15 June 2011

WARNING to the low lives

With regard to all the not so lovely 'anon' comments been left, particularly the one asking if the bitch had died yet - you are only 'anon' on this blog, you are not invincible and you ARE traceable.  We will find and prosecute every single one of you.  I haven't stood by Alice for four years to be affected by a bunch of (can't say what I'd like to on here).  And to 'Ed Harding' and 'Scott' ... if you continue to advertise your seedy businesses in Alice's guest book, I swear to God I will reveal your personal details and get Alice to do the same on her Twitter.  Don't underestimate me ... I'm a mother.
Vicky Pyne, 1024 hrs GMT


  1. Small minded idiots...I'd use a harsher word but Alice is only 15!!

  2. That's horrible that someone would say that! I hate that people think that they can say what they like because they are sitting behind a computer screen! They would never have the balls to EVER say that to someone's face so what makes them think they have the right to say it on the internet?!
    People like that make me so mad! I hope you do find out who they are and prosecute because they are horrible, horrible people!

    On another note, I hope you're OK Alice, I'm glad to hear you had a nice time in Manchester :) If there's anything I or anyone I know can do for you, let me know! :)

    Rhiannon xo

  3. i think these people are incredibly sad who feel the need to post comments like these! and the fact they have not even got the guts to leave a name shows what cowards they are! your an increbibly brave little girl with a loving caring family around you and have touched the hearts of millions around the world with your amazing courage that you have shown and spirit in battling this terrible illness. so these people who leave such despicable messages deserve no mention at all as they are the lowest of the low.

  4. Don't waste your time with wirds, go after these @@@@@ !

  5. You go girl!!
    Hugs and love to you all :)
    Ashley x

  6. Utterly disgraceful. Unfortunately, the internet does propagate idiots with keyboard courage, convinced that they are hidden by a veil of anonymity.

    Anyway, I wish you all the best. Very inspiring.

  7. I cannot believe somebody would say things like that! That's awful! go after them with everything you've got!!

  8. It's so sad what these horrible horrible people are doing! I hope you find out who they are and I so so hope it's not getting you down.

    Supporting you guys all the way
    Jaz (Post Pal pillow case)

  9. That's awful, wish Alice the best xx

  10. I pray for u...:-)

  11. I know it is difficult but its best to ignore them, what they are looking for is to provoke a reaction.

    99.9% of people have been moved by your story. Please don't let the small minded idiots upset you. The beauty about the internet is that everyone can interact with everyone, the massive downside is that unfortunately this means you also have to deal with these idiots.

    My thoughts are with you.

    Ps I've also signed up to Anthony Nolan. You are making a difference.

  12. I forgot to say, there is an option on Blogger's dashboard to make comments by moderation only, so you would get to read them before deciding to post them or not. I had to adopt this policy for my own blog a couple of years ago when I was receiving abuse from anonymous posters; it stopped immediately.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear people have been doing this!!!!
    Thinking of you all - best wishes.

  14. I'd be happy to volunteer my time to moderate the comments so that rubbish doesn't get posted. Just let us know - there are so many who want to help.

  15. Too right!! What scum. Is there no way of changing settings on here so you have to approve a comment before it is posted? That way you could report any nasty or spammy comments and then delete them before publishing them. I'm not sure how the blog site here works but it was just a thought. I know it's not at all the same but I am a musician and I get the same thing on all my music pages. There are always idiots online using your site to spam their horrible sites, people who just leave hateful comments for no reason and just very strange people indeed! I have learnt to just ignore them and have pre comment approval wherever possible to filter out the horrible element. I have even had to disable my wall post setting on facebook sometimes. I am afraid that it the down side of internet and all these great sites. There will always be a small element of people that want to spoil it for other people. Thing is we have to NOT let them get to us! I am a Mum
    too and my heart goes out to you all but I urge you to keep strong, focus on the lovely positive comments and supportive people and ignore the very few nasy ones!! Sending much love and my prayers your way. Mrs B

  16. Just delete them. Trolls are everywhere on the internet - they are sad and pathetic people who feel like the world owes them something. Forget about them and just delete them and go on with this wonderful blog and it's wonderful goals.
    (I'm only signing in as anon because blogger is not being good to me at the moment!!)

  17. I am 32 years old and last year, my then 28 year old sister was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of breast cancer. I thought I had heard all the useless, brainless, not-helpful-at-all, hurtful comments by now, but after reading your comment, Vicky, I am conviced that I have not even heard half of what people will say. all I want to say is: hang in there and don't let them get to you - you all really need your energy for your family and idiots will remain idiots. If you can, get them and fry them, but if you can't, then please know that most of us out there feel for you and your family and don't want anything to do with these brainless scumbags.

    All the best from Germany to you and your loved ones from one who has a slight idea of what you are going through.

  18. sorry that should have read nasty ones in my previous comment, should have edited it first!!

    Mrs B

  19. I think its terrible that some people would go out of their way to do something like this... that being said I really think you should take down this entry. It's what they want, and it will only invite more idiots to do the same...

  20. Alice,

    In days, months, years to come... others who have only days, months or years to live will come to this page and the other genuine sites to learn once more what a lovely girl you are! and find the strength and courage to live their life to the full.. however much time they have...

    If you have taught us all one thing.. those of us who are genuinely behind you and 'cheering' you on as you try to complete as much of this list as possible... it is that life is a glass half full.. not half empty...

    You amaze and inspire me... I.. who am much older than you.. who takes life and my life so much for granted... and yet... here you are.. reaching out to the world.. and me.. to share your story.. to leave your legacy of memory and make us understand that to have life is precious..

    To such idiots who have been cruel, mean minded, stupid and ignorant.. I know we can't stop you... but we can try to create SO MUCH GOOD.. that your influence.. and comments and existence is largely non existent...

    Keep living your life with the joy you show here.. and forget these others...

    After all Alice.. you can have no idea what an impact your life has had on many, many others... a positive.. long lasting effect...

    so let the shady fellows try their best to bring you down.. to make their ignorant comments, post their ridiculous ads and what not...

    we are behind you.. quietly... strongly.. and in the end.. the number of GENUINE people who find inspiration and hope in this blog or your facebook or tweets FAR OUTWEIGHS the 'vocal' no hopers!!

    I wish I could take that kind of pain from you.. and am saddened that people are out there trying to bring you down..

    BUT don't you let them Alice, you've made a huge difference to my life..

    and if I'm the only one in the world (which I am not) then you have already created a miracle :)

    loads of love and support to you and the family

  21. Unbelievable that anyone would do such a thing - I am so sorry Alice and family.

    You may have done this already but why not switch Blogger to not accept anon comments, at least then people are traceable and much less likely to leave evil comments.

    On a lighter notes, the Take That concert sounded A-MAZ-ING.....so jealous of you meeting those lovely boys!!!! xxxx

  22. That's so terribly sad that there are people out there who would write such things. I genuinely hope you have reported them. It's disgusting.

