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7 September 2011


It's either very late or quite early depending on how you look at it, but as I'm awake, I wanted to end the day with a message to all of my followers. This afternoon, I was busy tweeting and I was really shocked to find out that just 107 of a possible 650 MPs have taken up John Woodcock's challenge to #GET10, the campaign to recruit 10 fit, young men to the Anthony Nolan bone marrow registry. That means that, em a heck of a lot haven't signed to do it. So please tweet, email and Facebook YOUR MP, don't assume someone else will do it. There is a letter template here at - please do this for me, it's really important! The link might not work, as I've had to nip back into Alder Hey and am using myipad, so I can't attach it the same way as normal. I realise that we all have busy lives - I had that too. But cancer doesn't stop for board meetings, lunches, dinner dates or shopping trips. It's there all the time and we've had to change our lives. But that doesn't bother me anymore because I've found out what's important and I've found a way to make a difference to lots and lots of people around the world. Spread the word and gather those donors up! I remember when we were looking for a donor for me for my second transplant, and mum kept visiting the supermarket looking for men and saying, "he's quite young and fit, I wonder if he's on the register?" and out would come the Anthony Nolan leaflet. Make a promise to ask someone new tomorrow and contact your MP. The truth is that someone, somewhere NEEDS YOU to try and save their live. Please repost / tweet and message ... we must make people aware.


  1. I've written to my bloke (Julian Smith) - how do I find out if he's signed up?

  2. Fingers crossed that people respond to this post x

  3. brilliant Alice. My daughter Amy's story is in Take a Break this week and they have added a link to

    Also her friends are doing the Three Peaks challenge, raising funds in her name for Anthony Nolan. Like you, her dearest wish was to get more donors signed up and raise awareness.

  4. Hiya fantastic post! Can u send it to tim farron and ask him to use the post to persuade other mps to sign up?
    Hope you home again soon xxxx

  5. Hi Alice,I appreciate your effort in raising awareness for bone marrow donation. I will also enroll my name for this noble cause, not only with bone marrow donation but also in Blood donation also, as I believe blood donation is equally important.
    I was not reading your posts for a while as I was getting treated for my leg which I broke while playing lol. I hope you and and Milly celebrated her Birthday well. So, keep posting, take care and get well soon.

  6. Just join people, I've been on for 10 years and have never had the opportunity to help others, but I can't think of anything more special I could help with.
    Thanks Alice, love reading your blog :)

  7. Alice I've just stimbled across your blog, and wanted to say I think you are a truley amazing and inspirational person, and I have said a little prayer for you and your family.
    I would love to get involved with your fundraising too.
    My mum passed away from cancer last year so it is a subject very close to my heart, my sister and I have done a couple of race for lifes now :)
    I think it's amazing that you are totally embracing life... GOOD FOR YOU!! I truley hope you complete your bucket list.

    ps cute photo in Torquay, I used to live there, small world :) xx

  8. ps I put a ling to your blog on mine, I hope that's okay? I want everyone to read it!!

  9. Keep up all the good work Alice! Someday there will be enough donors for everyone!

  10. Done Miss!! I can't be a donor (makes me cross, especially since Tom narrowly missed needing a BMT) because of fibromyalgia, but I'm spreading the word like butter on toast.
    Love you to bits Alice, and the family - I'm sure it's not all rosy, but boy have you got the hang of living xxx 3.8.1 xxx

  11. You are doing an amazing job Alice - you are inspirational x

  12. I checked to see if my MP had signed up, Nope. Sigh! So I've sent him an email. I hope it gives him a kick up the butt and he'll sign the EDM. Fingers crossed. Soothing hugs to you and your family. Hope to hear from you again soon. :) x x

  13. Hey Alice. I wish I could be a donor but I can't.. but I've got quite a few of my friends to become donors! I've emailed my MP too :) Hope you're doing ok and get home soon xx

  14. I dont know if I would qualify or not but I'll look into it...Tweeted by the way.

  15. I just started reading your blog - I love it! Wish I could do something from Canada to help :-)

  16. Alice HI, im from Brazil, I read your blog sometimes and I appreciate your strength and your will to live and be happy. Many people would have you as an example because the art of being happy is the most simple things in life. Here in Brazil we speak a lot on no matter how long things last is the important last long enough to become unforgettable. You know and enjoy every second even with some limitations. I really hope that you are always very happy and it stays that way, knowing enjoy life.
    Today I can say that I have you as one of my examples, and that's how I want to live ... with will to live!!

  17. Hi,

    I've written to my MP and asked him if he has supported the initiative and will post the link on my FB page and twitter accounts to spread the word.

    I will be giving blood for the first time in November (having just overcome my phobia of needles - my appointment was booked for the first opportunity!) and will request to be put on the donor list as well.

    I shall also be using my blog to spread the word...I'll post you a link when it's all up and rocking.

    Sending lots of love and energy your way.

    Claire x

  18. Hi Alice. Just wanted to let you know that because of your blog I have joined the bone marrow registry already and my boyfriend has just registered his details with Anthony Nolan Trust and is waiting for confirmation from them (and a container to spit in haha!) You are such an inspiration and I think you have already made such a big difference to the number of people signing up to donate bone marrow. I hope that you are feeling ok at the moment and that all your family and pets are well. Susan xx
