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30 October 2011

Lazing in the lodge

Hello, I've had lots of messages asking why I haven't updated and I'm pleased to say that I've not died yet, i've just been busy lol.
There's a lot been going on. I've been down to Devon with my family and we stayed in a really beautiful lodge at Finlake which was offered to us through the THHN. We had a really nice week doing not very much, watched lots of DVDs and me and my sister got invited to go for horse riding at the Finlake riding stables.  I haven't been on a horse for years so I was a bit nervus but once I got going, it was really good fun. We also went to Angel's Tea Rooms in Babbacomb which is our favourite place to visit when we go down there. You've got to go, it's amazing and I love the heart shaped scones.
When we got back, mum did some more decorating cos she's trying to finish our hallway that she started two years ago lol.  She also did my room and I've got nice sandy gold walls and aubergine cushions and bits and it looks really nice, I'm dead pleased.
I've been down to Pets at Home in Barrow to see Jason and all my friends there and Milly bought loads of things for our rabbit and then she cleaned his house out which is her old playhouse so it's huge for a rabbit. He's quite lucky I think!  I'm dead excited to see the treat packages that Mabel is going to be on soon. I'll be sending them to all of Mabel's doggy friends with a ribbon on.
We took Mabel to see the old people down the road again. They all give her biscuits which she loves, but some of them forget who she is and tell us that they've never had a dog before. Mum is dead patient and just says oh haven't you, well we'll come back should we.  And we know that when we go back they've probably forgotten us again. It's quite sad but mum said at least they won't sit there worrying about things at night cos they won't remember lol.  Anyway there's a couple of them who do remember Mabel and their faces are really happy when they see me walk in with her so that feels really good.  I'm hoping to go again this week, but I've got my infusion tomorrow so I'll have to see how I feel.
Tomorrow will be my last infusion which is a bit weird cos I know there's nothing else.  My scan isn't booked for a bit so I think that it will be too late to do the radiation thing by then, so there's nothing else now.  I know I can't keep having things done but if they did the radiation now on all the lumps on my neck, it might just help a little bit.  But I don't know and I suppose it probably costs a fortune and if I hadn't done my blog I wouldn't even have been given the trial stuff cos they'd already sent me home, so I suppose I've had longer anyway really.
You will probably laugh at me because we're having Christmas in November this year as well as in December ( i hope). I've got a chocolate advent calendar and on Tuesday when it is the 1st, me and Milly are going to start our Christmas thing. I've bought a new gold tree for my room (cos it's gold) and mum is going to decorate the house and all that.  We were going to have Christmas Day on the 25th but it will be year since my little friend Fergus got his wings so it wouldn't be right to do it on that day so the 26th can be Christmas Day and we're going to have a proper lunch and open a gift and have a party for my friends on the Sunday. Last year I was so ill at Christmas that I didn't even open a present and dad had to eat his lunch on his own. So we aren't been miserable we're just making sure that we do get one this year. 
I can't say too much but I'm really excited that I'm going to be launching my own charity very soon. It will help lots of other kids like me and it will something that my mum can do to keep her busy. I think that the website will be working very soon and that I will be able to tell you all about it in the next week or bit more.
Sorry I was a long time writing this. Have a nice week, love Alice :)


  1. Alice -- I am so impressed by your strength and courage. Please know that you inspire me daily to deal with the things in my own life that feel difficult, but really aren't all that awful in the grand scheme of things. You and your family are in my prayers.

  2. I am glad that you have been busy and doen a visit with Mabel and had a great time in Devon :) (And I was pleased to see you have posted as have been a tad worried as always read your blog but never replied on it before because I only just worked how to .... which is a little bit pathetic!)
    Excellent plan to do an early Christmas .... there should be as many Christmas dinners as possible I think - always seemed a waste to have just one a year! My dogs can't wait to see Mabel on PAH packets - they will see it as a new excuse to make me buy more treats - I have a Labrador called Dexter (who thinks Mabel is rather pretty) and a Border Collie (Rocky O Sock), an Alaskan Malamute called Noobie and a crazy Norwich Terrier pup called Pixie ... she looks like the sweeping end of a sweeping brush!!!