  23. I'm so sorry that you've been through all this. I'm gutted that something that started seeming like a wonderful rush of good feeling for you, Alice, has ended up catching the attention of such lowlifes, as always seems to happen online. It really has shown up the best and worst sides of the internet at once.

    Please don't be disheartened - you've done so much good already!

    What's more, you've got a hell of a mother on your side! :)

    Wishing all the absolute best for you.


  24. Alice, you Mum is great! There are some very sad and sick individuals out there and you should just press delete and not give it another thought. You and your family are worth more than the effort it takes to read rubbish posted by some. Focus on the love and support given by the majority.
    Fantastic job getting so many people worldwide to sign the register.
    Nikki and all at Over The Wall xx

  25. I can't believe people are so cruel! Please don't let these things bring you down. you are an inspration to all, some people just like to hurt...ignore them! As some have already said, change your blog settings so you can moderate the comments, then you get to chose what you post. Keep your chin up sweetheart x the majority are behind you and praying for you and sending best wishes and are moved by your heart and your story xx

  26. Hi 5 mum! Don't let this sway you Alice because you have the world on your side. Love from Australia

  27. I can't believe how sad and cruel some people can be.. I wish Alice all the best. She is such an amazing girl!

  28. Pay the idiots no mind. Lots of love from San Antonio Texas.

  29. Oh no, i'm so upset to read this - i really hope you are able to ignore the horrible comments and focus on all of the 100's and 100's of beautiful positive people who are sending their love to your whole family xxx

  30. Hey Alice,

    I think all these losers posting horrible stuff about yo u are just jealous.
    Jealous that they couldn't do something as big with their lives, as you could.
    I think you ar an AMAZING person.
    Please don't listen to any of the stuff they are saying. :)
    All of us here in India are praying for you too!

  31. From one mother who has a child who has been through cancer, I send a huge hug to you all. If there is any kind of karma in this world these people will one day learn how hurtful and pathetic comments like that are. If they knew what you all are going through they wouldn't even begin to think of doing anything like this. Please don't keep that comment in your mind, I know I used to be so hurt and dwell on the stupid words people threw about, any cancer jokes on tv or passing throw away comments would maky my blood boil and hurt like hell but it just takes your strength away from Alice, your family and yourself. Remember that most people out there want to send love and support and all the good will in the world. All of our love to you all..and everyone else who is in a similar position. xxxxx

  32. WHY??? WHY do people feel the need to say things like that, it really angers me.

    Im sorry that you and alice have had to read those horrible things.


  33. Do it and then let the Police and the Anonymous Group do their stuff. These commenters are despicable, horrible people and deserve everything the law and the internet can throw at them.

    “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”

  34. I am so sad that they have to spoil this. It is despicable. Absolute scumbags. Alice is great and there is so much love for her out there. I make dolls and would love to make one for you or Alice. I also wondered if you she had any feedback about designing the pottery for Bridgewater Farm. Lots of love to you. Perhaps the negativity stems from the fact that Alice is everything hey wish they could be and will never ever be. xxxx

  35. PS Turn off anonymous commenting and switch on moderation. We can help. Just ask.

  36. Don't let the very sad people ruin this beautiful and moving idea. You have touched the lives of so many and by promoting brilliant causes such as awareness of the bone marrow list, saved others. love alice xxxx

  37. I'd release their names quite frankly. Alice and all those wonderful friends and family around her have found places in the hearts of many people around the world and they'll happily take care of such problems so you don't have to.

    Tig xx

  38. Dear Alice,
    just ignore these people, forgive them because they really do not know what they are doing. I hope life will teach them to care more for other people and to understand what suffering is.
    Dear Vicky,
    do all you can to prosecute them. Right now they don't deserve anything better.
    All of my love to you!

  39. You go girl! What an absolute "low life." Thoughts are with you and your daughter as you battle this serious disease. Bless both you and your family. Please ignore those that are so hateful - they don't deserve to be even called humans.

  40. sharon squires15 June 2011 at 11:41

    go vicky go you are doing a fine job of looking after your girls and the dirty rotten scumbags who write these horrible posts are not worth wasting your precious time over your family are in my prayers every night

  41. Once in a while you get a person that doesn't care about effects, or want to make you feel sad. But with the amount of positive people following and giving support, these people will NOT get the better of you.

    Very beautiful profile picture by the way

  42. I feel sick knowing the audacity of some people, absolutely disgusting. Get those idiots found out and keep strong! Don't ever let their careless and malicious words get the better of you, you are better than all of it!
    Stay positive! xxx

  43. Please don't listen to them. There's masses of support for you all and that will always shine brighter than anything else. No one can dim your light or stop the love & genuine good wishes coming your way.
    Enjoy every moment and focus on the positive. We are all in your corner and there's way too many of us to let the bad things hurt you. Let us do the dirty work and get rid of the idiots.
    Loads of love and support to all of you.
    Jane, Cheshire xxxxxxxxx

  44. Stupid morons with absolutely nothing better to do. They clearly lack in morals, intelligence, wit, charm, looks, personality and all the wonderful traits that the Pyne family have!
    Ignore them Alice, for every low life that has commented, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who admire and care for you


  45. I'm a mom too and I find it hard to believe that people can be so nasty., but we know they can. They're small,nasty, petty minded people who deserve a lot more than our contempt.
    Stay strong Alice, you're a very brave girl and so is your mom. Love to you Alice and all your family xxx

  46. Absolutely disgraceful - I was really shocked to read what has been happening. Some people are sick in the head. So sorry this has happened to you all, but remembert there is a huge amount of support behind you all, and lots of love. Carla xx

  47. The 'anon' group are trolls. Worse; they're hacker trolls.

    Best not to incite them with 'learning who you are' like statements. They've done some pretty heinous things with their hacking abilities, and you wouldn't want that to come down on you. Best just to ignore 'em. They'll go find someone else to prod and poke soon enough.

  48. More power to you.

    Can't believe what some people can do..

    Kia kaha (lots of strength) to you all, from New Zealand.

  49. That is disgraceful. I really hope that you don't take it too personally. And, if you need to, you can moderate any comments on these blogs.

    Wishing Alice all the best and I hope her wishes come true.

  50. Well said, Mrs Pyne!

    Just remember (as I'm sure you do every day) that for every one pathetic attention seeking idiot who writes such awful things, there are hundreds and thousands who have found so much inspiration in Alice and who obviously adore her! These people will get their comeuppance. We'll just have to keep sending more and more nice messages for you all to focus on!

    As for the Take That picture - as well as a watermark, you can actually encrypt information into the image itself so that it can always be traced back to you. This is very easy to do on photoshop. I think if you post it up here on your blog everyone will know it's yours, though - we would all love to see it!

