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22 June 2011

Doodle jump and Angry Birds ...

Oh wow, I am having so much fun with this ipad I can't believe it.  I have started buying some of the games (oops mum will be reading and it's her itunes account) and I'm getting quite hooked on Angry Birds.  Every time I almost get it but not quite and then I just have to have another go!  I'm not that good at Doodle Jump yet, it's taken me ages to figure out that the thing jumps off the side but comes back on again. I keep missing it and die, more practise needed.
I'm also having so much fun using all the camera bits and I keep getting unsuspecting people to pose for me, which makes it even funnier because they don't know ;)
Today wasn't my best day :( I can't get to sleep at night and then by morning I'm so tired that I could sleep all day.  So I didn't even get up until 2 today, how bad is that.  But once I was up I went to see my neighbour Adrian (he bought me my ipad) at his work and I wandered around and said hello to all the staff there.  I even got David to play Doodle Jump but he was about as good as my mum which is not good lol. Then we went for a drive around and went out for some tea because mum hasn't been shopping for about a year. 
Tomorrow is the first of my massage and treat days and I can't wait for that.  My skin is all dry and a bit of a mess really so I hope that I feel a bit nicer afterwards.  Mum is going with me and I think she is planning to sleep in the waiting room for an hour lol. 
Please don't forget to keep asking everyone you know to go and join the bone marrow register in your country.  Somewhere out there, is a young lad in his 20s who, a year ago, was told he was a match for a child in the UK.  Whoever you are, thank you for been willing to save me x


  1. Angry birds is my favorite!!! Make sure to get "andry birds seasons" and "angry birds rio" too :)

    You make me smile! keep your head up. so glad your dreams are coming true. You deserve it.

  2. keep positive Alice! sounds like you're having a fab time on your ipad, Angry Birds is so frustrating and Doodle Jump gets easier, but becomes totally addictive!! i'm glad you're having an exciting time at the moment and don't worry about sleep, you've got too many exciting things to be doing to worry about that! ;) glad things are sunny with you! :)

    lots of love,

    Kat xxx

  3. You're such a cool person :-)

  4. I'm actually not a friend of posting my link everywhere. But If you are really interessted in iPhone- and of course iPad-Games, come to my blog and see all the Apps and Games there: It is in German but with Google Translate it shouldn't be a problem to read for you. I can even translate one or the other for you, if you wish to.

    Have a great day and night... :)

  5. Ahhhh HOOYAH! (That's the noise we make whenever we play or imitate Angry birds). Can you post the link and promo code for the US bone marrow registry for people to register? I've lost it. I want to post it to my Facebook page. Even though I'm already registered, I will keep goading others to join too!

  6. Keep doing what you're doing! My father passed last week after a two year battle with melanoma and it makes me so very happy to see someone else out there with his positive outlook! Good luck with finishing everything on your list and just know that you are inspiring others. God bless!

  7. Am happy you have sorted your massage wish..if they give you oils to massage into your skin..accept the masseur will have tailored them for you.

  8. U are such a strong young lady!! And dont put pressure on yourself for getting out of bed early. If you get out of bed at 2pm, thats fine. If you get out of bed at 4pm, thats fine too. Listen to your body and sleep when you need to

    i LOVE angry birds! Its so addictive!!!!!!

    Enjoy your massage :)

  9. You are amazing! My daughter Audrey is newly 16 and I can't imagine going through what you are going through. Does your Mom have a blog too? I love to write and I believe that writing can be very cathartic, both for the writer, but also for the reader. As Dory would say "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming".....

  10. eeeeeeey alice, just thought to say, my mam said i knew you we use to dance together when we where younger i have a picture with you in are outfits!;-) i think your so amazing and brave! and i love your blog x love becca xox

  11. Alice keep going, dont scary. We are with you. You are the winner.

    Spyros T.

  12. You are such an inspiration! Fun to read and see all your dreams coming true. I tried to set up a massage for you and your mom but not sure it went through or is happening yet. They said they have been in touch with you. I hope so!

  13. I'm so happy to hear that you're having fun with your ipad and that you're getting to have 'treat' days!

    I tried to sign up to be a marrow donor, but I'm not allowed, which is a big boo, but I've been asking all my friends and anyone who will listen to me to sign up!

    Keep your chin up, you're a huge inspiration!

  14. Just soak in all the love and positive energy being sent your way. You have united so many people by simply asking them to "help". To look outside their little world and realize they could save a life. You are amazing and I hope you have fun and enjoy every single second and ounce of fun. Experience every single thing you can and cherish it and most of all--keep you family and friends close.

