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13 October 2011

A lot to say :)

I've had such a busy week that I am having to think about what I told you last time (I can't see what I wrote when I do this).
I think it was my Grandad's birthday and we all went out for a meal which was nice to be together but our meal was horrid.  I made Grandad a photo album of mainly me and Milly and he loves it. Mum had got him a Emma Bridgewater 'Papa Bear' mug cos thats what she calls him lol.
The day after, I went to Alder Hey and I had my scan as well.  The new drug has been helping massive amounts on my chest areas but the cancer is just not playing and it is growing new lumps in my neck.  So I don't think that there's anything else really, unless they blast them with more radiation or something? I've had radiation before but not on my neck so maybe they can do that. 
After Liverpool, we went down to London and the train was a nightmare.  We missed the first one so that was our fault but the second one had no seats and then the man on the train told everyone to get off at Preston as the line was closed further down, so we got a train back to Oxenholme to get our car and by the time we got back, the line was open again! Anyway, Kevin at Oxenholme put us all in first class and I slept almost all of the way cos I was so tired, but the seats were nice and comfy.  We arrived at our hotel, The Mayfair, after midnight and it was really posh. There was a bit of a mix up with our room so we got upgraded to a suite and it was amazing - it was bigger than our house.  On Friday daytime, we all loved the rooms so much that none of us went out!
At night time it was the Inspiration Awards and everyone came to our suite for drinks before we all went.  When we got there, we stopped the taxi and sneaked in the door at the side so I didn't have to go through the cameras lol.  It was a lovely night and I met Beverley-de-Gale who is such an inspirational lady - I'm going to add a link somewhere. I was really nervous so I was glad my category was first, but I still couldn't believe it when I won.  I was terrified so I ran on and took it off Jay Bothroyd who was presenting it and then I ran off again.  But when I went backstage with him we laughed about it, I said I didn't know what to do and he was really nice.  The singers were amazing and we all really enjoyed listening to them.  We met Sky who is the founder of the awards (he is dead dead funny). Then it was Milly's turn to find out and I was really happy that she won her category too.  She was much better than me and managed not to fall over in her huge heels and stood on the stage looking really good. And Mum said I've not to really mention this but that doesn't normally stop me, so (ha ha).  Sky went on stage and started reading about this amazing group and we were all just listening and then I heard dad go oh no, and then Sky called our entire family up for a special award. Mum's face was so funny and she couldn't even talk properly on stage.  After that Mum was dead excited to hug a lady we met backstage and I didn't have a clue who she was, and mum was like, what, you must know who she is! It was Annie Lennox (I've looked her up now, doh). 
The next day, we had to go back to our life and move from the very posh suite to the Premier Inn at Euston lol.  Our room there was about as big as the bathroom in the Mayfair, but it was fine and staff were really nice too. At the awards, Dad promised me and Milly a treat and so we asked to go to the theatre.  We wanted to see War Horse but the only tickets we found were really expensive and so we ended up going to see the Wizard of Oz, which was brilliant and we all really enjoyed it.  We got the train back up on Sunday - the Virgin man at Euston was so unhelpful when we tried to sort out getting on with my wheelchair, but then a lady told dad to go to mobility services and they were really helpful and smiley with it!  We arrived back into Oxenholme to the smiles of Kevin who had waved us off on Thursday.  I enjoyed visiting London but I was glad to be back in Cumbria!
On Monday we did a radio interview at like 6.45 and I went blank and there was this silence on the radio and mum had to help me.  Then, I was back down to Alder Hey and neither of us felt like the long drive cos we were so tired.  Although my scan wasn't really good news as such, I feel so much better at the moment and they've decided that I can finish off the stocks!  So I had one on Monday and I have my final one in two and a bit weeks and then, if there's no radiation, I guess that's it. 
I've only just got up today because yesterday was one of those days and the first thing I've opened is a gorgeous huge card from Emily, congratulating us all.  It's so funny that I'll try to scan it onto here.
One of my missions at the moment is talking to any card companies that want to help me gain more bone marrow donors by raising awareness through their 18th cards, and I'm really happy that both Hallmark and Clinton cards have been in touch with me. A few others have been in touch for more details but a lot haven't - I'm waiting!
Next week, mum is taking us off for a break with the THHN and we're staying at a place called Finlake. Dad has to work, but I can't wait and I'm taking lots of DVDs and planning some duvet days lol.  I will update from Devon and when I get back I won't have long until I can share with you my really big news. No, it's not a cure for me, but it's something that means so much to me and I'm hoping that Cumbria will support me!


  1. Congratulations to you and Milly on your awards and it's really really great to read about your experiences with things like trains etc. It's good for people to hear about how a smiley helpful face can make such a difference. x

  2. Goodness, Alice, the week you have had would exhaust anyone - many congratulations to you, Milly and your Mum and Dad - you are a shining example of what a close family pulling together can achieve in the face of extreme adversity - looking forward to reading your special news ...