    Wishing you all the best for your future adventures. I can't wait to read about them. Lots of love to the whole family!

  51. Oh dear what a shame to do so! ... I sympathize with the pain and courage that you face every day. Enjoy your beloved daughter every day that God made and although I doubt that it is not easy, ignore the messages miserable and wicked people are not human. With all my friendship...

  52. Firstly Alice, I'm glad you enjoyed TT, I had no doubt that you would as I also saw them last week and thought they were amazing- and I'm glad you got VIP treatment. What a treat.
    I hope all the messages of support are many more than the one's that feel there 'ANON' lowlife rude comments are welcome. I have, as many reported the fake Facebook page, as I'm sure many more will continue to do so. That way you and your family have one less thing to worry about. Good luck with the bucket list, I look forward to hearing more positive and happy storries such as your TT experience. All the best xxx

  53. You are the most inspiring person I have come across in a long time.In 15 yrs you have learned to deal with situations like this one with dignity and grace.To the people who have left those nasty comments take a leaf out of this girls book,live the life she has lived, be in her body for 4 yrs,be apart of her family and feel the heart ache, inspire the world and when you have done this I will write nasty comments on your blog and you will know exactly how this young girl feels when she and her family read your hateful and nasty comments.

    Chin up Alice you are a million times the person these idiots will ever be xxx

  54. Paul Nieuwland15 June 2011 at 12:14


    Ignore them all. Focus on the fun you had on Sunday - sounds like an amazing day. Your brave posts are having a huge impact around the world - far more than you probably realize. We have been reading your story in The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper. Millions of Canadians are reading about you!

    Keep being strong...we are all inspired by you and your family!

  55. Kieran in Sydney15 June 2011 at 12:15

    Sorry if im in the wrong section to be asking this; im new to the blog world... Youve done a great thing Alice and helped raise alot of awareness and indeed a lot of money ( both you and your sister) for cancer research; but i'd like to contribute to YOUR list... I don't have a lot to give but im sure im not the only one who'd like to help. A professional photo shoot with family (including the dog)... If anyone would be willing to contribute to this item; let me know by comment below; there's a bridal photography studio in Ulverston...

  56. For what it's worth, I send you my support, love and hope. Please remember that lots of lovely genuine decent people are thinking of you all and sending you hope and love. I am amazed by what your girls are achieving x

  57. Kieran in Sydney15 June 2011 at 12:17

    Ps... Im on the bone marrow donor registry

  58. Yes, as someone has already commented you can remove annoymous commenting and add moderation too.

    If I remember rightly the IP address is noted too, so all you have to do is complain to the ISP's. I ratehr suspect, especially considering how profile your cause and hopes have become, the ISPs will take action.

  59. I'm having a little trouble posting so I hope this time it does. Alice precious girl, you have thousands of people rooting for you. You are an inspiration to sooooo many. Thank you for showing me the importance of enjoying life. I hope you enjoy every moment of your bucket list wishes. You deserve the best of the very best. You are beautiful and have a wonderful family. Be strong. Ignore the idiots and rememeber the thousands of people that care. xxxx angskinner@yahoo.co.uk

  60. Blah should have read before posting, lol. "I rather suspect, especially consdiering how HIGH profile your cause......."

  61. Love overpowers hate. We are with you, Vicki! xo

  62. oops sorry - Vicky....not Vicki. xo

  63. Vicky,
    your family is such a precious example to thousands of us all over the world! Being a mother myself, I fully support your sentiments and the very emphatic way you have expressed them! Just do not let the hurt, incurred by the brainless ramble of despicable scumbags, spoil your day.
    There was a horrendous bus accident in our country in the early morning hours and among the comments in the websites of news agencies there were a number of outrageously heartless ones. There are such idiots everywhere but one way or another they invariably get what they deserve.
    Please, stay focused on the amazing amount of good that your family has spread. Alice, Millie, you and your husband are in thoughts every day!
    Hugs from Bulgaria

  64. Unbelievable that these excuse for human beings can behave this way. Don't let them get to you Mrs Pyne and Alice. Stay strong.

    With much love from Turkey xx

  65. hi.. please try to block these low lives out, i have lost a partner and a mum to cancer and when your well you need to be enjoying life not reading crap, but im so glad you had a fab time on sunday, and would of liked to see the photo, but understand y you cant show it off, take care and keep smiling x

  66. I am really sorry that Low live's are doing this. I would be happy to moderate for you also. That way nasty remarks can be deleted the second they show up. God bless, Tina Cook, Littleton, CO USA

  67. The internet if full of petty, ignorant trolls and unfortunately, you'll never completely get rid of them. But take heart - most of us ignore them and your lovely daughter's spirit shines so brightly that it eclipses them anyway. Keep fighting them off - you're obviously one tough mother! :) But don't think for a second that their ingorance in any way detracts from what Alice is doing with her blog. They don't have that much power.

    With admiration from Canada!

    p.s. next week, a bone marrow registry service will be coming to my workplace to sign up as many of us as possible. I will definitely be among those that join!

  68. A lot of the comments advertising seedy websites are automated, it' snot an actual person going to the website and entering it.

    Try not to take it personally, as it's not. I assure you, every one of us who has a blog deals with the same thing.

    As someone else suggested, you can set it up so comments don't appear until you've approved the writer, or each individual comment. Let me know if I can help.

    Focus on the good and keep writing!

  69. Rossella, Italy15 June 2011 at 12:30

    well done, mum!
    here in Parma, Italy, we have a saying which goes "Stupid people's mother is always pregnant".
    The worst thing is that Alice is a child, and she rejoyces and suffers for every word that's been written... Just give her a hug for me. <3

  70. Don't worry,

    They are just mean people that don't get it, and will end up going to hell. We'll be going to heaven dearie and never hear from them again.

    Lova and Light

  71. Please Read! Comforting the Terminally Ill http://www.watchtower.org/e/20080501b/article_01.htm

  72. A friend of mine sent me the link to your blog, and I'm so glad she did it. This is such an inspiration for everyone. Your courage, strenght and positivity are incredible, you and your family are true heroes. Keep strong and do not let yourself down by these rude and pathetic people that only have negative stuff to say!
    God bless you always, Alice. You've just got a brand new fan from Brazil :-)

  73. People are just mean inside no matter what the issue. They are lonely envious people and have nothing better to do, disregard negative people, they're always around unfortunately.

  74. Alice and Vicky,
    Please know that for every person tormenting you and being simply "stupid" there are hundreds of us loving and supporting all that you are doing from all over the world.

    Caring thoughts,

    Meaghan (Canada)

  75. That is a sick and twisted thing to do! If you have nothing nice to say don't bother! We all follow Alice because we care; we want to help Alice achieve these dreams and whoever write horrible and disgusting comments are just low lives!!!


  76. I can not believe how low people stoop to, just unbelievable, and I hope this nasty bad minded individuals are caught or at least stop what they were doing.