  3. Crikey Alice, you've been so busy! I'm very jealous of your early Christmas. My birthday is on 28th NOvember so I refuse to think Christmas until after that buty it rather shortens the fun of the cheesy music and all the excess eating. There's not a day when I don't drink from my gorgeous Emma Bridgewater mug (thanks for giving me the excuse I have been seeking to have a reason to buy my first Emma Bridgewater!!) My dog Nugget sends you big licks: she's a bit stressed at the moment because of all the fireworks, so the poor thing is on her last nerve!

  4. My husband is in the military. I don't think we have celebrated christmas on christmas yet! So I think it's quite normal to celebrate a little early. Glad you've been busy and enjoying your fall season!

  5. Alice your bravery is such an inspiration to me! I'm glad you had a great time in Devon! I hope you have a lovely November Christmas! Christmas should definitely happen at least twice a year in my opinion! Love and good wishes to you and your family. Amyx

  6. Two christmases. . Why not. We've done it before for one reason and another. Next yr Christmas wont be until mid January as hubby will most likely be in away Sept to Jan. But will still have to have something in December for the boys as they wont understand. :o)

  7. I feel like I celebrate Christmas in November every year because I'm a Brit living in the USA and we have a big turkey dinner at Thanksgiving. This year on November 24th I'm going to give thanks for your blog and for your amazing spirit. Happy Christmas in November sweet Alice, you're an inspiration :)

  8. Do you have a place to host your website yet? If not we would be honoured to provide that service. The startup price would be nothing, with an annual recurring rate of nothing.

  9. Sounds like you've had a fab couple of weeks!! Looking forward to hearing more about your charity and maybe how we can all get involve and help a bit more? You are so brave and inspirational, just what people like me need to get off our bums and help to make a difference.
    Have a wonderful November Christmas, sending lots of love from one Alice to another!xxx

  10. Hey Alice! I just wanted to say you aren't alone. I'm 15 and I have leukemia. I know how hard it is but Never ever ever give up. There may be times when you want to but just keep your head up :) things will get better.

  11. Alice, keep on keeping on lovely girl. Enjoy that first piece of advent candy. xxx

  12. You are such an inspiration Miss Alice. I can't wait to hear all about your new charity.

  13. Sounds like a wonderful few weeks! You are really amazing Alice, I love reading your posts. Hope you have an incredible Christmas in Novmeber. <3

    Ninja-ing my way through life

  14. I'm so glad to hear you're okay, Alice! I hope you get to have two Christmases (and many more) :) I'm rooting for you, honey. Stay strong <3

    Much love and hugs from Oklahoma,
    Whitney :)

  15. I'm glad to hear all is well with you! Take care sweet girl!

  16. glad to see you, Alice, as always.

    looking forward to hearing about the charity!

  17. Alice,
    I have been following your blog since June. I just want you to know that you have already helped other teens who have been diagnosed with cancer across the pond in Texas! I am a teacher in a high school and one of our students was diagnosed with lymphoma. Things were looking pretty bad for him, but his last dr. visit was great news and it looks like he is on his way to complete remission! Your strength and positive attitude helped him so much. He's a typical 15-year-old boy, so I know he would never let you know how much he has been inspired by you since he has to be the tough guy. But his mom said that your blog has kept them strong. She sent me a great big thank you for sharing your story with her and her son. You are truly amazing! I keep hoping for a miracle, and I hope you are too! Angie from Dallas, Texas

  18. Alice we always have at least 3 Christmases so that we can celebrate with all the various different people, so I think your plan is excellent.

    Your room makeover sounds gorgeous! It is so nice to have something fresh.

    Can't wait to hear about the charity, you are so amazing and I'm sure that will keep going forever through your charity.

