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26 November 2011

Happy #Christmasinnovember

Ha ha Happy Christmas in November!  Yesterday, we had the most amazing day and I had my 16th birthday party at Emma Bridgewater in Stoke and it was my best ever party, I loved it. It's not my actual birthday until 15th December, but I'll be down at Clatterbridge having treatment and we don't know how I'll feel so we thought we'd do it early.  My BFFs were there and everyone at Emma Bridgewater had just done so much to make it special for me.  I had a hearts banner with my name printed on and a card that they printed especially for me and it was just amazing. I haven't got any photos yet because they're on my mums camera but I'll put one on here when she puts them on the computer.
Mum had ordered me a Mabel shaped birthday cake and we were on the motorway when we suddenly realised that we had forgotten to pick it up, so we had to go back again lol.  But we got there on time and it was so magical with lots of fairy lights, I love it there.
For my birthday, they painted me a special dog bowl for Mabel with my Beach hut mug design stamped all around it and it is amazing.  I don't think that we can ever touch it because it's the only one and it would be awful if we broke it. It's going in our Emma Bridgewater cupboard so Dad doesn't break it. We all painted things and everyone had a really nice time and then we ate lasagne which was really tasty and then we had a disco even, with special lights like sheets of something coming across the floor.  I loved it so much, so thank you to everyone who made it special for me because it really was my best ever party :)

Today we had our Christmas Day and it was really nice and we all said that we should have done it every year because there wasn't any stress! We did this one cos I felt so ill last year that I was in bed and missed it.  So mum said I wasn't missing it this year and we said if we have it twice that's not a problem.  We opened some presents this morning and then we had chocolate for breakfast and then we went into town to our Dickensian Festival.  But it was raining so much and I felt really tired so Dad went and got the car and I came back home for a rest while they cooked the Christmas lunch.  Then we had a proper Christmas lunch with turkey and crackers and Mum and Dad had some champagne and I had a taste but thought it was revolting!

The other night, I put some things on ebay for my new charity and it's doing really well so I'm very excited but a little bit worried about sending a shower gel and a mug for so much money!  I have made something very special tonight so I hope that the person who wins it will be happy that they will be helping lots of poorly children get a holiday.  I have put a link to my auction but it ends really soon so really it's just for you to look at  Alice's Escapes Charity Auction

Tomorrow we are moving down to our caravan cos my radiation starts at Clatterbridge on Monday. I'm having radiation every day and hopefully it will stop these lumps in my neck getting any bigger for a bit.  So when we get to our new home I'll blog from there and tell you all about our caravan and my treatment.

Oh and everyone is busy on Twitter doing #alicebucketlist again.  Someone said I didn't want that, but I've never said I didn't want it, I just didn't ask for that in the bucket list cos I wasn't even on Twitter. But I've never trended (and seen it) so it would be fun and it would make more people think about bone marrow donation so I don't think it's a bad thing.

Happy #ChristmasinNovember :)

Love Alice


  1. Merry Christmas in November! Congrats on your twitter siucsess and happy early Sweet 16th birthday!!
    PS I sent u an email

  2. Happy Christmas and all my positive thoughts for you next week, looking forward to read about your new home.
    Your are doing great, keep like you are doing, a big hug

  3. Glad to hear you have had two such special days! Happy novembermas and i wish you all the best with your treatment next week


  4. Hi Alice, sounds like you've had a wonderful 2 days. I loved reading about your birthday party & your Christmas celebrations. The cake sounded lovely being shaped like Mabel Take care. Hugs,

  5. Happy Christmas Sweet Alice! xo

  6. Happy alicemas!!!! Sounds like a wonderful day. Hope all the Pyne family ate loads and enjoyed it!! xxx

  7. Wow your auction did well!!!

    Your hard work and motivation is being rewarded - so don't feel guilty.

    There are people in the world who have some spare cash and want to support you and your cause. And that is wonderful :-)

  8. You're actual birthday is the day after mine!! I'm so glad you got to be able to celebrate it now, and Christmas too. You really deserve some fun, after all you are going through.

  9. Good luck with the radiation! I am registered on the bone marrow registry here in the states (is it int'l?) and I will keep telling my friends and acquaintances to register as well. Thanks for taking a little time out of your day to update us on your progress!

  10. Merry Christmas in November! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us, and I hope you continue to have a wonderful Christmas season. I continue to pray for you - God bless you!

