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2 October 2011

Big Smiles :)

I have had probably the best weekend that I've had for ages and ages.  Alton Towers was brilliant and they really looked after us and the Chocolate room was really cool. There was a really cute teddy waiting for me with a load of balloons! It had loads of chocolate hidden and every time you walked in, it had all these sound effect things, like been on a steam train.  We had a good meal in Flambo at night and Cristina looked after us with lots of smiles :)
They even gave us fastpass tickets so we didn't have to queue which was good. I really did try to do a big ride.  I nearly did 'Air', but I was a bit unsure so mum said she'd go on and wave at me and I could think about it.  Uncle Gary stayed with me and mum took Rhys and Sammi with her, but they were gone for ages and the ride had stopped but we didn't know why. When they arrived back, guess what?  They'd got on the ride and it had clamped their legs and then it had tilted them so they were hanging face down and then it broke down.  So they'd been stuck in it, hanging there for about 20 minutes.  Mum thought it was hilarious, but it put me off.  I loved the mine train and we all laughed cos it was quiet and they gave us extra goes and every time we went through, we shouted 'Choo choo' (cos that's what the man had to say but he was laughing with us).  So thank you Alton Towers, I had a really brilliant brilliant time x

On the way back from Alton Towers, we called in to see Leigh and Rachel at Emma Bridgewater and we met some new people too.  It was really good to see them and they were having a coffee morning downstairs, so we bought some cakes and I painted a new bowl for my cereal with Mabel on it (mum smashed my last one by accident). I got some bits in the shop for presents and I bought a chocolate labrador mug (we already have a yellow one and a black one). I've got another reason to try and get to my 16th birthday, because I decided that I'd like a pottery party there for me and my friends.  Mum said that we can book a hotel down there so it's not too much on one day.

And then, my weekend got better because I went to the Andrew Collinge Salon in Liverpool to get my wig. We were really late because the M6 had an accident on it and the traffic had stopped but we phoned and Amy was really nice and said not to worry.  I got to meet Andrew who was a really nice man and he introduced me to Olivia who was doing my hair.  It was really weird because you have to put it on so that it can be cut into a style on your head.  I was watching myself in the mirror and I just couldn't stop smiling. Gemma did mums hair and mum was so happy and it looks really nice.  So I'm going to put a photo on here of me with my new hair, because I love my new hair. Thank you to everyone at Andrew Collinge and the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Me and my new hair
We were staying in Liverpool for the whole weekend as my treat and I got to go to Pizza Express for my dinner and on Saturday I found a dress for next Friday.  I was really worried about finding something to wear but I'm quite happy and I think I look okay in it.  I haven't found any shoes yet but I'm looking.  I know I don't have to worry, but I'm a bit nervous about the awards night. We are going to London on Thursday night so that I don't have to travel on the day of the awards and we might get to stay an extra night and do a show on the Saturday night.

Yesterday, mum did a workshop thing at the Apple shop in Liverpool and she started to put her photos in order but she has got thousands of them so it was a bit of a mess. She's trying to do a video of me but she is finding it hard to work her new laptop. But they were really good and then today she had a proper lesson and she said it was really good and that she thinks she gets it now. So I'm in my bedroom doing this and Dad is doing work stuff (for a change NOT) and Mum is in the study doing her photo thing.  So I've got to say a special thank you to Chris and everyone in the Apple store who helped my mum.

So I've had a really nice weekend :) I better go now cos we're going to go and meet my sister from her school trip. I can't wait to see her and here about her adventures.


  1. Great to hear that you had such a fabulous weekend.

    Alton Towers is amazing. Glad to hear that they looked after you so well.

  2. Thanks Alice for sharing that happy moments with us and you look really beautiful with your new hair!

  3. Awww, you look absolutely GORGEOUS!! Mix the new hair with a new dress and new shoes - I can't wait to hear that you won the award!! I have all my fingers crossed for you Alice!

    You're living life as it was meant to be lived... as though each day were your last. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experiences with the world. :D

  4. Love the hair!

    glad you had a fun time, hun.

  5. your wig looks so good! i'm glad you had a great weekend :) i hope it's okay that i'm praying for you x

  6. Alice - So happy to hear about your amazing weekend at Alton Towers! I'm with you about being stuck upside down on a ride - no thank you.

