19 June 2011


I can't believe it!  My mum just told me that some piece of poo has hacked into the Post Pal site and managed to put a PAYPAL button on there and is enjoying spending your donation to them.  Post Pals are one of the charities that have supported me from the start of my journey and I was desperate to help as a little bit of money goes a long way for them.  It's horrible that someone thinks it's okay to take money because some of the children are really ill and it's sad that they may miss a smile because of this.  My mum is taking the link off here for a bit because we don't want to add to their problems but please don't let the piece of poo win.  Why don't you pick a child and send them something direct and that way no one can spoil it.

I'm going to post this and then do another one about my dog show because it feels wrong to do it in this post where it's a bit sad.


  1. why would someone do that? :/ i'm so, so sorry aboutit xx

  2. Ouch !!

    That's not good at all...

    Let's home there is some traceability.

    Keep going. staying +ve and be happy :-)

    Andy x

  3. That is disgusting. Truly disgusting. You keep your chin up, Alice. There are still lots of good people out there. Can't wait to hear about your dog show. xx

  4. Hope who ever it is feels some kind of guilt and shame - but I doubt it :-(

  5. Alice 1 Piece of Poo Nil!

    Well done Alice, your doing fantastic, so many more people are understanding about bone marrow and getting on the register!


  6. Thats dreadful. There really are some horrid people out there.

  7. so sorry to hear about that. there are some scum out there but they are outnumbered by good people. please don't worry about the accidental bad that comes from your bucket list - it's hugely outweighed by the good

  8. Oh that's terrible Alice! I've been on the Post Pals website and whilst I've not donated I have been writing to some of the children on there. (also Viks posted a note re Paypal not allowing donations through them for some reasons or other.)

    There are some right pieces of poo (good word by the way!) out there and I hope the authorites get to the bottom of what's happened (no pun intended!).

    Denise x

  9. How bizarre and cruel. You really have to wonder about the kind of mind who sees a situation such as yours and sees an opportunity for themselves.

  10. This is absolutely unacceptable and shocking..... completely shocking..... what kind of low life scum does this..... I sincerely hope that the police are called in or whatever authority deals with internet fraud..... I can offer you anything other than my support. Kindest Colleen

  11. So sad to read this. There are some sad individuals on this beautiful planet who seem content to cause upset.

    I'm going to go check out the Post Pal site now as it seems like a great place.

    Sorry that some poo has done this to you!


  12. What you are doing matters... AND you are doing a world of good. We support you, Alice, and it makes us happy to.

    *Those others - doing not good things - they have themselves to live with.

  13. This is so very sad. I hate that your family has to deal with this sort of thing. I hope you are able to joyfully fulfill as many of your bucket list items as possible.
    Cheering you on from Georgia, US.

  14. OMG there are some low lives in this world, unbelievable. :( I don't understand how ANYONE could do such a thing and be so callous. Absolutely disgusting.

    Keep you what you're doing Alice and family :) xx

  15. PayPal have pretty good security so fingers crossed the money will be returned! Things like that make me so angry!

  16. Keep going Alice - let us know if there's anything we can do to help as all feeling really bad about some of the 'general public'out here!

  17. Alice you're a very strong girl! Just keep smiling and have faith! I wish you the best!

  18. I hope your mum can find a way to prosecute the thiefs! One way or another they will get what's coming to them! You are an inspration Alice! And so is your mum!!

  19. Alice..can't wait to hear about the dog show..as sad as it is to hear about the hackers, you are still making such a wonderful impact on the world. Life sometimes throws us a curve ball and you and your family are handling it well... are we going to get to see pictures of the Dog Show????

  20. i use paypal on ebay, i bet paypal can refund the money & reverse the transactions and call the police in if someone phones them

  21. The only thing you can do when you have problems such as the ones you are having Alice is remember their are more good people than bad

    Smile darlin and don't let the awful ones get you down

    God bless

    Lydia Reid


  22. It's very sick isn't it Alice that someone can do something so cruel to a children's charity. You and your mum have seen just how sick some humans can be. Luckily they are in the minority and will never win!
    We will keep sending lots of lovely post to everyone!
    Can't wait to see your next post about Mabel x x x

  23. They should get on to paypal straight away and they will close the account, paypal are good like that.

    Incedentally I was donating blood last weekend and I signed up for the marrow register and also platelets while I was in there so you can chalk up another score for yourself.

    The best of luck to you and dont let the trolls get to you, your have done more good with your blog here than they will do in their whole lives.

  24. Yes I bet they can. Meanwhile Alice, I thought of a positive spin on this: You have exposed all the horrible things that people do on these websites. I wonder if you have the energy to write an article for one of the papers about it? All proceeds could go to PostPal.

  25. Benjamin Fiege19 June 2011 at 20:07

    This is disgusting. Does not let that bother you. Those ppl will be punished. And you showed how big your heart is. You are truly inspirational. Thank you for being how you are :)

  26. (I meant yes, Paypal can! Forgot how many posts you're getting!)

  27. You know Alice, there are always such Morons who try 2 hurt other people by doing things like that, but this should make you/us just stronger.

  28. This is terrible and i hope they get caught, i will go and pick a child to send a gift too this week.

    I can't wait to hear about the dog show, i hope you and Mabel had a great time


  29. Alice, I manage the digital division of a marketing and communications company where we specialise in ecommerce applications and have written to post pals offering our assistance in security matters on their website if required.

