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10 April 2012

Sorry again!

Sorry, i know I've been ages updating. I meant to do it every week and then I had a bad couple of weeks and then I've been sleeping lots and just busy here and there.  So sorry and here goes.
We went to the 'Love Barrow' awards and it was so nice to be out and I actually felt really well. Me and Milly had new dresses and my best friend Sammi came to support me. I was really nervous and hoping that I hadn't won anything so that I wouldn't have to go on the stage. I was really surprised when I won the 'Courage award' and Darren from Bay Radio gave me my award. We had to wait a long time for Milly's category but after they showed all the videos of the nominees, I was so happy when she was called out as the winner of the 'Young Citizen award'. She looked about 16 in her heels and didn't mind saying a few words. Well done Milly, I'm proud of you and thank you to John and everyone who organised the awards, they were amazing x

We went down to Crufts the very next day and although it was really tiring, it was so amazing just to be there. I really wanted the Newfoundland or the Borzoi to win cos I like big dogs.
The Company of Animals gave me a load of toys for Mabel and she is having so much fun playing with the Treat Maze. She was a bit naughty and ate the frisbee on the first day so I didn't manage to play with that properly. Thank you to you all and sorry about #NaughtyMabel.
Talking of Mabel, a lovely lady on Twitter sent Mabel a Little Pooches doggy hamper with doggy biscuits and 'Pup-Cakes' with Mabel iced on them. I'll try to put photos on here but thank you, Mabel loved it and she shared a bit with Bess.  Tony, a nice man who has supported me for a long time, sent me some lovely pieces of jewellery and I especially loved the St Christopher.

I was then back in Alder Hey for a few bits and it was really funny cos everyone looking after me was diabetic and for the first time ever, there wasn't any hassle with me having a pump. Milly got to do some shopping in Liverpool and managed to get almost a new wardrobe. Then we went to Center Parcs for a mini break and we had a lodge with a hot tub and it felt so nice to be in the water. I haven't been properly in the water for over 4 years so it was bliss. Dad was going to get me one until we found out how much they are lol. Even without a hot tub, it's so nice to be able to lay flat in the bath.

I did some filming with the BBC for the Rotary Club Young Citizen Awards. It's really nice because I've won jointly with a friend from Alder Hey, Hannah and we're going to collect our awards together this Saturday. I'm a bit nervous about it cos it's on live television and I don't like being filmed. I get really nervous so I'm just hoping that I can say thank you, smile and run lol.
So this weekend, I'm down in Bournemouth and we're staying in The Suncliff Hotel which I hope is nice. I'm going to pretend is Spain or something lol! The awards are on Saturday and I think that they are shown on BBC at 11am or 11.30 or something like that.

The LEJOG cyclists are off to Lands End to start their ride next Thursday. They have got to cycle almost 1,000 miles which just seems impossible. You can read their blog here.
We are officially launching our charity on Tuesday 24th April, at Booths in Ulverston. The LEJOG cyclists will be arriving at about 4 o clock, before heading onto Scotland the following morning. I'm hoping to get there and would love to meet as many of you as can make it.
I'll be in trouble if I don't add the link to our Kilimanjaro challenge which my mum is attempting. Click HERE to see the team so far and sponsor them.

I promise that I will try to update much sooner next time!


  1. aw wow it looks like your having fun times!xxx hope you are getting better and better alice x

  2. You go girl. Don't apologise for having no time to blog. Even though I do check all the time and am disappointed when you haven't! You sound really happy. You are an inspiration to us all. Your inner strength amazes me. You take care Alice. xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Bizzy lizzy

  3. I have been following your post for sometime. I am happy to hear about all the wonderful things you are experiencing. Your dog must be very cute!

  4. You've been so busy! Well done to you, Hannah & Milly on your awards! Hope you have a great time at the hotel, I'm sure it'll be lovely :) Take care x

  5. No needs to apologise - even we missing the posts. I saw the video of BBC and you're so shy! It was the first time I heard you!

    Have a great weekend and congratulations for the awards :)

    Love from Brazil.

  6. Congrats on winning the Love Barrow award, and congrats to Milly too. Good luck at the Rotary Club Young Citizen Awards, I'll try and get up to watch them if I can drag my boyfriend away from the playstation!

    Like bizzylizzy said, you don't need to apologise for not having time to blog <3

  7. CONGRATS! On all of your accomplishment both big and "small." Very inspiring my dear

  8. What BixxyLizzy said and double from me.Your world is shared when ever U are able,,We all under stand that,, and want only the best 4 U.

  9. Well done, Alice - keep up the good work - your courage and enthusiasm is an example and an inspiration to us all.

  10. Hi Alice,

    Congrats to you and Milly on the awards. You both deserve them. It was wonderful to hear from you and I always enjoy reading your updates but completely understand how busy you are and also understand that you don't always feel so well. Take care of yourself and continue having fun!