  19. Hi Alice,
    I have also followed your blog since June and love reading your updates! I’m a primary school teacher (Year 5) here in Australia and I’m trying to inspire my class to become good citizens. Last week I shared your mission, re bone marrow donation messages on 18th Birthday cards, and asked my class to think about a little thing they could do that would make a big impact on society. So far your idea is still the best, but at least they are starting to think about issues bigger than themselves. I’m sure some may soon send you a message. If that happens can you please remind them to be good & do their homework  Thanks Alice, your courage and inspiration is a credit to you and your family!

  20. Dear Alice,

    So happy to hear you are enjoying your adventures :) I'll say an extra prayer for you and your family as you have your infusion tomorrow! You have inspired all of us to be our very best and made the world a better, brighter place. THANK YOU!

    We should all have Christmas in November! That is one fabulous idea regardless of the reason... my family will start Christmas along with you and each day of the season we'll work to spread the word and donate resources to bone marrow research and registries.

    I don't pretend to understand what you and your family are feeling these days, but I do hope for only the best for you every single day :)

    Love from across the Pond in Nashville, TN, USA :) Traci

  21. Glad to see you on here, so happy to hear what fun you've been having! And a little jealous you get to have xmas early! Hehe. Glad you've got lots of exciting things going on,
    Thinking of you & your family always.

  22. Hi Alice,

    So nice to hear from you! You have been very busy which is wonderful. I think 2 Christmases would be fabulous. You are such a positive, sweet, precious girl. Can't wait to hear about your charity!

    Love and hugs,
    Alyson in SC, USA

  23. I wish you a really beautiful Christmas with lots of presents. Keep just enjoying each day dear Alice, you are doing great!
    a big hug from Gran Canaria

  24. Your story will go on helping so many people for a very long time.
    Miss Alice-you have left a strong set of footprints while you have walked with Jesus on your journey. I pray you have a blessed early Christmas because we should all live with that feeling toward others in our hearts like you have already shown the world that you do.

  25. Just wanted to say you are an inspiration and what you do is fantastic

  26. Hi Alice

    I just received my letter from the Canadian bone marrow registry confirming I'm now on the registry and I'm ready to help someone in need. So glad to hear from you again Alice, you're wonderful. MEM, New Brunswick Canada

  27. Hi Alice,

    I really hope they do the radiation asap, you're worth every penny it costs i'm sure! xx

    You're such a fighter and you deserve anything & everything that can help you with your fight.

    My girls love to read your posts so i will show them when they get home from school.

    I hope you and your family have a magical and memorable christmas x 2.

    Lots Of Love and prayers coming your way! X

  28. Hi Alice,

    I can't believe your working on setting up your own charity, how exciting! I hope it all goes well for you and can't wait to find out more. I'm glad you had a lovely time in Devon.

    I am going travelling to Latin America for 7 weeks as of tomorrow and have set up a travel blog to record all my experiences. Your courage and lust for life inspired me to book the trip that I have been putting off for ages (as well as join the BM registery of course!). Ill be seeing 3 'new' wonders of the world as well as a natural wonder and am really excited. Thank you Alice for sharing your story and reminding people that 'You only have one life.. Live it!', none of us know how long we have left on this earth and its so important to make the most of the time we have, but so easy to become complacent. We can all learn so much from you.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy Christmas no.1 and I will be thinking of you and your inspirational family and will continue to follow your blog on my travels.

    Take Care xxx

  29. Hello, Alisa.I hope you will fulfill your dreams and I"m glad that you are in a difficult moment so bravery.go on standest in the same spirit!I am sorry for my mistakes, i am yet not good know English.))))))))

  30. Alice - Happy Christmas and Happy Christmas! I love the idea and as I read about your Advent Calendar I am eating a piece of chocolate - how appropriate. Really looking forward to the unveiling of your charity and to seeing you and Milly enjoying your Christmases.