  3. Thanks for sharing those exciting moments you had, your really deserved them.
    And I wish you great days in Finlake, looking forward to your interesting story about it.
    A big hug

  4. Loving keeping up with your adventures :-)
    God bless you!

  5. Way to go Alice!!!
    Totally inspirational as usual!!
    Cannot wait to see you soon :-)

  6. Wow you have been busy. Congrats to your whole family for all those lovely awards.

    I once stayed in a posh short term rental apartment in Mayfair. It was gorgeous. I was a nanny. When we got locked in the apartment for the whole day by mistake I didn't mind one bit. Lots of space to play, we had bubble baths splashing about in the huge bathroom and lounged on the plush couches watching TV.

  7. So lovely to hear you had a good time in London! Hope you have a great time away in Devon xxx

  8. Sooooo glad to hear the you are feeling better!!!!

  9. Wonderful post, it sounds like you had a great time. Congratulation. I'm looking forward to hearing your big news!

  10. Hi there Alice...
    I just found you and I thought this will help you out

  11. Congrats to you, Milly and your parents for winning all three awards! What a wonderful surprise and well-deserved. Have fun on your get-away next week.

  12. Oh my!! You've had quite the busy time! I understand your mother's enthusiasm about Annie Lennox- she's my favorite ;-)
    I'm sure whatever news you have to share will be met with as much support as you have, dear girl! And I can't wait to read all about it!

  13. So you ran away from cameras?!?! That's why I did not find any photo until you post some on Facebook!

    Alice, I love so much your posts... I look for new ones every day.

    Have I ever told you that I already am a bone marrow donor? I became one last year, but because of you now I try to convince people to do the same.

    Today I'll post your mug's photo in Brazil on my facebook and share it with you.

    Regina :o)

  14. Dearest Alice, I'm so happy that you won! Congratulations to you and your family :) You are soo beautiful in the pictures:))

  15. I'll dedicate something for you in my blog. I'm writer and I prefer make real histories with a touch of real fantasy. I know It's strange imagine something like that, but if you have the oportunity to read me, you will see a small gift of art.

    My native languaje is spanish, but I'll traslate the story into english for you. Blessings, remember always smile.

  16. Congratulations to you, Milly and your family on your awards - what a great time you had!

    I just came across your blog last week, and have been reading from your very first post. You are an incredible girl, with an incredible heart Alice. God bless.

    Ninja-ing my way through life

  17. Oh, Alice, I'm so, SO happy for you! :D You are such a wonderful person, seriously. Stay strong, sweetpea - I'm rooting for you! <3

    Love from Oklahoma,

  18. Inspirational as always, Alice. Say hello to Ulverston for us. Andy, Karen , Maisie and Lily. xx

  19. Hi Alice!
    I've been reading your blog for a while, but last week I signed up as a bone marrow donor and I just had to let you know!! Anyway, congrats on winning your award, you totally deserved it! Also, I'm pretty sure my mom would have freaked out too if she saw Annie Lennox. She LOVES her.

    Hugs from Pennsylvania,

    PS My dog, Loki, says hi to Milly :)

  20. Oh Alice, you won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Goodness, what else is there to say?
    You deserved to win. So they were very smart to choose you and Milly, CONGRATULATIONS!
    So happy for you all.
    It sounds amazing, every moment.
    xxxxx Tracey

  21. Congratulations on your awards, you are extrememly deserving!
    I think the idea about the bone marrow donor on the 18th cards is such a fabulous idea, I hope it happens here in Australia too.
    Naomi xoxo

  22. Hi Alice!
    I just wanted to let you know that I have joined the "Be the Match" bone marrow donor database as a result of following your blog. Keep being an inspiration and living each day to the fullest!

    Joanna J
    St Paul, Minnesota

  23. Dear Alice, you make me laugh, and you make me cry, and you inspire me. Being from the US, sometimes your words challenge me, but I love it. God bless you Sweetie!

  24. What a wonderful blog you have. You are an inspiration. Congratulations on your Versatile Blog Award. I look forward to following your journey. Donna

  25. Wanted to let you know that I tweeted your blog and I posted it on my blog's face book page. My Life. One Story at a Time. I hope my followers will see it and visit here.

  26. Alice you are lovely! I love reading your blog posts and adventures. I was just diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma this year at 21. Funny thing is I had always wanted to be a donor and had planned on signing up : /
    I suppose I can't anymore but that's okay, I plan on nagging everyone I know to become one and make up for that lol.

    I truly hope you are doing well, I will light a canele for you and have you in my prayers. You are such an inspiring young girl!!!