  15. I have never played angry birds but I heard that it is a fun game to play :) Enjoy!!!

  16. lovely post..

  17. just an observation. I know you have good reasons but taking away the anonymous login must be taking away a lot of good comments that people want to write on your blog. the gmail login does not work too well and honestly the wordpress login is a little bit tricky..

    Always, wish you the very best, have fun and keep smiling...!!!!!!!!!

  18. Doodle jump is quite a addicting game when you get the hang of almost tossing the device out of your hands. :)

  19. oooh first post! Morning Alice, I've just finished work & seen your post. I was going to suggest Angry Birds & Doodle Jump. Tiny Wings & Peggle are addictive too :-) & I quite like Zombie Farm (not scary just funny). I'm so glad you're getting your list ticked off. Can't wait to see your Emma Bridgewater design. x

  20. If you are still looking for more games to try, I think you'd love Plants vs Zombies. :)

  21. I'd recommend FallDown!, Doodle Find, Papijump, Paper Toss, NinJump, the Sonic games, Super Monkey Ball 2, Pictureka, Pig Shot, iLigretto, TrainConductor, Oven Break & Fling :)

  22. It sounds like you're mastering Doodle Jump, good for you! You are such a little force of energy. I have a daughter a little younger than you are and she loves the cupcake and the pizza making APPS sometimes I must admit I play with her and it's quite fun. You should check them out.
    Tomorrow sounds like it will be fun. You will be glowing and relaxed and I bet you will sleep well after a massage.
    You stay you sweet thing. You are a beacon for the us all.
    And BTW I disagree with the person saying taking away the anonymous logins is a problem. I think it's genius and every website should do it. My feeling is if you want to say something and you can't attach your name to it it should not be said. Period. That's that. And three cheers for Alice!

  23. Enjoy your massage! I enjoy your blog.

  24. Hi Alice, I just wanted you to know that you inspired me to register as a bone marrow donor tonight and I will try to get as many other people as I can to do so as well. You are making a difference. Keep having fun with your ipad and enjoy your massage.
    Nancy (Bethesda Maryland USA)

  25. Just found your blog - what an inspirational idea! And I love Angry Birds :) Did you know that you can get it for free as a Google Chrome extension? That way you can play on your computer and it'll be easier on the wallet. Stay positive!

  26. Me and my 5 year old love angry birds! Also myself, my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend are in the bone marrow registry. :)

  27. Gotta agree with the people who say "Angry Birds". It will keep you busy and entertained :)

    I am so proud of you and so impressed with your spirit. You are such an inspiration!

  28. I so enjoy stopping by and finding out how you're doing...your an incredible story teller! I admire the words you choose to describe all that you are doing and the people in you life. I have two little girls 3 & 6 oh my the joy that fills my heart; I am so proud of them...I can only imagine how proud your parents are of you ~they are obviously doing something right. I can only hope (and I believe in them!) that they will have your thoughtfulness, compassion, generosity, wit and to be able to put words together so well.

    I am so grateful to have come across your blog! Wishing you and your family lots of peace and comfort. I created a button on my blog that links people to the bone marrow registry. @

  29. angry weird birds :D its my first time to write a comment in your blog, but its very interesting reading stuff like this. i hope you'll read my blog and leave some comment too..
    try playing something different with your gadget:D (try playing HoN its great)

  30. Hey hunn!! I just heard about your story. I just wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration to many all around the world. You are definitely making a huge difference!!! Thank you for that!!! I'm glad that you are having fun with your ipad! I know my niece and nephew can't get enough of theirs! lol! If you still want suggestions, the moron test and cut the rope are quite entertaining! I also wanted to let you know that I just joined the national marrow donor program here in the US. If I can help anyone I would be soo happy to do so! I wish you all the best! Keep up the positive attitude! My prayers are with you!!!

  31. I'm completely amazed by your courage and way of living your life! You are completely adorable and lovely, I wish you the best Alice. Hope you keep enjoying every single moment and if I can help you with something from here (Chile), please let me know!! Kisses from Chile!

  32. Hi Alice,
    I hope your massage and treatment day goes well for you. You are a Soldier. God Bless you and your Family

    Craig H

  33. I've been having some hard days, and today I randomly found your blog...I am ashamed of myself! You give me so much hope and make me realize how amazing life is. I am SO scared oh hospitals and needles (haha always have) but after posting this I'm finding a place where I can donate bone marrow in my city (Monterrey, Mexico). You are an example to all of us! You are changing lives! Congratulations to your mom on raising such an amazing child, and to yourself on being what the world needs right now. :)

  34. Hello dear Alice !

    I think you can't go sleeping because you're living such interesting and exciting moments in your life, and you're not used to...

