a good night's sleep.


  67. That's fantastic. So glad it went well. Can't wait to see the mug.

    LG xx

  68. just caught up on your last few days' blogs Alice - blimey aren't you just having a blast?! Good on you girl, you put a big smile on so many peoples' faces including mine, you're such an inspiration. Continue to enjoy your bucket list. I'm off to see what Angry Birds is all about. ;) xxx

  69. Wow! That is so exciting to design your own mug - hope it sells well.
    Also, hope you are able to tick off lots more items on your bucket list!
    Keep up the fight, xx

  70. Hope you enjoyed your visit to my hometown, and everyone at Emma Bridgewater gave you a great day out (sorry we couldn't lay on a bit of sunshine for you!).


  71. Super ! That must be very funny to have your own mug !

    Tired too ! Good night !
    By the way, I hope you sleep better ?



  72. I know that this is off topic, but I've always wanted to be a bone marrow donor. The only problem is that I'm only 13. I think that it's amazing that your trying to do everything you want to do, because I think that I would be to chicken to go swimming with sharks. You have a lot of guts. Although I wouldn't mind a purple iPad. Sorry I got off topic. I would really like to know more about being a bone marrow donor because if there's a chance of saving someones life, even a slim one, I would love to help.

  73. Hi Alice
    Have you ever had an operation? Cause I need one and I'm a bit worried

  74. Hi Alice :) My name is Tara, and because of your story I am starting the process to become a marrow donor. (I saw you on the news :P) You are truly an inspiration, and I admire your strength and good spirit. I am from the US, 22 years and my sister Colleen is a Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor, and although she's had an extremely difficult trip to recovery, I plan to tell her about your story. I will say many prayers for you and I hope that you have a blast doing all of those things on your bucket list =). I really hope you get better, God Bless.

  75. I just wanted to say that just by being yourself, you have opened the eyes of thousands around the world. We take so much for granted. I wish that I could do something to help you or make you feel better. I'm signing up for a free swab kit here in the U.S. because of you. You are incredibly brave and loved... a true inspiration. I wish you and your family all the best. xo

  76. hey may i ask if you could put your twitter account username on here? i want to follow you, oh yeah follow @iblakejames

  77. That is SO neat Alice!!

  78. Alice, I can't wait to see your mug, how amazing. I hope you slept well when you signed off. Again, thank you for this blog.

    Aroha nui from NZ (Maori for: plentiful/nui, love or affection/aroha).

  79. Hi Alice, again it is Dev, Indian, but settled in Frankfurt for last two years..wish you the very best..Keep fighting..very inspirational for me

  80. Hi Alice,
    You are such an inspiration to me and my family. I lost an uncle to leukemia, and I see his ability to still love his life in you. I am so happy that you had fun and are doing the things you love. I look forward to seeing the mug!

  81. Alice,
    Oh, I so want one of your mugs! Can't wait to see what they look like, and I really hope I can get one. That was a very cool wish, and I'm really glad you got to do it.
    I know a girl who got a wish from the Make-a-Wish foundation when she was little and went through a similar situation (she had to get a bone marrow transplant, and she is fine now). Her wish was to meet a famous country singer. It was really cool, and she still treasures that experience.
    I'm going to put an advert on my blog sidebar for Bone Marrow Registry. This really does need more attention. Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the public, Alice. You're a blessing from God, and your and your families work is going to save so many people. It's like a stone dropped in water; the ripples are going to be very far reaching.

    God bless you and your.
    With prayers and well wishes,

  82. Cant wait to see the Mug Alice! If its even half as amazing as you are it will be a best seller Im sure!!

  83. Hi Alice
    You have been very active just lately haven't you. Its great to see so many of you wishes come true.
    I think your mug design is great and i have just ordered one. I am hoping to start a new job soon so your mug will take pride of place on my desk and will keep me going with tea and coffee all day and every time I have a drink from it i can smile and think of you and your wonderful family.

    God Bless

    Roger xx

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