    Love and hugs,
    Aly in SC, USA

  11. Hello Alice,
    I'm going through a cancer scare myself at the minute (multiple swollen lymph nodes!) and the waiting for test results is horrendous. I was ready to go cry in a corner somewhere without even knowing for sure what is wrong with me but your blog has encouraged me to stay positive and keep fighting! Life is what we make it and nothing can be achieved by crying so I'm trying to make the best of things now. I'm amazed by all that you've achieved despite everything that's going on. Congratulations to you and your sister on the awards!

    You are an inspiration to me. Stay strong.


  12. I'm sure we all understand that sometimes you don't have time or don't feel that great so don't feel bad about not blogging for a while, but, I sure am glad to see your posting again, I, like a lot of people worry about you. Take care of yourself first. Also, congrats on the awards for you and Milly. Once again, so happy your feeling better. Much Love to you & you family, Ll

  13. I absolutely agree with everyone's comments - well done on the awards, and don't worry about being on tv - I saw you on the bbc clip and you were a natural. It was nice to see Mabel too! I am sure my collie Milo would love to play with her :-) Lots of love :-)

  14. Oh you are doing just fabulous! And keeping so busy, it would exhaust anyone, but you are a trooper. I thought of you last week, I took my dog Georgia to her first obedience class. She sits like such a pretty lady, and makes all the other dogs look a little naughty, lol. Wish she wold behave that well at home too! My frisbee didnt last 5 minutes either. Oh well, she enjoyed the 5 minutes, right?
    Keep on keeping on, and dont worry about the filming you wont even notice the camera there. Focus on the person giving you the award, and smile your lovely smile, the world will be thanked enough from such a pretty smile. Take care-Becca

  15. Hi Alice, I laughed when I read that you hoped you wouldn't win an award so you wouldn't have to go on stage. You reminded me of myself - that's exactly what I would have been sitting there thinking! But I am so glad you won and I can't imagine a more fitting award because your courage is inspiring not only to others battling disease but to all of us going through life. I'm happy to hear you like big dogs, I have two large goofy Irish Setters and they mean the world to me. As much as we love to hear from you, when you need to rest then you must. So take care of yourself and rest when you need to so that you can enjoy your outings and of course, write to us!. Again Congrats to you and to Millie as well and hugs to Mabel, she sounds like a lot of fun. XO, MEM from NB, Canada

  16. Alice, dont apologise for not updating your blog. You are doing such an amazing job, getting people on the bone marrow register plus a lot of the other charities you have set up. You have to be the most selfless person I know.. you dont think of yourself but of others who are going what you are going through. Congratulations on winning the Rotary young Citizens award.. You looked amazing on the link you sent through. I live in New Zealand and even the news here has reported on a young girl in England who, despite her cancer, is doing everything she can do to get people on the bone marrow transplant, doing your mugs, and everything else you do. You do realise you are world famous now, Alice. I actually feel quite honoured to be able to read your blog and then to hear on the radio about you.. Its almost like saying.. I know her... she is amazing, I admire everything about you, your family and I love your dog.

  17. Alice, I am in Oklahoma in the US and I just wanted to let you know you've inspired me to become a bone marrow donor here in America. I just signed up for and sent in my cheek swab to see if I match anyone. Thank you for inspiring me! Which in turn has inspired dozens of family members, friends and co-worker's to register as well.

  18. It is always great to hear from you but understand that you are rightly in demand! Sounds life there has been a lot of fun happenings in your life! Love from Cape Elizabeth, Maine - Dodge Family!

  19. Congratulations on your awards and good luck to your people doing all that cycling and especially your crazy folks going to climb that mountain!

    Your mug designs are awesome. Every time I swig tea from one pf your mugs, I think of you and send good wishes your way.

    You're amazing, Alice. xxx

  20. You are too busy and so happy you are enjoying all these amazing events that you have made happen.
    Team Alice!!!! oxoo Traecy

  21. Just watched the BBC story, you did an awesome job!!! But, how do you get your dog to sit in the back of the car & wait for you? Mine just bolt out! :)

    Di xx

  22. No one ever touched my heart the way you did. I hope in some small way the world touched yours. You were pure magic,people loved you and respected you on purely trust.If we could bottle your magic there would surely be peace on earth.
    I hope you will let me write to you some times. "Naughty me"

  23. One year to day you thanked me for the gifts. We tried so very hard to give you a magical moment. You never really understood the gifts,I think we tried too hard by giving you such expensive jewelery,,is that why you called me naughty?? At least I saw you wear the ST Christopher medal on a interview at home,you and milly were so happy having fun in front of the camera.
    I still hope to have a cup of tea with you some time. Ciao