  31. Oh and P.S. I am now a registered bone marrow donor in the US. You are one closer to having everyone in the world swabbed :)

  32. Hi Alice! Unfortunately I can't donate to the bone marrow as I too am fighting stage 4 cancer. I just completed 9 weeks of radiation - so far doing okay. Love your bucket list - and your energy to start a foundation! Will follow your progress - love coming your way from Rhode Island!

  33. Hi Alice,

    I think you are a total star, a hero. I can't even begin to tell you how brave and how much of an inspiration you are to everyone...I keep reading your blog all the time even though I don't comment. I hope both your christmasses are fantastic. Do post pics..


  34. I'm very excited to hear about the charity! You've already created such an amazing legacy, Alice.You are bringing about change in the world, which is more than most people can do given 80 years.
    Your generous heart inspires others, and gives them hope. It gives ME hope, that others will learn to follow your lead; to live life to its fullest, and to help as much as you can along the way. What an incredible world it would be if we all did so!

    Love and Light, precious girl.

  35. Hey I'm 16 and I was diagnosed with spinal tumors when I was 11 and 2 years ago they found them in my brain so I've been fighting and going though all kinds of chemotherapy I am about to start another one they won't know if they will ever be able to make a medicine work but I'm lucky because my cancer is slow growing so I have time but they never know. Just remember there are always people behind you and the will be there forever and your not the only one.

  36. Dearest Alice,
    you're simply wonderful - I'm repeating myself I guess -, but truly, you're such an inspiration to lots and lots of people that I would be totally proud if I was your mum or part of your family, or at least, I knew you! Because of your blog it is a bit like I knew you... thank you so much for writing it!! As a mother myself, I break in tears when I read your updates...So happy for the treats, like the new coulors in your room.
    Hope the doctors will work out what is best for you.
    I wish you a lovely Xmas whether in November, December, or whenever..
    big hugs from Hungary.

  37. WOW so exciting to hear about your new charity - can't wait to see it! Hope you've had two nice pieces of chocolate already! I will keep thinking up ways to spread the bone marrow word. love Clare xxxx

  38. Alice, you are a true inspiration. I was having dinner with my husband last night and I started talking to him about you and your blog. It's been such a gift to read along on your journey and see all your accomplishments! Take care,
    Olivia (from Chicago)

  39. Enjoy your Christmas Alice! Your room sounds fab! Love Natasha - Nova Scotia xxxxx

  40. Boy you're busy. :) I haven't rode a horse in years. Last time I tried, I was too short and I couldn't climb on the horse properly. But awesome job for starting a charity. I'd love to raise money for it if you'd give me the details.

  41. I think it is SO cool your are having two Christmases, especially since you missed out on Christmas last year. I thought of you about 2 months ago, because I know you are an animal lover like me. We had to put my lovely old girl Cleo to sleep (I have messaged you about my 2 labs Cleo and Jovi before- they look alot like Mabel). We immediately went out an adopted a puppy, she and her 4 brothers and sisters were rescues from the state of georgia (I live in Minnesota) so my new puppy Georgia came all the way here hundreds of miles and we took her home- very sick little puppy- and now she is healthy, happy, and driving me crazy, lol. I thought of you because I remembered Mabel was going to be on the dog treats bags. Anyway, dog people, we remember people from their animals, dont we? I love that your mom says those people won't worry because they cant remember. What a nice thought.
    I hope your christmases are WONDERFUL.

  42. How exciting to have 2 Christmases planned! 2 lots of turkey hey! Thinking of you lots and was very excited to hear about your new room, it sounds lovely!

  43. Hi Alice!
    So many other people have expressed this so well already (much better than I can!), but I just want to tell you that you are an amazing person and help so many people in so many ways! You are an inspiration, and I'm wishing for nothing but the best for you and your family, including cute cute Mabel!
    xoxox from MA, USA
    ps: I am signed up for the donor registry here in the US!