  11. Happy Christmas and Happy Birthday, wow what a November you have had.
    Praying that your treatment goes well Alice, sending big hugs

  12. Alice it sounds like you had a wonderful day...Happy Christmasinnovember

  13. Merry x-mas and a happy pre-birthday :-)

  14. Happy christmas in november to you to. <3 <3 <3

  15. Happy Christmas in november, my beauty!

    Few people care about others, and you are one of those special people who still make a difference in the world.

    You're a winner of life. Don't forget you're a beautiful, inteligent and solidary girl.

    Congratulations and faith on life!



  16. Happy Sweet 16th Birthday and Merry Christmas Alice! We adore you!

  17. Happy Christmas in November to you all xxxx

  18. sounds like you had some great fun for your early birthday & christmas! wishing you all the best for next week.

  19. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. Been following you on Twitter for a while now, 'liked' you on FB the other night and I got a bid on your auction! Right at the start for £10 and I was soon outbid but never mind. Sorry I couldn't top the winning bid, an amazing sum, well done. Hope your treatment goes well. Much love xxx

  20. Happy Christmas, Alice and. All! Of course a very Happy Birthday, too. I'm sure your treatment will go well, and you can have more happy celebrations on the 15th and 25th. Your all always in my prayers. Ll (from the US)

  21. And your birthday is two days before MINE. I will always rememberr you on that day! It sounds like you are having a great time.... Wonderful.

  22. It's good that you're having a good time while you can :)
    Also, I'm happy for you, as you have probably lived more now that ever before in your entire life, and because you have this site, it motivates others to be more grateful for what they have. I really hope you continue fighting as long as possible, and to stay happy :)

  23. We have the same birthday! <3 Oh Alice, you're a special girl. Thank you for sharing your story with us all. We love you! X

  24. We had two Thanksgivings here. I wouldn't mind having two Christmases as well ;-) Especially if it can be stress free! Your birthday party sounds like it was AMAZING!!!I hope you have many, many more just like it.

  25. Dear Alice, it was so nice to read about your special two days full of joy and excitement. Thank you so much for sharing all these, and keeping us updated. I wish you all the best for your treatment.

  26. Alice. Everyone in Winchester, ky is tweeting like crazy to do this we live you and pray for you and I have went into twitter jail so... Lol

  27. Alice - I love hearing about your adventures. Your energy and enthusiasm are a real tonic when I read your blog over ,y lunch at work. Happy Birthday, Happy Novembermas and Happy Christmas. All the best for the week ahead - and I hope this treatment gives those lumps what for! :-)

  28. Happy Christmas in November and what a wonderful way to spend it.
    Wow your ebay auction is fantastic.
    I hope all goes well with your radiation therapy. xxxxxxxxxx

  29. I mean't to post happy christmas on your facebook page but I was away and had no signal but I'm glad you had a good christmas and the birthday party sounds amazing...I'm so jealous
    Love and hugs xxxxx

  30. Hi Alice!

    i tried to find your private address to drop you an email but i couldn't find it..

    i wish you a Merry Christmas!, and all blesses for you and your family!

    Keep fighting, life has many ways to probe us, keep your mind in God, he knows how much difficult this is and how strong he made you.. as you said "one life.. live it!", that was a good one :)

    Always remember that this fight is not about a final result, it's about how we face it and how much good things we can learn and teach others... life is a cycle, we renew over and over, during the life and after it... just love matters...

    A big hug from Chile-Southamerica...


    P.S: An extract of a note from the Self Realization Fellowship:


    " It is so wonderful to be in tune with God and to trust in Him
    implicity, being content wherever He places you and whatever He makes of you, accepting all with humility and devotion.”

    Paramahansa Yogananda,
    Self-Realization Fellowship Magazine

  31. Mood Alice: My family and I pray for you from Spain.

  32. Dear Alice Bucket:
    My name is Cristian Andrade, I am a Catholic priest in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    I read your story in the local newspapers and would like to share your strength and courage to other people with your same condition. In my facebook copy a note to let my contacts know about you and from where they can make it possible to fulfill your desires.
    This Sunday, November 27, I myself lost a very dear to me for the same disease.
    Know that God loves you very much and wants you to be infinitely happy. I firmly believe this. And although sometimes situations in life are difficult to understand, I firmly believe that there is a special and particular reason for our existence in the place and time in which we live. Only God knows all the reasons and in His infinite mercy you will know what the show of your life. Only you have to be your heart so He can tell you where no one else can do it.
    From this moment I promise to pray as hard as you can so that God will show his will and give you peace, serenity, comfort and hope.
    I send my hug with my prayers.