  77. Total idiots. These people obviously dont have a brain cell between them. Scum of the earth. Kama is a powerful thing, it will come back on them and they will eventually learn the hard way.

    I have so much admiration for you Pyne's... You ARE truly amazing!!

    Love always,
    Emily xxxx

  78. Go after 'em with everything you've got. They're scum. I had a troll on my own blog last year tell me I was a "sick ****" for taking photos of my son (he was stillborn, so they're the only photos I will ever have of him) - I too posted a very angry note to these oxygen thieves. Never underestimate a mama bear ;)

    Alice - Don't let these sorry excuses for "people" get you down, sweetheart. They revel in upsetting people, think it's funny. They have no idea what it's like to be human.

  79. Don't waste your energy on them, Vicky. They're sad little fools of limited intelligence. I know they've hurt your baby but just think how pathetic their lives must be. Pity them, they're not worth anything else.

    More importantly, how wonderful to read about your night out with Take That, Alice! It sounds amazing!!!

    Hang on in there, all of you. Ignore the trolls. Hold tight to each other.

  80. The anon guys are untraceable. They go after anything on the internet. Best thing is to delete their childish comments and not waste any more energy. The more you respond the longer they will hang around.

  81. Well, I have wonderful news for You, girl!! There is God, who can heal You. Sick Him and You will find him; try searching Reinhard Bonnke, Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine on youtube. Read the Bible. Meet with God! He can save Your soul that You could spend eternity in heaven, if You accept Him and Jesus to Your life (while still on earth; after death is too late)

  82. G'wan Vicky!! I hope you and Alice are okay, and I hope all this doesn't put you off blogging.

    Just remember that for every one horrible malicious person, there are a thousand beautiful wonderful ones!


  83. Dear Alice and Alice's Mum.
    I feel so much for you all.
    these people are the scum of the World and we have to share this planet with them.
    11 years ago when I had our Jen who has Down Syndrome, Autism and ADHD..I was very tempted to set up a page for her or a blog, with her development on.
    I didn't do this because whilst pushing her as a baby, I would get some very nasty comments said to me and one of the worst ones I heard was two young women who past me in a shopping precinct said to each other,
    " Wouldn't you think that woman would have had an abortion ! "
    I was too shocked to reply and just cried.
    This was one of many comments and Society has a lot to learn.
    I soon realised that society had a lot to learn and over the y ears, we as a family and our Jen in particular has taught everyone who meets her so much...

    These horrible people have very sad lives and are wicked.Karma will come around and they will get back what they dish out.
    In the mean time, Facebook and Service providers should be made aware of them and yes they can be traced back to their IP Address from where they posted their vile comments etc.

    When the other fraudulent/fake pages go, make your own blog more secure so that people have to be a member to log on.
    This can be done as a forum page and it can then be moderated by a family member or a trusted friend.

    We've had some Low's over the past 11 years with hateful people and you must not let them get to you.
    They don't deserve your concern or worry..they don't deserve your time or your energy.

    You need to have some contentment and enjoy every minute with your family and friends, please dont let these horrible people hurt you.

    Love Glen Fletcher, Mum to Jen, Steph and Jay and Nan to Mei Mei, Jake and Skye....

    PS..hangin with the Stars eh..WTG......we did something similar with N-DUBZ, our Steph and Jen's favorite and they are indeed cherished memories xxxxx

    We all love you xxxxxxx

  84. It's at times like this I'm embarrassed to be human.

    What is it with these people, don't they like it when someone is popular? Don't they like it that someone has inspired people to do good?

    Well Alice, you are popular and you have inspired people to do good. Me for one, I have registered to become a Bone Marrow Donor, I'm already a platelet donor, but you have inspired me to take that next step.

    I can't really suggest any way of stopping the fools who are writing these things, I just hope that you cant continue to touch peoples lives like you have done.


  85. Just goes to show you that they have no life what so ever! If all they do is sit around commenting on people's blogs saying stuff like that, then what kind of life is that? Not one!

    Also, I find everything that your doing so inspiring. I love to read and write, especially things that get to the heart and your story definitely gets to the heart! :)

  86. Vicky

    Ignore these sick scum. Just look at how the world donated to Millys run to see that most of the world are nice people. And to the scum, you will get it back somewhere, its called karma, and I for one will shed no tears when you do.

  87. Hi Guys
    So sorry to hear about the abusive messages. As so many have already said, these people are sad individuals who if anything deserve only our pity. I just wanted to let you know that I have registered as a bone marrow donater. Anyone else who wants to do so, go to http://www.anthonynolan.org/ and fill in the form. Best of wishes to all of you. So glad that you got to go and see TT, sounds like an amazing night!

  88. Some people can be so hateful! Don't let these 'people' get to you.

  89. This is an absolute disgrace! I cannot believe such low life scum would do such a thing. I am totally sickened by what these people are doing. I really hope you manage to get this sorted out. With best wishes.

  90. Alice / Vicky,
    You are both amazing and your blog is brilliant yet very sad.

    If I can help with anything, ironing excluded as I’ve enough of my own, let me know as I would gladly give up my time, even if it was just vetting comments so scum bags are excluded and do not spoil or waste your time. Difficult to prove I’m not one of the bad guys but there are thousands of people out here who would love to help in any way possible.
    Lots of love Handsome Pete x x x

  91. There are always a few wicked people who try to ruin it for the others. Please don't let these people get to you and your family. Karma will prevail. I just signed up to get a swab kit :) Blessings and keep smiling!

  92. Dear Vicky Pyne,
    like my dad says some people are not nice but whoever commented those hateful comments are VERY HATEFUL but my advice don't let them get to you! Like i wrote to your daughter May God Be With You All, LOVE girl who looks up to your daughter!!
    PS: shes my no inspiration
    PPS i will talk to my friends and family about the facebook and twitter sites and bone marrow donor! may God be with you!!

  93. hello alice,
    I live in France and I heard about your fight against cancer in a health tv program on one of the six major French television channels. I admire your fight against this disease and you have my support. I hope sincerely that you will get better and you will come to realize your dreams.

  94. OMG im sooooo sorry about what i said above she is my inspiration i said may God Be with you i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY

  95. I have been so inspired by your amazing courage Alice. I am a busy Mum of three and like many other people, am guilty of taking life for granted. You are doing a fantastic job of raising awareness for bone marrow donation and Milly has raised a huge amount of money. Some people seem to have such empty lives that they get pleasure from posting such disgusting comments. I think it was Oprah who once said that all negative feelings and actions stem from a fear of something. These "people" will never have anything like your strength or courage. I know it must be very hard to ignore such disgusting comments, but just remember for every horrible person, there are literally thousands supporting you.