    Please keep us updated, much love from Brazil


  27. Dear Alice, My name is Austin Champion. I read your blog about your bucket list on the internet. We are a class of students at Allapattah Flats, K-8 School in Port St. Lucie, FL. USA. I am 14 years old. Is it fun to swim with sharks? I have never done it. I hope that you feel better and that you have a Happy Christmas. We love you! Austin Champion :)

  28. Dear Alice, My name is Jessi. I read your blog about your bucket list on the internet. We are a class of middle school students at Allapattah Flats K-8 school is Port St. Lucie, FL. USA

    I love your dog and I hope you are feeling better. I have also enjoyed your blog. It is so cool that you swam with sharks. I have never swam with sharks. I really like your new hair style. Do you like sports?
    How would you like to go swimming or fishing?
    We love you Alice,
    Your Friend,

  29. Dear Alice,
    Myname is Krist and I am from Branford, Conneticut and I am 13 years old and I went to Mary T. Murphy elemenatary school when I was 10 years old. I moved to Ft. Pierce, FL USA, and I read your blog on the internet. We are a class of students at Allapattah Flats K-8 school in Port St. Luice, FL, USA. I hope you can get a lot of people to join the bone marrow registry. My Dad said he wishes you could come with us to Disney World for Christmas. When I was reading your glog I saw a picture of your dog Marly. I have a dog also, her name is Yasima. Whe is always so hyper and playful all the time. I also read that you sawa the movie Marly and Me. I saw that too and it was a sad and funny movie. I see that you like "TAKE THAT". I have never heard of them. What is their music like? The music I like is Justin Bieber. He is my all time favorite singer ever. I see in your interests that you like painting. I also love the mug that you designed. I hope you have a Happy Christmas and I hope you have a great 16th birthday. I wish I could come and visit you in England. I wish you could come to Florida. It is very warm here.

    Your best pen pal. Krista!!

  30. Congratulations on the awards! :)

    Thank you for every bit of inspiration you give, Alice.. how you share your smiles and positive outlook on just about everything.

    love, light, blessings and hugs,
    Shareen in Sweden.

  31. Your strength and cheer is uplifting. I hope you continue to make yourself, your family, your friends and strangers like me over the internet smile.
    You are, truly, an inspiration. The world needs more people like you, Alice.

  32. loving reading your adventures and am blown away, as lways, by your strength. Looking forward to hearing your big news! - Natasha - Nova Scotia

  33. Just happened to find Your blog a few days ago. Really liked it, very touching.

  34. Congratulations Alice! You and your family have done some great work, and I'm really happy that you're getting recognised for it.

    Also, your new hair looks gorgeous! You make a good gingernut. :)

    I hope you're all having a great time at Fingerlake, and I'm looking forward to your next post - I want to know what the big news is!


  35. :) Congratulations on the awards Alice! I haven't actually commented on your blog before but I've been checking back fairly regularly since you started writing - I've mostly been sat at my boring work reading and wondering what exciting things you're doing today. You've achieved so much and I can only hope I ever do as much!

    You also live in one of my favourite parts of the country (I love going to Cumbria) but it sounds like you have to do a lot of travelling. Trains are fun really though, a good way to see places out of the window

    Looking forward to the next update!


  36. Congrats on the awards, I can not wait to hear the good news.

  37. Wow I feel exhausted just reading all that!! What an incredibly busy week. Huge congratulations to you all on winning the awards, very well deserved! It's amazing that the card companies are in touch with you already. I hope you can rest up in Devon with lots of sunshine, love Clare

  38. Alice,
    Congratulations on your award!! I am new to your blog, but I can see how inspirational you are as a person. I understand your mom's excitement; I love Annie Lennox! Have fun on your trip!

  39. Hi Alice!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with the world. I wanted to let you know that I have recently joined the bone marrow register as a direct result of your hard work and passion! I have also today (I hope you don't mind) contacted a local premiership football team to ask them if they would think about encouraging some of their players to publicly sign up to the register too. I have no idea if they will respond but I am crossing my fingers. I think that would have such an impact on the profile of the register and would really increase the number of donors. i have signposted them to your blog and the AN website. I will let you know if I get a response! Congratulations on your awards and take care,

    Carla xxx

  40. Well done on your awards.

    Enjoy Finlake! If it's where I think it is it's near a lovely animal sanctuary (Blueberry Warren)where I got my guinea pigs

  41. Your story inspired me to join the registry. I'm working to get my small town involved, as well. Thank you for reminding us why this is so very important

  42. Hello Alice!
    My name is Andre Luiz and I live in Brazil, followed its course, in this reality that the cancer will imposed. How do I see in you what ever happened to me, I hope you can understand this great gift, look at life in its broadest sense. I had a rare disease (Mega esophagus level four) and my esophagus had to be removed, now I have stitched the stomach in the throat as a result, I lost 40 pounds, spent six months on a liquid diet and had to sleep sitting six years. Sounds crazy I'll tell you what: I would not trade that experience for anything in the world, because today I am for myself and the other, a much better person. I'm sure that this also is your gift, because this blog is already doing for you deserve it.

    A big kiss in your heart, stay with God!

    André Luiz

    If you have the time, my blog know, kisses!

  43. Alice,

    I am so pleased that I have found your blog. It makes me appreciate everything I take for granted, as you cherish every opportunity you get. I love your bucket list! You have already done so much. You are such an inspiring, beautiful young lady, and you should be very proud of yourself for how strong you are.

    With love, Abbie.

  44. Dear Alice, My blog about my cancer is here at 2008. A long long time ago before I ever got cancer. I had like a near death experience. it took away all my fear. In fact, I woke up missing where I had been. It's just like that movie, "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams. Rent it. Lovely movie. Here is my blog about my cancer treatments. Love, Candace/sparroweye

  45. Reiki test, dear.

    Find a good therapist or teacher.

    I am sending you a big hug