    Father Cristian Andrade

    Querida Alice Bucket:
    Mi nombre es Cristian Andrade, soy sacerdote catolico de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Lei tu noticia en los periodicos locales y quise dar a conocer tu fuerza y valentia a otras personas que sufren de tu misma enfermedad. En mi facebook copie una nota para que mis contactos sepan de vos y hagan posible desde donde puedan tus deseos a cumplir.
    Este domingo, 27 de noviembre, yo mismo perdi a un ser muy querido para mi por la misma enfermedad.
    Quiero que sepas que Dios te ama mucho y desea que seas infinitamente feliz. Yo creo firmemente esto. Y aunque a veces las situaciones de la vida son dificiles de comprender, creo firmemente que hay una razon especial y particular para nuestra existencia en el lugar y el momento que nos toca vivir. Solo Dios sabe todas las razones y El en su infinita misericordia te sabra mostrar cual es la de tu vida. Solo tenes que habrir tu corazon para que El pueda hablarte alli donde nadie mas puede hacerlo.
    Desde este momento me comprometo a rezar lo mas intensamente que pueda para que Dios te muestre su voluntad y te de Paz, Serenidad, Consuelo y Esperanza.
    Te envio mi abrazo junto con mis oraciones.

    Padre Cristian Andrade

  33. Feliz cumpleaños desde España.

    Te mando toda la fuerza y animo del mundo!!!

  34. Hola Alice:

    Me sorprendió leer tu historia en un diario de mi país. El diario Perfil de la Argentina,la publicó esta mañana.
    Quiero felicitarte por tu decisión de seguir luchando día a día contra el cáncer. Es una desición valiente y funcional. valiente porque supongo que no debe ser fácil hacerlo y más aún teniendo tu edad. Funcional, porque al ser esta enfermedad una de las que necesitan de un estado de ánimo fuerte y luchador, cada día que peleas contra ella buscando seguir con tu vida, agragas en tu torrenete sanguíneo sustancias que colaboran con tu curación.
    Mis felicitaciones Alice, y me pongo a tu disposición para conversar contigo cuando lo necesites. No hablo inglés, pero simpre habrá una manera de que nos entendamos.

    Carlos coach Cuevas

  35. Merry Christmas in November, I wish you all the luck in the world with your treatment, stay safe, I'll be praying for you

  36. Thank you for sharing the story of your wonderful #christmasinnovember ! What a great time it sounds like you all had. Your birthday early party sounds like it was a fantastic time, :) Can't wait to see pictures of your day. Reading your blog is an inspiration in continuing our paths no matter the obstacles. You are making a forever impression on the world by raising awareness for registration. Blessings to you while you continue your treatments.

  37. Sounds like a lovely christmas and birthday all rolled up into one! blessings from new york!

  38. Alice,
    I'm not sure when I became so cynical and forgot to believe in people who can change your life in just a single moment. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for reminding me that there are angels among us...I'll be keeping you in my prayers!

    "Most people don't know that there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life." ('Angels of Mercy' StoryPeople by Brian Andreas)

  39. Happy Bday from Argentina!! hah! Are u famous now? I think ur blog is nice.. i often read ur post !! i hope u have a nice day! :D

    ah! my name is georgina ... see ya!

  40. You are amazing. I have 27 years and I'd be just a little bit like you. Many kisses from Uruguay! Jorge

  41. Hi Alice,
    My name is Sue and my daughter will be 16years old on the 15th Dec. In March this year she was diagnosed with Hodgekins Lymphoma, Stage 4B. I would like to think I understand a little of what you and your family are going through and I am full of admiration for you. Christmas in Nov was an inspired idea. I wish I had thought of that as unfortunately I won't have my daughter with me this christmas. I know how proud I am of my beautiful daughter for the way in which she has handled both her disease and her treatment and I'm sure your parents feel very much the same about you. Much love to you all.