    Vicky - every Mum reading your post will recognise your emotions. Do whatever you can to get rid of and punish these "people", but don't let them spoil the amazing thing you are all doing and don't let them sap your energy - I guessing you need every bit to keep up with your gorgeous girls. Jo x

  96. Well done Vicky, don't let these idiots get away with this. I would name and shame them, it makes me swear and I don't swear that often.
    On a lighter note, I'm sorry that I can't attend your dog show at the weekend because I will be away at another dog show but my offer still stands that if you would like to help me judge at the Lune Valley Country Fair I would be honoured.

  97. Put moderation on, dump the trolls in the rubbish bin where they belong and know that the rest of us think you are an amazing and inspirational girl.

  98. I'm really sorry you've had to endure this! All the best with everything. John.

  99. People who make unpleasant comments on other's blogs are sad, pathetic individuals who are not worthy of your precious time. Treat them as you would a sad little playground bully - put them out of your mind and do not reward them with any attention, they are not worth the effort.

    PS alice pyne= my inspiration

  101. Alice
    They've got NOTHING on you. Every one of these faceless cowards will have to face death at somepoint themselves and they will not be nearly as brave or positive about it as you are my dear. Don't waste another second over their idiotic behavior! They aren't worth it! Ignore them, they just want attention. Your supporters far outweigh these halfwits!!

  102. Vicky I am appalled that people would stoop so low. Please believe the rest of us are behind you 100% are genuinally care about your and your family. I am saddened that there are people that would even consider doing this. Hugs to you all as this is so the last thing you need at the moment. You are so right, never ever, underestimate the power of a 'mother' I would be 100% the same xxxxx

  103. Hi Alice!
    I'm a 17 years old girl from Hungary.I read your blog everyday and I pray for you everynight.I hope you will be better.I belive in miracles.Keep smiling girl.
    Lots of love from Hungary :)

  104. As long there is an internet, there will always be morons hiding behind it. Try not to take these things personally, although they are very hurtful.
    They are dysfunctional people with no friends and sad unfulfilled lives. Imagine how miserable they must be and you will feel better.
    Remember, you have made a difference to the world and they never will.
    To Alice - I hope you get to do everything on your bucket list and much, much more.
    To Milly - well done girl, what an achievement.
    To Mum - you are doing a brilliant, though unenviable job; stay strong.
    Love and hugs
    Veronica (West Midlands)

  105. Alice, you are AWESOME!!!! We are praying for you in Iowa! Know that those people who posted horrible, thoughtless words, WILL get theirs!!!!!

  106. My heart goes out to you from one Mother to another. I hope these idiots find something else to do. This world can be a wonderful place, but it can also be a very cruel place. As hard as it is, let it go, focus on your beautiful little girl who has captured my heart all the way over hear in Canada. God Bless & stay strong. Mary

  107. Hi little Alice!! My name is Cristal from Brazil and every day i see your blog and today i saw what is happening... I complete understand you are upset,this is terrible but try to not think abaut this,your life and waht you are doing is more important than this people,you are blessing lifes,focus waht you are doing,i'm so far away from you,but i can fell bless when i see you are happy,working for people you even know... You are beautiful creature of God, and nobody can do nothing to destroy waht you build. I'll be praying for you and your family, and i thankful GOD every day to use people like you to bless all of us, you are the hope we have that we now have a better world.

    God bless you litlle Alice, have faith in God!

  108. Alice, I wish you only the best! You are such a beautiful person...my prayers will go out to you and your family!!!

  109. I am so sorry this happened :( God bless you guys.

  110. Put "approval" on your Blog, so that you have to approve before they will be submitted. If they have to go thru security, you can be sure they won't bother. Cowards are lazy too!

    Don't let a small minority get you down..... Look at your daughter and be proud of the wave of love she created right over the world!

  111. Thinking of you Alice- stay strong. You have a lovely Mum fighting in your corner. Just keep thinking of your wonderful evening with Take That x

  112. I'm so so sorry, I think Alice is an amazing and courageous young lady and I can't believe that hateful things people think and do.

  113. Oh my.... I can't think of bigger idiots than the persons you just described. Dear Alice, please don't think of them too much. They're not worth your time. Dear Alice, my thoughts are with you.

    Someone from Holland...


  115. I think you can moderate posts before they go up on your site, look for this option.
    In the meantime please remember that the love and support you are also getting by far out-weighs the hateful and hurtful people out there. Get them off your pages and then focus on the positive which is what you've been teaching us this month x

    I promise I'll spend the rest of the day searching for these unauthorised pages and reporting them myself. You guys go for your walk :)

  116. I salute the mother and Alice..for having a strength and a courage. Alice gave us hope and inspiration. And shows us that there's more to reason to value life every second. Those Anon rude comments want attention but in a wrong way. Belive in Karma... God Bless!

  117. These people are so stupid!!!! Please don't you care about these piece of shit on two legs!! Keep fighting and writing the blog. Keep in mind that these people are the minority and the Alice's job is great!!!!! Way to go girls!!!!!!

  118. Dear Alice, you are beautiful. You are brave. I can't believe a person could be so mean to a lovely young girl like you. I am sorry. Please don't be sad. These people are idiots and don't know what they are talking about. They don't even know you. They are heartless. Keep on being your wonderful self xxx

  119. Alice is a strong and wonderful girl.

  120. Yay, spambots! [/sarcasm]

    There should be some tools via Blogger to help keep those guys out. At the end of the day though, you may have to just grin and bear it with the spammers as even large internet companies can't completely keep them out.

    As for the anons, welcome to the internet. Jerks will be jerks. Setting up approval may be the only way to go but it is a lot of work and may actually discourage some legitimate commenters from posting (which does stink).

    Here's to hoping they stay to a minimum so the blog can keep going.

  121. I'm absolutely shocked to hear that people are saying such hurtful and cruel things. As somebody (way above me) commented, they will get what they deserve. All you need to worry about is checking things off your bucket list, you sweet girl :) I heard about your blog via CNN online this morning and I would just like to say that you're so brave and strong and you've achieved so much and I know you've inspired a great many people to donate bone marrow! Hang in there, Alice, my prayers and thoughts are with you, your family, and your friends.

  122. Christina Herman15 June 2011 at 14:15

    Right on, hell hath no fury like a protective Mom!!!!!!
    I don't know you or Alice personally but it doesn't matter, I can see where Alice gets her bravery, motivation, hope and strength :)
    Alice- You are an amazing young lady, you are making your mark on the world and more than that you are changing lives in a positive way! You have a beautiful soul and a heart of gold. I hope today will be a good day for you. You have done more to change lives in just a few months than most people do in their entire lives. Hugs, I wish you well.

  123. Alice you are a brave, beautiful girl, I know how difficult your journey has been (I work on a BMTU) Please dont let these pathetic excuses for human beings upset you.
    Is there a way you can approve comments here? Maybe somewhere in the settings?

    Human nature at its vilest, makes me so proud to be one of 'the most intelligent species' on this planet! NOT!