    Keep cool !

    I'm sure you'll have the time to realise all your dreams.
    You don't need to stay awake 24h per day...

    A lot of love for you and your family

    Jean-luc (France)

    PS : Do you read your mails ?

  35. I love the "DONE" to show what you've ticked off! I had thought you'd done the cinema party - I saw a photo of you in a cinema with some friends (maybe when you were on the news? I can't remember where) but that's not ticked off... will you get to do it again? That would be cool!
    My spit pot for Anthony Nolan arrived a few days ago, will be sending it off soon! As a result I'm trying to summon up the guts (pathetic I know) to go and give blood again.
    Hope you get some good sleep soon, back massage is really helpful for that. Also, it was mental health awareness week a few weeks ago, and the focus of their campaign this year was good sleep. They made some free podcasts available to help people relax and sleep. Not everyone's cup of tea but I really like them, I keep falling asleep before they're finished! Do you have some stuff from your spiritual healing that you can do on your own to help you relax and sleep...?

    Anyway this is the podcast link: or google mental health week or something like that. I've used the "Wellbeing and sleep" ones.

    Sending you lots of good wishes, enjoy your next treats, Rosie

  36. Hi :) Nice blog you got there, I was wonderin if we could be friends and follow each others blogs? ^__^ Thank youuuu.~

  37. hope your feeling better and so glad your having a good time with things! your a very brave little girl.
    angry birds is great but im useless at it lol.
    ipad sounds great. hope you feel better after massage x

  38. You`re really inspiring. We learn every day with you. Your blog is a proof of what people can do with the worst circunstances.
    Enjoy your massage!
    I`m praying for you here in Brazil!

  39. Hello Alice! :)
    Have a nice day! :D

    kisses from Brazil ^^

  40. Alice, reading your posts on the great time you are having is just putting one huge smile on my face but I'm sure your smiles are even bigger! Carry on enjoying your treats, I look forward to seeing your Emma Bridgewater mug design which will be added to my collection of Emma Bridgewater lurcher mugs. You are one very brave young lady and I am sure your family and friends must be so very proud of you.

  41. Hi Alice,
    I read your story in a magazine, I was very touched!
    I wanted to help you help, but living in France ... I can help in sending you messages. I will try to send you every day!
    I make you lots of kisses

    Lauriane in France

  42. I don't know a lot about Ipad games, but I do know you are an amazing young woman. You have a lot of people praying for you across the Atlantic, and I am proud to be one. Your smile is catching...Have you noticed when you look at someone who looks mad or sad, the corners of their mouth turn up when you smile? All the very best to you and your family, Alice.

  43. I'm glad that so much is going so well for you... I wanted to share another inspiring story with you and your followers.
    If you want to take a look, please do. And please share this if you are inclined. We are only looking to share our story as well. Thanks much love

  44. The american bone marrow

    Alice-thanks for all the smiles, keep your head up...stay smiling and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :D

    PS: On the note of angry birds...i saw a news story called angry birds where these robins were attacking people because they were sitting too close to their

  45. Hi Alice
    Love coming back from work and reading your blog with a cup of tea. Hope you have a lovely, lovely day designing your mug. Keep strong lovely lady. Love and light. xx

  46. Hi Alice! Love your blog, and will be sure to register as a donor... Well, really happy you've got your iPad! I love mine! Well, Angry Bird is really great, and I think it has to be my favourite app... What about "rat on a skateboard"... I am addicted to it!
    My apps are mostly for small children, so my 3 year old can play. Same for my videos. :) don't think you would like those... :)
    All the best,

  47. Hi Alice,
    I'm so glad you got your iPad! I've gotten hooked on Tetras and Words with Friends (nerdy scrabble game you can play with your friends!) Enjoy it :)

  48. I am a new to reading your blog, and I just want to tell you what an inspiration you are. I send my prayers and blessing all the way from California, USA. God bless you,

  49. I cannot express how refreshing it is to read the words of such a lovely person amid the sea of vain opinions and arguments and other nastiness. Perhaps america is just a screwed-up place, but your presence is really transcendent and gives us something to reference--a solid, safe place to hold on and enjoy a breath of air without the otherwise constant scrutiny of our worries and fears.
    Everyone I know here in Nevada hold you, in as much as we can a nearly total stranger( :) ), in the softest part of our hearts. May your enduring positivity shine through any dark barrier and the pains of life retreat from your path.
    Love, truly

  50. Hi Alice
    Been trying to comment for days but the site just won't let me :¬( Hope it works now.
    I think maybe you might be ever so slightly addicted to your ipad?! No wonder you can't sleep....when you have all those games and apps to play with!
    I hope you've had a good day and I can't wait to see your Emma Bridgewater design.