  42. Happy Christmas and happy birthday to you! You are such an inspiration! May God bless you! <3

  43. Happy Bday from Brazil daling!!! Hope you fell as well as possible during your rad treatment!! My thoughts are always with you!! Xxxxs Juliana

  44. Hi Alice, I'm Verena, I love reading your blog, you're so smart and wise. I think you should do a tumblr, I'd love to see more photos ;)

  45. hey!! my name is lily. you seem so sweet and amazing. you just seem like the nicest person ever and especialy considering all that you are going through!! you are an inspiration to me! i would love to meet you. cancer is an awful thing and i hate it! my neighbor who was 7 just recently passed away from medullablastoma (i really don't think i'm spelling that one right) brain cancer. i hope you stay strong and i hope you check off everything on your bucket list! you give me hope and inspiration and you are an amazing person!!! <3 lily from atlanta

    p.s. follow @abbysfight on twitter if you want to, this is my neighbor's twitter page. they still post updates about her family from time to time and it is very sweet. but no obligation to follow! just if you want! xoxo

  46. happy birthday Alice :)
    this is my first time leaving a comment, just wanted to say, I read about you in a Chatelaine magazine.. and was inspired to sign up to be a bone marrow donor

  47. I saw that Kim Kardashian tweeted about you the other day! I'm soo jealous :)

  48. You sound happy and that you are doing well. even if you have 4 Christmases this year, I heope each one is fabulous. Happy Holidays!

  49. Early Happy Birthday wishes Alice, it's also my birthday on 15th December though I will be 51 years old. I will be thinking of you on 15th and sending warm thoughts.
    Love Sharon xxx

  50. I read often, but I just don't have the words (or the right words it seems) to actually leave you a comment. You inspire me in so many ways and I find myself thinking about you all the time, even though we have never met. I'm so happy to hear that you have had an amazing November. So many people out there love you and are praying for you Alice! You've no doubt inspired millions of others to live their lives to the fullest, just as you have me & my family. Wishing you lots of luck as you head for your treatments, stay strong brave Alice!

  51. Alice,

    I have seen your tweets and trending hash tags on Twitter.

    I just want to say that you are such an incredible and beautiful person. You are an inspiration to people suffering from cancer.

    I hope and wish with all my heart that you get to achieve everything on your bucket list! Keep fighting, you are amazing.

    Steph Goodman.

  52. You are amazing Alice.

  53. Hi Alice,
    Writing you from France.
    What you're doing is amazing. Your behaviour is extraordinary.
    I wish that you will realise everything you're writing in your bucket list. You deserve it so much !
    Love xxx

  54. Alice! I just read about your blog in a brazilian journal!
    I hope you can achieve all of your goals!
    God bless you and your family really much!

    Jana from Rio de Janeiro! :)

  55. Hi Alice you are my hero I ve been battling two forms of cancer for almost 3 years, I look at you and i feel an inner peace with myself,we know we have to fight for every day ,we have and enjoy every little bit of life! we aren't giving up and we are not giving in! But buy enjoying every moment we are living! and not letting it beat us! we can win! and we will win no matter what! go for my sixth month scans on Wednesday ,and have a biopsy of my liver coming up and cyst in my pancreas but it will not win it will not take our spirit and it cannot have our souls thats how we win,god bless you enjoy every moment as do i I will keep you in my thoughts! God bless you,Ed

  56. receive a huge hug from Uruguay, and know that you will be on my thoughts on december 15th.... helen b.

  57. Hi, I'm Laura, writing from France.
    I'm sending you my best wishes and respect for the amazing strength and courage you show.
    Wishing you the best for your list!!


  58. Hello wiev your site!


  60. eres una gran chica, unica, y a pesar de lo que sufres, miras la vida con gran alegria, te admiro, y eres un ejemplo de vida para muchas personas :D
    smile girl :P

  61. ¡Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Alice!

  62. Happy Christmas and happy birthday to you, from Romania ! May God bless you!

  63. Your blog is wonderful and I enjoyed reading some of your wishes. I have created one myself. My bucket list took me a while to create, but I'm happy I did. Thank you!

  64. Alice, un gran abrazo desde Madrid, España. Espero que te divierta traducirme al inglés. Te mando todo mi afecto, amiga.

    En otro sitio dije que mi perro es más bonito que el tuyo. Era para que te rieras conmigo. Queda con Dios, amiga

  65. Happy Merry Christmas!

  66. Alice,desde Argentina te deseo mucha Paz y un abrazo enorme. Espero que en estos días tu corazón este colmado de Amor y también cariños para todos los que te rodean!!besos!!