  124. I know it would be a faff, but you can view all comments on blogger before they are published.
    I use it on my blogs, in my case so that I don't get spam.
    I realise reading each comment before publishing would take some time Perhaps you can ban anonymous comments? I have never looked into this, so don't know.
    After all, Alice is only 15 she shouldn't have to be the focus of evil minded people's comments.

  125. Renatinha Wense15 June 2011 at 14:21

    Hi Alice!
    My name is Renata and Wense'm from Brazil, I got very emotional
    historia.A to see his word that let you ... is that God knows all things ... trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will .... he probes our hearts before .... we think he already knows everything ... he's with you and your family (you never forget it) is blessing you.

    this song is for you:

    God, my God
    Everything is so hard for me
    God, my God
    Many people ask me: Where art thou?
    Inside me
    My soul fell
    But your hand but I hid
    In Your presence, oh God
    When I cry, I'll remember
    That even here, into Thy hands I held
    `I tell my soul trusts in God
    For I will praise, I will praise

    bjus gets pretty .... GOD

  126. Alice
    I'm so sorry these people are saying bad things about you.there just losers who have nothing to do all day & have no friends.Not like you who has Millions!!

  127. Wha...! Seriously?! OMG, how can people be so crass and tasteless?! I'm so angry for you I almost can't see straight.

    Way to go, Momma! Give those cowardly a-holes holy Hell! They'll get their come-uppance, believe you me!

    Nicole (Canada)

  128. Do not waste your time with these morons. Utilize all your energy with your child.

  129. Hi alice - i wish you the very best as always. Try to ignore the low lifes. In every society there are cockroaches. The more you try to reason with them, the more you fuel their hatred,

    Keep smiling and hope to see a note from you day after day , every day.

    Newark DE

  130. hi alice dont let the scumbags get you down
    im waiting to donate as im a mach for someone but i need to lose a few kg's but i will do it
    see you soon on face book

  131. Hi Alice..............Toronto is thinking about you!

  132. To Vicky,
    From one Mom to another, I support you 100%. How dare anyone be so hateful toward your precious little girl. In the meantime, don't let the scum bags take up your time and energy, they are not worth it. You've raised two outstanding young women. You and your family inspire me. Love & prayers.

  133. Unbelievable how cruel and callous some people can be.

    Alice, I've been reading your blog and you're an awesome and inspirational girl - don't listen to the negativity, you're amazing.

  134. F All the haters. Live your life, enjoy the time you got left. You are truly an example of courage.

    Corning, NY

  135. You go Girl! And to the people that stated that, YOU ARE EVIL! and Karma could be a B****! Alice, May God protect you, you are so sweet! Thinking of you in NJ. Be Brave and Keep on focusing on you! You have a great family.

  136. Sometimes I'm amazed at the minds of some people calling themselves 'human'. Ignore these scum and their hurtful comments, it just shows how narrow minded they are.
    Your are an inspiration and a beacon to many, many people me dear and your outlook is such a positive thing and will have an amazing affect upon so many lives.
    Kindest regards,

  137. Some people are complete morons. Good for you babe. And good for Alice. Don't stand for it, don't let them get away with it. xoxo

  138. Why not just turn off anonymous comments, and screen all that come in? :)

  139. You HAVE to understand there are internet trolls (mostly 14 year olds with no life) who do nothing but do this kind of stuff. They're sometimes associated with a website called 4chan. You CAN NOT let this get to you, and you MUST ignore them. Please, please, please ignore them and don't even respond to them. Actually, you should just delete this post because it will only add fuel to their fire .

    All the best Alice. Donating Bone Marrow soon.

  140. some people are so sick in the head! I hope youre able to get them done because no one should have to read/listen to things like that. Don't worry Alice you have so many supporters that are standing by you!

  141. Don't worry about the disgusting things some idiots can write.
    It's just jealousy !

    Ignore them and their miserable life !

    This shows how much the story of your wonderful daughter may change things all over the world !
    Jealousy is just a good sign of sucess !

    Love is the best protection against nastiness and jealousy.

    Love from France

  142. Great mum! Don't let those hideous people get to you, ignore them as much as possible and don't even give them the satisfaction of a reply. Love from London xo

  143. I'm so sorry to hear that there are people trying to cause you pain at this trying time. Alice is a true inspiration and is contributing more in her short life than they will in a lifetime. I'm signing up for bone marrow donation in her honor. God bless you and your family.

  144. You go mama!! No one should underestimate the love of a mother to their child.. Those people had better back off! My prayers and Love are sent to you guys from Las Vegas, NV

  145. This is devastating and I am so sorry for your family! Thoughts and prayers from ours to yours...

  146. You can also link your TRUE facebook pages to this blog so that people will know what is what. So sorry for these fools writing such lifeless crud on your pages. Get a person that will moderate your pages for free. I saw someone above willing. Do not let these people steel your joy or time from your daughter... that is letting their negativity into your souls... don't let the devil win. Move on laugh at them for being so little that they have to write such crap. Karma will slap them.

  147. Hey Alice and Vicky (and Milly!)

    I wrote to you last Summer through Post Pals (don't worry, I don't expect you to remember!) and I have another letter waiting for some printer ink so that I can print it off for you.

    I'm Charlotte from France and I've been reading your blog and your PP updates and have wanted to comment for a few days, but I wasn't sure that I had anything to say that hadn't already been said.

    HOWEVER! I think I need to tell you what an inspiration you are. I think about you every day - you're a beautiful and mature young woman and worth so, so, so, so (imagine I go on saying so for a long long time) much more than all these disgusting, despicable low lives. I cannot believe that anyone could stoop that low.

    Just know that there are thousands, probably millions of people rooting for you who think this way.


  148. I'm sorry for everyone that has hurt your family Alice! Ignore them... They are jealous because a lot of people are showing you love and support! You are a brave young woman and they can't even compare to your little toe nail! You have so many people on your side! Love lots, nadia

  149. Ignore bad comments, Alice! They don't know what they are doing, and whey words means nothing.

    Hope things are allright with you, Alice. And that you stay strong:)

    Love, David.

  150. Hi Vicky,

    Please watch this video.

    The Great Cancer Hoax: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down


    Amran Shahir Ismail
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  151. Good for you, Mom! I cannot BELIEVE someone would say those things...idiots!! Alice,you seem like a wonderful girl and I subscribed to your blog because you lift my spirit when I read what you have to say. Please keep doing what you are doing and forget about the "low lives" They mean nothing in this world. And Alice, well, you definitely mean a whole lot.