  51. Try Godfinger, it's really cute and fun. Smurfs is like farmville but way cuter cus the smurfs are in it. <3 LOVE FROM CANADA

  52. Hi, Alice!

    I hope you have a lovely Spa Day and feel like a total princess! And I hope you have many, many more "best days ever" ahead!

    Hugs from near Cape Cod, Mass in the US
    Amy C

  53. Hi Alice, I've been on the bone marrow register since I was 19, I hope I can help someone some day. It's a cause I've supported for a long time and will continue to do so until they find a cure! Don't worry, we're flying the flag down here in the south. Px

    (PS you can never beat pacman for a classic game!) ;)

  54. ahh angry birds - totally my favorite. Hang in there doll!

  55. Try Fruit Ninja :/ That's REALLY addictive but a lot of fun! The idea is to cut the fruit in half... enjoy!

  56. love, hugs and smiles from Belgium... thank you so much for sharing a little part of your life... you are a beautiful person

  57. Good to hear you're having fun with your iPad! I've played Doodle Jump on a friend's iPhone, and I found it kind of difficult as well, but mostly because his iPhone was a little older and the touch-screen wasn't picking up my fingers. :P Enjoy your massage! I'm sure it'll really relieve any tension you might have, and it'll probably feel great, too.

    I don't sleep very well at night, myself, because I'm a dreadful insomniac. I'm not sure if sleep aids would interfere in anyway with the other medical stuff you've got to deal with, but my doctor suggested Melatonin for me, which is a sleep aid that is a naturally-occurring hormone. Taking it about thirty minute to one hour before you want to go to sleep usually helps. My doctor recommended it as it doesn't interfere with the other medications I take in any way. Not sure if this will help or not, but it doesn't hurt to ask, I guess. Just remember to check with your mum and your doctor(s) before trying anything, but you know that. I hope it's okay to tell you about it. Just thought I'd share something that helped me.

    Take care and stay strong!

    ~ Kira ~

  58. Hello! I found your blog via CNN and I just wanted to say I love your blog and the message you're sending to the entire world! Also! I have loads of trouble with angry birds too! >:[ good luck with all those games, they sound like a blast!

    Sending loads of love from Hawaii!

  59. I look forward to reading your posts, they truly brighten my days. Just wanted to say hello from Alaska! Hope you enjoy your massage. Also, I sent in my swabs for my bone marrow registry today, just because of you and your bucket list. Tamera (Alaska Nurse)

  60. I am addicted to angry birds, I have the regular one, angry birds seasons and angry birds rio keeps me company at night to, that and plants vs. Zombies (so fun) I read the post about swimming with sharks, thats so cool, I love sharks, truly fascinated by them, they are so beautiful :) I am so glad you got to experience that :) and me and my family registered to be a marrow donor

  61. glad you mentioned that special person who was willing to save you - that's all it takes - nearly everyone has the potential to help save a life if they knew it -
    Have fun x

  62. big pyney!! :D heheh those games are mega addictive!! :D hehe lol you will be attached before you know it, wont be able to drag yourself away :D i love you lots and lots! and btw you need your sleep, you can not do a me and go without, you ned your average 9 hours a night minimum! <3 xx

  63. Wow! You are just so brave and a big inspiration! My cousin had cancer once and after a while, he became perfectly healthy!! I wish you the best of luck Alice!(:

  64. You have inspired me to sign up to be a bone marrow donor in South Africa : )
    Thank you!
    Raw food does wonders, keep strong you are inspiring many : )

  65. i agree with all the comments saying this is a lovely post - it certainly made me smile!

    glad you're enjoying all your fantastic treats, you truly deserve it.

    i've signed up to the blood donor registry with the intention of donating and then taking the step towards becoming a bone marrow donor. i'm terrified of needles, but it seems like the very least i can do.