  67. Querida Alice : Dios no puede olvidar tanta belleza. Eres la más bella flor de su jardín.Te ama desde siempre.

    De Luis Ancizar Murcia Cuenca. Colombia.Neiva Huila.

  68. Feliz cumpleaños para tí y tu familia,porque eres luz de esperanza.Que Dios te bendiga.

  69. Happy Christmas in November Alice !

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

  70. Hi Alice,

    You are a very courageous and brave girl! We support you and admire what you have accomplished so far. Keep it up!
    Laura & Marcelo from Barcelona.

  71. I want to help you to be TT on TW! I don't know if you've done it yet, but I'll try again...

    Kisses from Argentina!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  72. Hello Alice.. I really like your name.

    I know it's very possible that you won't read my comment but it's fine.

    I just want to give you all my best wishes and if i can help you out with something, just let me know.

  73. Wishing you a Happy Christmas in November and December!!!! Hoping your RDX is going well.

  74. Hi Alice,

    Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope the radiation therapy isn't taking it out of you too much. Glad you had a fab Christmas in November. xx

  75. hi alice, i read about you on twitter today and as a fellow cancer fighter, i really wanted to send you some very happy christmas wishes. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope like mad that your treatments go well, that you feel good and are able to have a lot of laughs with your family and friends. It is great that you are following your bucket list....keep adding to it as you check things off! wishing you love and miracles and a lot of smiles this christmas!


  76. here in Mexico there ir a whale watching season and it is now! you can search this link

    it is in spanish, but might help

  77. Happy Birthday wishes from Germany! Have a great day with your family and Mabel, and enjoy some yummy cake! :-) Going by the way you come across in your postings, you are one of the nicest joy and sunlight spreading persons in the world! Lots of love, Barbara

  78. I just wanted to let you know I have Booked in to give blood next month, Merry Christmas Alice, Milly and Family. Lots love JUE W

  79. Happy Birthday, hope all is going well with the treatment & that your birthday has been great despite its side effects. You are an amazing young lady, lots of Luv Bommatoots xxx

  80. hi
    I am a friend of Tracey Jackson's. happy birthday & glad u cleared another. I live in Paris & do fun tours. if u make it over here I would be delighted to give u a personal tour

  81. Happy Birthday for yesterday, Alice. Love and

  82. Happy B-day, girl! I hope you have had a wonderful day.

    All the good vibes for you from Caracas, Venezuela. =)

  83. Hola Alice, me llamo Fabio Cardena, soy de Encarnacion_ Paraguay. Estaba apunto de dormir cuando de pronto senti una necisas enorme de levantarme. Pues entonces me meti en el internet y me entero de tu caso. Creo en DIOS y creo que el busca maneras de comunicarse con nosotros, aunque muchas veces lo ignoramos y nos hacemmos de sordos. Tengo 17 anos y hoy 18 de Diciembre de 2011 puedo decir que Dios intento counicarse conmigo atravez de tu Historia. Muchas veces me cuestiono sobre el porque suceden tantas cosas. Entonces recibo la respuesta hoy de que en vez de estar cuestionando o tratando de encontrar respuesta a todo, solamente debo dedicarme a escucharlo,y a sonreir amte todo y ante todos. porque la sonrisa es la espada de los GUERREROS. Me impacto tu hstoria y debo decirte que sos una Guerrera. Si Dios me ha hablado atravez de ti, me lo esta pidiendo El que diga estas palabras SONRIE HASTA EL ULTIMO DIA DE TU VIDA, etoy seguro de que todavia vas a sonreir mucho. Me gustaria mucho poder mantener un dialogo contigo. si alguna vez puedes buscarme en Facebook seriaun honor. Pido a DIOS que bendiga, que te de muchas fuerzas.. Un abrazode esos bien apretados. Fabio C.

  84. Merry Christmas Alice and Family, I hope you have a lovely time. You're an amazing person, Alice, Keep smiling =] xx

  85. Merry Christmas Alice. Hope your days are filled with lots of love and family. Smiles to you from NY State. USA

  86. Hi Alice,

    I have been following your blogs for a few months and you are a very inspirational young lady.
    Want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a merry Christmas.


  87. Merry Christmas Alice & Family,
    Bless you.
    Alice you are my hero - in ways you will never know.
    My Love Always,
    Liz G