  152. Renatinha Wense ( Brasil)15 June 2011 at 15:29

    In the eyes of the Father (GOD)
    You are a masterpiece
    He planned
    With his own hand painted
    The color of your skin
    His hair designed
    Every detail
    A touch of love

    In the eyes of the Father (GOD)
    You are a masterpiece
    He planned
    With his own hand painted
    The color of your skin
    His hair designed
    Every detail
    A touch of love

    You are beautiful too
    Perfect in the eyes of the father
    Someone like you is not never seen
    Prince too beautiful
    Perfect in the eyes of the Father
    Someone like you have not seen ever

    You are beautiful too
    Perfect in the eyes of the father
    Someone like you is not never seen
    Oh pretty princess
    Perfect in the eyes of the Father
    Someone like you have not seen ever

    Father's eyes
    You are a masterpiece
    He planned
    With his own hand painted
    The color of your skin
    His hair designed
    Every detail
    A touch of love

    Never let anyone tell
    What is not wanted
    Before you were born
    God dreamed about you!

    Never let anyone tell
    What is not wanted
    Before you were born
    God dreamed about you!

    You're just too
    Perfect in the eyes of the father
    Someone like you is not never seen
    Princess ..
    Father's eyes

  153. I honestly do not know why and how people could ever go out of their way to do things like that!! it's so pathetic...
    to be honest, you know that they're obviously so unhappy in themselves and probably jealous because Alice has such an amazing positive spirit and draws people together in such an amazing way.
    I hope you don't waste too much of your precious time upset about these horrible people...your blog gives me faith in humanity.

    Lots of love to you all x

  154. I was/am so happy and amazed that 2 little girls had brought EVERY nation in the world together to fight for one cause. Please dont let a few thoughtless crude idiots(being really really nice here) steal one single more minute of your happiness. They are so not worth it. Please make every precious moment could.
    My daughter,Deanna, wants to send you "The Secret". She lives by it and has seen it work miracles. We are trying to get it to you.
    Have a simpley amazing day! Love and Hugs, Diane, Greg, Deanna, Lacey and Carly

  155. Just ignore them. You can't prosecute people for saying mean things on the internet nor will you ever escape all of them, so just ignore them and move on. Or turn on comment moderation.

  156. There's some absolutely awful cold hearted people out there. There's gonna be a few no matter where you go, who you are, what you do. They deserve nothing more than a kick up the arse from karma. I hope the Police do find out who they are and they get a punishment for being so heartless, and upsetting you and the family.
    Alice deserves all the love and kindness possible, and for every anonymous hater, I can bet she's got a hundred fans. So, focus on the good stuff. Don't let the bastards grind you down (apologies for the swearing!), and keep your head held high.
    What you're all doing as a family is so overwhelming and inspirational, and I hope that one day, no-one else will have to go through all this.
    Alice; you're a beautiful and really admirable girl and it's such an awful thing that's happening. I hope all your dreams come true, and I'm glad to hear you had an amazing weekend.

    Also, as for the idiots saving your pictures and reposting them and such, if you google 'disable right click html' you'll find codes that will stop people from being able to right click to save a photo. There's ways that people can get around it, but it makes it that little bit more inconvenient for them to do so.

    I wish you all the love and hope.♥

  157. Hello Alice and mom.

    I am so sorry that you have had to deal with people who have such small spirits. Insensitivity and heartlessness is probably the worst disease anyone can have...you have such courage and grace. In so many ways, you are better off than they are.

    Alice, please take comfort in the fact that many, many people care that your days are full of goodness, grace and wonder.

  158. Oh, that is just awful. I am so sorry you have to deal with such ignorance and stupidy from bad people. I only hope Alice knows she is a wonderful, amazing, insparational young lady to several thousands if not hundered of thousands of people in this world. I hope you are able to find these evil people and prosecute them to the fullest extent. As always praying for Alice and her family. You are a beautiful strong young lady Alice, and I wish the best for you and your family. Truly an isparation.

  159. Alice/Vicky.....If I EVER find out who made these cruel comments, I will personally put them up against a wall and shoot them. May they rot in Hell

  160. some people will do anything to get attention SAD SICK MINDS. pay no mind to them the rest of the world is behind you and wishing you nothing but the best. HUGS

  161. helpless beings with short lifespan and poor fortune must chant this usnisa vijaya dharani, it's very good. recommended to all cancer patients......patients with full confidence towards it will perform miracles, it depends on how much confidence you have .as for me, I believe in all dharanis. if one chants a dharani continuously, the process of magnetization in the body will take place. it really works.... scientists and medical practitioners should be aware of the process of magnetization as mentioned above and make full use of it.....the positive element in the dharani acts as a stimulus to reactivate the dead body cells to grow in a healthy manner if one chants the dharani continuosly

  162. I think its fair to say that the good outnumber the bad ones hun. You are doing a great thing, hang in there. (and your Mum too) xxx

  163. I can't believe some people. i want you guys to know, I am with you all the way. I have never known what pain cancer can bring, so i can't say i know how you feel. just don't listen to those low life idiots.

  164. I'm sooo sorry that human beings can act like animals and post such horrific things. I'm sooo very sorry.

    Also, you can have all posts blocked. Just post what you are doing so that we can all be inspired by your wonderful life!!

    Just know you have tons of people backing you and supporting you. Praying for you and are on your side!

    Bless you and your life, may you continue to inspire us all..;0)



  166. Humans never cease to amaze me as they try to capitalize on other's misfortunes.

    I stumbled upon this blog by accident while maintaining my own and as I am a mother of 3, your story brought tears to my eyes! I hope you live the best life and accomplish quite a bit of that bucket list!

    In all things negative, let them say the spray of nonsense, then delete their comments. Know in your heart that Karma is abundant and will perhaps, find its way onto their life path and they will recall the malice they laid upon yours, as they now suffer.

  167. So sorry you are having trouble with the low lifes of the world.
    Just remember their are lots of people in the world who wish you all the best.

  168. Anyone who knows you should take heed of your words and should never underestimate a Mother! Her love knows NO bounds, her protection is fierce.
    Love ya, Nic xx

  169. Anne from the USA15 June 2011 at 16:22

    Dear Alice and Vicky

    It is now so obvious where Alice gets her strength from. Please do not let these horrible people get you down. It is not worth it.There are thousands if not millions of people out there that are praying for you each and every. Your family is an inspiration to millions.This world we live in NEEDS you. Believe your own words and live each day to the fullest. I only wish I could get swapped but I am over the age limit.God bless you and thanks

  170. The Internet Hate Machine - its a horrible thing. I got my spit-test kit from Anthony Nolan today though.

  171. Compare the bad occassional messages and acts, with all the good ones. The good ones win easy. In fact the love and care communicated by soooo many can be quite overwhelming. So try not to let a few bad ones ruin your positive state of mind. They are not worth it and don't reflect the reality of peoples feelings at all.

    Big hugs with all my love and best wishes!! :-)


  172. I'm praying for you guys! God bless and keep you :)

  173. Hi! Alice!!

    Cheer up and keep moving forward!