  66. Just came upon your site while looking through blogger's "blogs of note" section. Love your spirit! Good luck on the Angry Birds, btw. I have yet to get past level 9-ish. Enjoy your massage and I'm looking forward to your next post :)

  67. Hello, I'm here again!
    I love Angry Birds. It's so funny, but it has 1 stage that i don't know how to pass, but this game is great! Have fun with it :)

  68. Hi from Down Under!
    I have just been explaining your situation to my 10 year old daughter and we'll be following your journey as you complete your list. I'm also going to look into signing up as a bone marrow donor.
    Clare + Caitlin from Perth, West Oz

  69. Have some wicked fun on your pamper day Alice. Hope they treat you like a princess, every girl deserves a bit of fussing :o)

    I am enjoying reading about your adventures tremendously, and it's giving me some much needed strength too. Keep on rollin'!


  70. OMG yes, Plants -vs- Zombies! It will keep you so entertained! In fact, I'm going to go play it right now!

    Keep your chin up. You're such an inspiration.

  71. Oi Alice! Adorei o seu Blog e principalmente a sua ambição por querer viver intensamente e feliz (temos isso em comum). Adorei seu jeito de escrever e te desejo tudo de melhor. Estou torcendo para que você fique bem e se recupere, mesmo estando com câncer terminal, pois já li várias histórias de pessoas que se recuperaram e acredito que você será mais uma destas pessoas vencedoras. Já estou te seguindo, e caso queira me seguir, meu link é: Beijos e até mais.

  72. OMG! I LOVE Angry Birds!Haha, I hope your sleeping schedule gets fixed!

  73. Hi my name is Ximena, its hard to say when its written out.
    i have two games that i think are really fun to play
    -Cut the Rope
    -Traffic Rush

  74. Alice, I meant to mention in my last comment, but totally forgot, a virtual reality program for when you can't sleep. Second Life is what it's called. Try it out, see if you like it.

  75. Interesting blog you got here my friend!

    Are you a Zunist?

  76. Plants vs Zombies is my's so easily addictive, though! And I just want to say that you are an amazing person..I'm 14, just a year younger than you and I could not imagine having to go through all of this while keeping such a positive outlook on are inspiring to everybody who has a heart and you will truly live forever in people's hearts, some of them whom you didn't even know.

  77. Alice, I love reading your blog; you're such a beautiful and positive person, not to mention a really great writer! I hope you enjoyed your massage and have fun designing for Emma Bridgewater :)

  78. This songs reminds me of you for some reason:


  80. Alice, congratulations on all of the things that are getting DONE on your list. I hope that you are able to get everything done and more. I second the Plants vs. Zombies recommendations. Great game. Take care!

  81. So glad you're accomplishing so much from your list!!! It's so wonderful that so many people want to help you and your family in these ways!!

  82. I couldn't get the hang of Doodlejump at all! But I'm an Angry Birds addict...try Coin Drop too!

    Enjoy your massage. :-) xx

  83. Alice love you are so inspiring, the dog show looked great fun and Mabel is gorgeous. we are all sending lots of hugs and smiles from sunny kendal xxx

  84. Hi Alice, it's lovely to see in our cynical society that one amazing fifteen year old can write a few simple lines, and make a huge impression on the world, and me. Surely a special guardian angel is caring for you, and is now an expert on iPad :D

  85. Hi again Alice! I was pondering whilst cooking the dumplings this morning (great :/) and its just a thought... years ago I did a lot of cartoons n stuff for kids, kinda as a job. anyhoo am looking for an excuse not to be in the kitchen so was wondering if you and mabel would be interested in putting a book together. all your ideas i just do the drawings would be good fun and you can sell them for donor charity. let me know and will post some stuff, cathy n simon know me just for mum :)

  86. Dear Alice,
    You will be an inspiration to be for the rest of my life. I have been following your story since you began trending on Twitter. I will tell your story to others as a lesson of how to persevere in the face of adversity. You are amazing keep fighting and beat that damned cancer!

  87. Hi Alice,
    I really admire you and your spirit. Well done, and keep smiling.
    From a friend, saffie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  88. Oh NO... Alice how could you? I've already got an addiction to Angry Birds on my iPhone and now I'm going to have to investigate DoodleJump on the iPad... ;-) I'll probably be rubbish at it but like you say.. practice is the key!

    Enjoy your pampering day tomorrow... and allow yourself to drift off for a snooze if you feel like it during the treatment - some of my best snoozes are whilst I'm being pampered!

    Big hugs xx

  89. Keep fighting and have hope. I'm not old enough to donate yet ;( in 2 years on my birthday Ill sign up though.

  90. this is a first blog i am following because you are a awesome personw whom i wish to meet

  91. I just finished my bone marrow registration. I hope one day I'm lucky enough to be able to help a sweet girl like you!