    Love the new hair. You look especially posh. Rest up and let us all know about this upcoming weekend too. I will be thinking about you and Milly and hoping you have a great time being "celebrities" :)

    P.S. I love chocolate, too!

  7. I'm glad you had so much fun and
    I hope you'll have many more weekends like this, Alice!
    You look so beautiful in the photo!
    Like a little princess! x

  8. So glad you had a wonderful time! You look so pretty. That hair color and length is so chic. And um..if I were stuck upside down for even five minutes I would be freaking out. I can't imagine. I have four children and I'd probably embarrass each one of them with my shrieking :)

  9. Your new hair is gorgeous!
    I don't think I would like to be hanging upside down for 20 minutes at all. I would've passed on that one too. It sounds like you've been very busy! I'm a bit tired just reading about it.

  10. love that pic of you. you should be happy cos the hair looks great. love the colour really suits you. i hope you will be able to put up pics of u in ur dress after the award nite. are you going to have an updo that will look very elegant.

  11. Wow, that's so scary that they were stuck upside down on the ride! I think if that had happened to me I would have been put off going to amusement parks for the rest of my life! How did they rescue them? Did the fire brigade have to come?!

    I love your wig, it looks great. :)

  12. Ah Alice, you look totally gorge - I love your new hair, it's such a lovely shade and cut so well! xxx

  13. Hi Alice

    You are so beautiful ... always beautiful ... with or without hair ... but your new hair is great ...

    Kisses and love

  14. your hair is gorgeous!! Such a beautiful color. I'm soooo glad to hear you had a wonderful time at Alton towers! It's good to hear all the fun your having and I can't wait to hear about your 16th birthday! What a fun party that will be. ;0)

  15. I am so glad you had a great time and you look beautiful!

  16. Your hair looks brilliant! And I know how you feel about collecting Labrador mugs! We have them everywhere too!


  17. Alice, I am so impressed with your courage and love for life. Thank you for being you.

  18. Your hair is gorgeous! And you in it - even more gorgeous! I love reading about your adventures.

  19. Well done, Alice; so pleased you had a really good weekend. Your new hair is great! Good luck at the awards ceremony.

  20. You look lovely, Alice - the colour especially is very flattering to your complexion. So happy you enjoyed your weekend and Alton Towers sounds fun!

    Lots of love from Down Under

  21. Sounds like a fantastic weekend, glad you all enjoyed it. Your new hair looks really good too. I remember my Mum getting a new wig, which looked really strange until my auntie cut it to suit Mum and then it was perfect! A few years ago my sister and I had our heads shaved for charity, we raised money for cancer research and donated our hair to a charity called Locks of Love to be made into wigs for children - my sisters hair was 25" long but mine was only 17". Hopefully, those wigs looked as pretty as yours does xxxxxx

  22. Alton Towers sounded fab, but like you I might have chose to leave the big rides form others!
    Give your Mum lots of encouragement, before you know it she will be a whizz, making all sorts of videos for you to share.

  23. That's great you had such an awesome weekend :)

  24. LOVE the hair Alice xx

    Wouldn't blame you for not going on the ride after that I'd be the same :P loving the blog

  25. Glad you had an amazing about amazing..i love your are gorgeous !!
    Your posts make me smile,looking forward to hearing about the awards.
    I love music so i have to say..Happy Rocktober :)
    Lotsa hugs to you and your sweet family

  26. Woweee! Look at your lovely hair! What a weekend! So busy! I don't know how you do it! I'd be exhausted so well done you! Keep on doing what you're Doing Alice - Inspiring so many people!

  27. Glad you had fun at Alton Towers! Enjoy the award ceremony!

  28. Alice, your new hair is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Your picture is gorgeous!! So glad to hear that your time at Alton Towers was so much certainly sounds like a fantastic place :-) Hope you have a wonderful week!! Smiles, XOXOX

  29. You look so gorgeous! Your new hair suits you perfectly :) I'm so happy that you enjoyed Alton Towers and that you weren't stuck upside down on a ride! :) Thank you for sharing all of your adventures with us... it's incredibly generous of you.