  44. Hurrah for Novembermas! I almost joined in the fun when my advent calendar arrived this morning in the post. I'm hoping to get in the spirit quite soon as all the craft stuff for making my cards has now arrived. I'm sure I'll soon have metallic spray everywhere!

    Looking forward to hearing more details about the charity - exciting stuff! In the meantime, I've nominated Anthony Nolan to benefit from a 30 day yoga challenge which I'll be doing this month to try and help fund getting all these extra people onto the register.

    Enjoy your christmas preparations
    Annabel xxx

  45. You makes my eyes leak each time I read your blog, have a happy Xmas (in November) S

  46. Merry Christmas , Alice!! Big, giant dogs kisses from my two pooches, Hamilton and Lucy!! We are all praying for you here in Texas!! XOXOXOXOXO

  47. Alice, 2 christmases sounds amazing!!! I cant wait to put up our tree over here, my mom keeps telling me it's still way too soon lol. I think I will persuade her to get ours up next week! I love christmas decorations so much that I never want to put them away in january. One year I actually managed to convince my family to keep the house decorated longer. It was almost March and when one of my friends came over she asked: how come it's
    still christmas in your house?! LOL

    not sure if you know this, but christmas in brazil is
    actually during the summer, no snow for us lol

    If you could send me your post adress by email, I would love to send you a christmas card! It's
    marinammcc at gmail. Com

    hope you are doing well : )

    Much love from brazil xoxo

  48. I cannot seem to figure out the technical aspects of the security system, but I will try again.

    The most important thing: Keep up the good spirits. I know a lot of doctors, and I know they don't know everything. The best ones are aware of that, I think. It's not that I don't know a lot of science and math, but rather enough to know that you can get to the limits of their knowledge of these things in about 10 minutes. So keep thinking good thoughts.

    My daughter has a dog, which is a pretty good looking beagle, but not as beautiful as your dog. Really quite stunning. You should be proud of her. Our dog is really nice, but sometimes a bit mischievous. I guess that is all dogs.

    Nice you go visit the older folks with the dog. My grandma had the same problem remembering. It took a while to learn to be patient. It was funny - her long-term memory was great.

    Hope you're getting enough chocolate. I used to love candy, but somewhere along the road I ate too much I think. And it's a funny thing - Cadbury chocolate has a different taste than American chocolates, so I don't really like it. A friend was addicted to those creamy easter eggs they sell, at least over here.

    By the way, you write very well and extremely well for someone your age. I went to Yale Law School, and I wish I was as fluid in my writing when I started - life would have been a lot simpler. You must be quite smart. I am sincerely impressed.


  49. Alice I wish you the first Merry Christmas of your two Christmas celebrations. Makes total sense to do it twice. And especially since you all did not get to celebrate last year. We have Thanksgiving here as you must know, which is like Christmas without the presents, same food, just not tree, but the trees are up in all the shops and in the street.
    I think it's wonderful about your charity.
    I think in the States you can donate bone marrow up to sixty if you are healthy, which is different than in England. There are so many conflicting bits of information for people after a certain age, but I'm still looking into it.
    As always you amaze me.
    xxoxooxo Tracey

  50. Hi Alice - i am catching up and so pleased to hear how you are. I am wishing you a fantastic Nov-xmas ( i think you could start a new trend ! ) and i think it is a great idea to have 2 xmas lunches - yum yum.

    I hope you get some rest and are not too tired xx

  51. HI ALICE <3<3<3

    WITH LOTS OF LOVE <3<3<3<3

  52. Que Dios te de ánimo y mucha fuerza para lograr lo que propongas, saludos desde Chile!

  53. Que Dios te de la fuerza y el ánimo para hacer lo que te propongas, saludos desde Chile!

  54. Hi Alice,
    My cousin, Tracey Jackson, said it's your birthday tomorrow - and a huge birthday at that. 16!!! You made it! Keep strong and have a very happy birthday. Lots of love, Jennifer Zachmann