    Maybe the guy mean to heart you or he just told his though, but never be week and still try your best to finish your bucket list.

    remember to be aggressive and have a good mood forever!!


    these are the best methods to fight with cancer!!

    Cheer up!!
    Best wish for you!

  174. Don't feed the trolls. You've made the point now. Show no emotion, delete the negative comments, redirect ppl on the FB Groups to the right place. Feel free to go after them behind the scenes although I think your energy would be better placed elsewhere. No emotion publicly towards them!

    I followed a group last year for a short while as they did this kind of thing and it's the reaction they feed off. Don't give them the reaction they're looking for.

  175. hi if you do trace this very silly child please please publish his address and i am sure he will grow up very fast. if it was my girl i would seach high and low for him and teach him some manners.then i would shame him so bad he would wish he did not wake up for the rest of his small life please try to ignore the nasty remarks made and dont forget you have a great famliy that most people would be proud to have love and wishes the regans

  176. Hi Alice and mum, so sorry to hear you are having a very difficult time battling with cancer, and it is a very hard battle, people should be more respectful and considerate and kind, not give out more grief, you are going through enough as it is dealing with a serious terminal illness, Who ever is causing you disharmony they should be very ashamed of them selves, treat others how you want to be treated in return is my words to them, if they was on the brink of losing everything, I do not think they would be so quick on the mark to want any body else treat them badly in how they treat you now. Some people just have no understanding for some one Else's downfall, love & Hugs xx Alice and your mum, my thoughts are with you

  177. Wish you guys all the best from the bottom of my heart!
    God bless you guys.

  178. This totally sucks. I agree with the above comment totally.

    Maybe one of your many followers can offer legal assistance to get these scumbag keyboard warriors?

  179. Hi,

    I want to echo the sentiments of all the good people on here. However I have a cunning plan, a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel....

    If you were keen we could perform a mass attack on the idiots who are posting links to their sites on your blog, I am an IT professional, and as such have a reasonable idea of how we could just take them down, sadly I do not have a botnet to hand (a massive number of infected drone PC's) but I am certain with enough people power we could attack the site hosts and bring them down !!! that would teach em. you should play them at their own game if you ask me.

    if you need any help or advice on such a task, please please just mention it on twitter, facebook or indeed this blog, I am sure there are enough people on your side to create a wave of page requests sufficient to cause a server crash...

    Maybe we could get the hacking group anonymous to do the job for us??? just a thought...

    I hope these numpties don't spoil the ride for you Alice, you really are having the ride of your life !!! enjoy.


  180. I can see that you clearly don't need any more advertisement for this amazing blog (it's so sweet, by the way), but I'm going to put a post up about it on my own blog just to spread the word. You have so much support behind you, truly amazing. All the love in the world,

    Jade. x

  181. Querida Alice, JESUS CRISTO pode e quer te curar, nao importa o que a medicina diga pois a última palavra vem de DEUS. não desista, tenha fé em JESUS CRISTO porque ele te ama muito e quer mudar tua história

  182. Alice dont give up and Mom dont let them get to you! Its disgusting that people have to do that. This page has already made one of her dreams come true we need to make them all come true!! Youre a beautiful young lady and these people shouldnt be hurting you its wrong on so many different levels!

  183. Your time is much too precious to be wasted by such small minded people. keep strong xx

  184. Great blog Alice. Our Love & Prayers to you and your family.


  185. Alice be strong and never give up...miracles do happen, you are in my thoughts and in my prayers, ignore haters cause the only thing they can offer is part of their misery life...hold my hand girl...I love you always..God Bless you

  186. That should be your only, and last warning. Simply start posting the idiots info if they violate the trust of this blog even once.

    People need to learn that negativity is neither useful or amusing.

  187. I am not even sure how I landed on your blog today, but I am a nurse certified in oncology so it caught my attention.

    I've seen many patients realize what is most important in their lives and how to really enjoy those things. That looks like what you are doing and that is wonderful. That is a good lesson for all of us. After all, we are all terminal, whether we realize it or not.

    Live while you are alive!

  188. More love and hugs from Bristol xx

  189. I have read on this young lady just a couple weeks ago from Facebook, and looked more on here days ago. Alice is an inspiration to all. She remains very strong despite this horrible cancer she has had. It is important to keep up with life regardless of our health issues. 

    As for the rude comments she's mentioned, that is unnecessary. I don't even know why she's been called a bitch. Totally unacceptable. Just keep your head high and ignore the immaturity of those who don't understand. Much love x

  190. As a mother to 3 girls, I understand how easy it is to become angry at those who mindlessly hurt the ones we love. I have learned, rather than waste my emotions on anger, to feel pity for them instaed.
    Pity their sorrowful lives which must be so laden with worthlessness that they need to make others feel bad in order to feel good themselves.
    Rise above and be the stronger, better person. (which you already are)
    God Bless you and your family!

  191. I hope this episode passes quickly and you can get back to ticking off, and ADDING to that list of yours. Keep doing what you're doing - live every moment to the fullest.

    Best Wishes,
    Pete in Michigan

  192. Sending prayers to Alice and her family. For the haters? Just remember that Karma's BITCH

  193. Dear Vicky

    I followed your link from The Guardian newspaper website last week. The article was headed: "Alice's bucket list reminded me of the internet's good side."

    And part of it read:

    "I was reminded of this better side of the internet yesterday, when I saw the response to Alice Pyne's "bucket list" ... Of course there have been some cynical comments in among all the messages of support, but the overwhelming response has been wonderful, and has shown the internet at its very best. It's shown that while sometimes the online world really can be a cesspit, it can also be a truly inspiring place, with people coming together from all over, united in a desire to actually do something good ... And it's this positive side of the internet that keeps me coming back, that means no matter how much abuse I receive from the trolls and the knuckle draggers, I'm not ready to give up on the online world just yet. Because in my albeit quite limited experience, the good far outweighs the bad, and for every example of internet abuse there are a dozen more examples of where the internet has come into its own."

    Please, ignore the crazies and the crack pots, don't let them destroy the remarkable spirit and positive outlook shown by both your daughters.

    Best wishes, Helen (London)

  194. I just started following your blog, and I want to tell you that I am proud of you and the strength that you carry. Life is hard enough with our extra battles and worldly distractions to get in the way. I love your positive spirit and support you in all that you are striving for in such a short time. You truly are one of God's chosen Angels and all you come in contact with you are blessed by your spirit. Keep up that good work and I look forward to more posts about your adventures.

  195. alice- though the prognosis isn't very good, I hope you never give up. You're a beautiful, inspiring young woman--try to keep hopeful. And even though your life may not be as long as most, you made a huge impact on the world--you're an amazing young lady.

    Here's to you!


  196. hi alice,
    glad to hear you enjoyed the take that concert.
    its such a shame that you can't put on your pictures because of some low life people.
    hope you have fun completing some more of your list.
    and any unofficial pages that come up i will try and report.