    Love and Prayers and Hugs from Nashville, TN USA!!

  30. Bellissima pettinatura!
    You're gorgeous and you'll knock all the other girls down next weekend! Have a great week

  31. Alice your new hair is amazing! The cut and the colour really suit you... very chic!

  32. Glad to hear you had such a good time! No shame in disliking rollercoasters, I'm not a huge fan myself! You look great with your new hair!

  33. I'm glad you had such a fantastic weekend! Your hair looks great!

  34. Your hair is class, love it!!!
    Good luck at the awards at the weekend xox

  35. Hi Alice,

    I'm so glad you had such a great weekend! I don't know what the "Alton Towers" are, so I will have to Google that. But anything named "the chocolate room" must be fantastic!
    Your hair looks beautiful too!

    Take care,
    Olivia from Chicago

  36. Love the new look! Went on a coaster with my Mom and while we were waiting to unload they had us hanging upside down. Mom got sick and all I could think was, "Thanks goodness it didn't happen during the ride. We all would have worn it!"

    After hearing how happy you are with the new wig, I am even more excited about donating my hair. I've been taking the time to enjoy it long and loose since it will be gone on November 11th.

    Thanks for your inspiration! I don't care whether you win an award or not, YOU INSPIRED ME!!!


  37. Hi Alice,

    Glad to hear you had a great time at Alton Towers. My show "A Night Of Musicals" is on in Ulveston on Sunday 9th October. If you would like to come with your family as my guests, we would love to see you.
    Have fun in London

    Michael x

  38. You look amazing. So glad you had a great time Lots of love xxx

  39. That hair is perfect!!! And what a beautiful girl underneath it !
    Sounds like you and your mom had a grand adventure. I love reading your posts and keeping up with your goings on- thank you for allowing us the glimpses into your life. You inspire, motivate and uplift those people who stumble across your me!

  40. It is beautiful faces like yours that make it so easy to grow my hair out and donate it to "Locks of Love" here in the states. Keep smiling!

  41. Thanks for sharing. So nice to read about you (and your family) having a fun time together.

    PS: Your hair looks great!

  42. You look lovely in your new pic xxx

    Best wishes

  43. Sounds as if you had a fantastic weekend!! You look lovely, such a pretty color and cut. Your pottery party sounds like it will be great fun!

    I sent my husband to Emma Bridgewater in London this past week as he was there for business. I asked him to buy me your mug. He was told it was only sold online. When I checked online it was currently sold out! So I guess I'll have to wait.

    Take care!

    ~ Mary Beth from Boston

  44. I'm so glad to see you had a good time! =]

  45. Alice your new hair looks amazing! Stay strong
    Rolo x

  46. Now isn't that just the prettiest hair color and style any lovely young woman would want to have!!!! You look beautiful!

  47. Rock Star! You look gorgeous! I love that hair. You know this is the truth, good wigs look better than plain old hair. They just do. I love the color, the length, the cut, you look amazing.
    Alton Towers sounds like a blast and a half.
    Your mom is brave to have been amused by hanging upside down in the air in a broken ride. I would have been hysterical. Not the funny one either.
    Can't wait to see photo of you in your new dress.
    What an honor.
    What good you are spreading wherever you travel.
    You are the best.

  48. really you are the best ! <3

  49. I love your new hair! I also love your polka dotted shirt you are wearing in the photo! I would wear polka dots everyday if I could!

  50. Hi there, girl!! I absolutely loved your weekend journey.

    It really appears to had been an amazing time.

    Your new hair is very cute! I also have red hair - well, in fact it becomes red because I go to the salon once and a while :)

    I hope you all have a great night tomorow. Post a nice picture with your new dress here, ok?

    Love, always

  51. It's wonderful to hear that you had a good time :) Liking the new hairstyle, but it didn't matter what style you had, you're still beautiful at heart :)
    Enjoy more of your weekends and the years to come!

  52. You look great!!! Keep smiling!

  53. Alice, I just wanted to comment on what a beautiful and well mannered girl you are. You set such a high standard of behavior and achievement for the rest of us-

    Thank you Alice

    Jackie- 19 yrs, USA
