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28 November 2012


PLEASE HELP ME! Mum and me have been driving around looking for an unlocked wifi signal cos my phone internet isn't strong enough to update my blog!

Today from 5pm until 7pm PLEASE PLEASE tweet the following with the hashtag #OneLifeLiveIt (be careful not to do One Live - Life it cos that doesn't make sense!

So, what you need to tweet is :

PLEASE help @Alice_Pyne save lives by tweeting #OneLifeLiveIt with a link to her bucket list & blog 

I'm trying to get everyone to tweet it to raise awareness of my blog and my number one wish of getting everyone to join bone marrow registers AROUND THE WORLD.

I came up with the #OneLifeLiveIt quite a bit ago, cos of my best friend at hospital, Oliver Parr. Olli lost his fight last year but we used to have so much fun and when I was thinking of a motto for living life to the full, I thought of all the giggles we used to have together.

So if this trends today, it's for Olli and I hope that we get loads more people onto the bone marrow registers and save others from dying.
Alice x


  1. I love your determination kid, U fight the Tides of life & just keep on swimming.. The social media is a great way to make people aware of how to help.U use it wisely grasshopper,,ha,,
    In america Mcdonalds restaurant has free wifi?? Hope U get home soon,,UR naughty friend,,Tony D

  2. I recently became a bone marrow donor when I attended the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society Light the night walk in honor og my grandfather who passed. But If I hadnt, this sure wouldve made me as well!! god bless! your doing a wonderful thing!

  3. Alice you are so brilliant. Your spirit is so contagious and I'm sure everybody will agree when I say that your positivity and sparkle is inspiring! I would really like to get myself on the bone marrow register and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have thought about it. Would you mind helping me do it? I'm not sure how... Love Nikki xxx

  4. Did the tweet! Really hope it goes viral as you wish. I did sign up to the bone marrow register over here in Ireland back when I was 18 at college and gave blood, but I never got a match to anyone, which I really would have liked to. I'm 40 now, so I think it's pretty much too late, as they now prefer younger donors more than ever!

    I very much admire the campaign you are running, and all the many donors you have signed up. Best of luck, I really hope you can get all the people possible onto the register.

    (Can't be ALL, I know, lots are too old like me, and then there are religious nutters too, as if there could be a so-called caring deity who would rather see young people die than that they donate some body fluids!)

    Anyway, all the best of luck with your campaign *hugs* You are a true inspiration for young people.

  5. Alice,this is the fist time i read your blog.You're amazing.
    I'm from Viet Nam.In here, we know about your story and your Bucket List.You're the inspiration for me and my friends.
    Some of my friend want to make a Bucket List like you and they did.
    I have some "Bucket List" but i'm not serious about it...I look at myself after i read about you.and i think i gonna change...
    Thank you so much and wish you the best, brave girl.

  6. hi Alice hope you are well.that's so kind of you to call it olli after my nephew Oliver Parr.he is such a beautiful boy.keep up the hard work Bryan Parr xxx

  7. I sympathy happened to you.
    I loved you blog and style, Beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing .From: Fat Loss Factor Review
    By Derick lew

  8. Very inspirational blog. I wish you all the best.

  9. i like your smile. also tweeted what you said. nice blog. you are like a celebrity for others.

  10. Like Mo, above, I'm another 40 something living in Ireland. I agree with you that everyone should have a bucket list, Alice and I THINK YOU ARE SO wonderful to document your time as you are doing. You are an amazing inspiration to everyone. I see that you want to buy a static caravan for your charity. that sounds cool. I've goten interested in people making homes out of shipping containers - A Dublin designer has created a prototype called the Mypad, which costs about 18000 eur. She recycled a used shipping container into a holiday home. charities in The US also use shipping containers. One called PFNC provides affordable homes to shanty communities in mexico for less than Eur 2000. So maybe that would be another way to make that dream happen. I've written a bit more about how I'd like to re-develop a shipping container in our community on my blog.

  11. U honor & respect Olli the greatest of all by just being his friend,, and reaching nine million people is proof of your love 4 him. I hope U realize how many people honor & respect U just the same. Nice work kid, I hope U feel all the PMA comming ur way. PS thank you for the pic of the bauble,, that was really special 2,,naughty me.

  12. Hi Alice! I know you've been fighting cancer since 5 years and i know you're gonna win, Jesus is with you! Just believe and have faith, everything's gonna be alright! i'll keep you in my prayers! Just read the Bible and pray to Jesus! He will surely change your life! :D

  13. Oh!Am just seeing this.U have touched many lives and have done what many people cannot do.

    Rest in peace dear. May God console your family and friends.

  14. Wow! It's awesome blog post here.... really very interesting for reading.....