  92. I had my first go on Angry Birds this morning as my 2 yr old daughter was playing with her daddie's Ipad and I think I might just be hooked !!!!
    Glad you got your Ipad :) :)
    Take care
    Michelle (chelsea's angels) x

  93. I love checking in with the happy girl who is you.
    Thinking of you daily.
    I will pass along to people I know to register to be a donor. I have a disease that inhibits me from doing so, but I have a mouth and can tell people who can!
    Keep smiling!

  94. i tried to sign up to be a bone marrow donor but i'm unable to due to a blood condition :( i wish i could!

  95. Hi Alice,

    I just wanted to let you know that you are a true inspiration. After reading your story several weeks ago I went straight to the bone marrow website to register to become a donor. Thank you for giving me the courage to do something I've always wanted to. I hope I'll be able to save someone's life one day and I have you to thank for that! Stay strong, stay positive and God Bless.

  96. Alice,

    You are truly an inspiration to me and my boys. My 15yr old son and I have been following your blog since we first saw it on twitter and have been praying for you and your family. I teared up a bit when I saw the outpouring of well wishers and people donating to your bucketlist. I have tried to donate to my local bone marrow facility, but because I have chronic back problems, I was rejected as a donor. I have talked with many friends and family and asked on your behalf, to sign up to become a donor.

    You may be just one young woman, but your determination has moved more than one mountain. Keep your head up and keep smiling, nothing is ever over until you say it is.

    Keep God on your side, because He is the Great Physician and miracles are His business.

    God bless and prayers from Las Vegas, NV USA!

  97. Hey so I just came across your blog today. So cool!
    You seem like such a neat person, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts! I really hope you get to accomplish as much as you can on your bucket list! Looks like fun (:
    I also wanted to add that a huge group of my friends participate in American Cancer Society's Relay for life each summer, and our next one is coming up soon! We are raising a bunch of money, and I hope this helps out with your cause too!
    Best wishes (:

  98. Hi Alice,

    It's good to hear that you're staying positive and happy even though you haven't been sleeping well. The iPad sounds like a load of fun!

    Good luck with everything!

  99. I love angry birds!

  100. I like the blog you have here and I think it's a brave thing you've done. Angry Birds is an amazing game. I have a Coby Kyros android tablet and play angry birds Rio a lot...i like all the versions. i even have a canary key chain. the key is to use the specials a lot, especially the bluebird. when you tap the screen 3 blue birds kamakaze those piggys. and let the blackbird explode on his own when he lands.
    keep up what your doing...what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger...and this blog makes you and other people stronger. I have petit mal epilepsy and don't know if i could put myself out like that...but i'm honored to comment and read about someone who is.

  101. 我好喜歡妳喔,因為妳,我也寫了自己的部落格。關於Angry Birds在TAIMAN也很受歡迎,到處都可以看見Angry Birds的卡通圖案。

  102. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to sign up for the register (I have Crohn's disease which is on the list :-( I really wanted to as well because your story really touched me and made me feel that whatever us going on in life you should smile and your gorgeous smile is testament to that!!!!! I have manage to convince my brother and other half (21 and 29) to sign up and we are now waiting to hear. Everyday you make me smile and you are seriously lovely!!
    Always thinking of you living your dreams.
    Ps get pic-n-stix I have it on iPhone and it's addictive!!!!!

  103. Try Tiny Wings! Maybe check out my friend's blog at

    All best,

  104. Nice that you like the iPad :) Angry birds is awesome!

    Nice to see you inn media and see that you tick things of the bucket list :)

    God bless you

    Hugs and love, David

  105. I found you with no trouble!

    Can you download TV shows to your iPad in the UK? It's a great feature. Great picture too.

  106. UGH!!! Angry Birds! Dear God, why did someone come up with that game??? To torture us?!?!
    .........I love it too. Haven't tried Doodle Jump yet.

    LOVE YA KID!!!!

  107. Dear little girl, we love you and praying for you....a long life..god bless you....

  108. Hi, love your blog! thought maybe you would like another game my kids enjoy on my ipad, it is smack gugl ~ and if your a word girl would love to play words with friends with you..

  109. Hola ten mucha fortaleza confía en DIOS todo va a estar bien primeramente DIOS tu erez una chica muy fuerte Cuidate mis horaciones de mi parte aunque no te conozca se que erez valiente y vas a salir adelante ante todo saludos Pidele a DIOS el es el Camino ala verdad confia en el♥