    Any costs relating to that will be borne by us.

  30. dont let them get to you darling, contact the police or report it to whoever possible and there will be a way to trace it somehow. They WILL get there comeuppance! This is supposed to be a happy blog, for sharing your hopes and dreams and acomplishments with people you have inspired. Dont let that scum ruin it for you and your fans. Hope your otherwise well and enjoyed some more adventures from your list. x x x

  31. I hope u reported it to Paypal. omg.. how low some folks are!

  32. I've been on the Post Pals site and the fake PayPal donate button is gone; the Donate button there now is their genuine JustGiving button.

    It's really sick especially given how sick not only the children they help but also Vikki herself is - she says the work sometimes leaves her so sick that she is paralysed for hours and suffers pain that even morphine won't touch (she has severe ME and is bed-bound). I hope this incident didn't have too much of an impact.

  33. Oh what a shame. I've been writing to pals for years. In fact I've just tried to update the stats page for a couple of gifts I've wrapped for a pal and a pals sibling. This will explain why it won't work.

    Sounds like they may soon have a nice secure site thanks to someone above.

    Try and keep positive. Try and remember "Illegitimi non carborundum" (but rude but but makes the point :) ) We all want to hear about all the positive things you have done. Looking forward to hearing about the dog show.

  34. you are my hero..kat

  35. Some people are just so unbelievably sick in the head there's no words for them! :( Keep the faith honey xxx Looking forward to hearing about your dog show xxx

  36. Alice poo poo poo. can't wait to hear about the dog show and you ticking off your bucket list - there is so much love out there for you don't let this stop you, we are all with you and know that these evil people will be called to buck

  37. Dont let them bring u down ur stronger. Good luck Alice!

  38. I can't understand how people can be so cruel. Keep your head up, Alice.

  39. That is awefull, these people aré sick, cantidad wait yo here about the dog show xx

  40. Been away for a week and come back to your latest posts. I'm pleased Take That were good and you had a great time but i'm so sorry to hear about everything else going on. Please don't loose faith as everyone else has said there are still lots of good people around and many many people supporting you and your list.
    Hugs. xx

  41. Hi Alice, please could you share our actual donation link which is www.everyclick.com/postpals Everyclick is like justgiving but they don't take a % and they pay it direct into our bank account. We don't think anyone paid any money into the fake paypal address as it was only on our site briefly but I'm very mad and upset about it, how can people want to put people off donating to kids and teenagers who are ill! We have a new site which should hopefully go up soon which shouldn't be able to be hacked, it can't come soon enough!

    The dog show sounded great, its a shame Kim Ginger/Lawrence isn't near by so she couldn't take place with Dottie, saying that I don't think she has recovered from the embarassment of entering a dog show with a stuffed toy last year yet!

    Have fun with the sharks and the flight, is Milly going to join you in the tank? Rather you than me I think! I swam with sharks once.... tiny ones but I was scared! I will tell you in my next card

    all my love,


  42. Alice, unfortunately always going to have people like that but not give up! With love, Vanessa

  43. How low can you get? They need shooting! Looking forward to hearing about the dog show. *Hugs*

  44. One bad person in a sea of millions who love you Darling. Remember that. Xxxxxx

  45. oh no! I can't believe someone would do that to such a charitable website... I use it myself to send things and take part in the themed sends... its so disgusting how low people will go to gain a bit of extra money but I believe in good karma and bad karma... what goes around comes around!

  46. Alice you are amazing and have really made me smile today, have a great time with the sharks!!

    Don't let the low lifes get you down.
    With much love the Dazley family.

  47. I'm sorry some people are so terrible. Not everyone is bad on this earth, sadly it just takes one bad apple to ruin the fun!

  48. Whoever did that will have karma get them in the end! Just focus on the good, I'm sure this latest little bump will be sorted in the end, good always triumphs over bad, don't you worry. Lots of love little one. xx

  49. Oh Alice, I am very glad your happy day. I look forward to the new post about sharks. Enjoy and good luck!

    Betinhabf - Fortaleza / Brazil

    PS.: You could use the watermark to your photos. ;)

  50. I'm sorry sweetie! If I could hunt them down and make them give the money back myself I would!

  51. Karma can be a bitch, and I hope that it strikes this real low life right be between the eyes. The Haters that posted their bad comments on here is one thing, that can be ignored...but this piece of crap is a downright thief. If there is a away to report him... DO IT!

  52. OMG!!! Postpals is such a wonderful site I was only there on Friday totally amazed and inspired by Vicky and everything that she has created despite her own difficulties - how awful for her and the children! Like someone said previously I'm sure if it's been reported to Paypal they will be able to sort out the criminals and track down their account - I am gutted for you all, it's a totally despicable thing to do :(

    On a happier note, I have been trying to spread the word of your wonderful blog and the Postpals website so between you and the thousands of truly beautiful people following you, we can all hopefully put some real big smiles on your pals faces when they get their post :D

    Big hugs and strength to you all.... keep smiling and try not to let them get you down :) xx

  53. i don't understand why people do such things. I hope this problem will be solved soon.

  54. Oh dear... some people are just complete idiots. Just remember that bad people only take up a small percentage of your followers. Those of us who actually have souls support and love you 100% :D

    Rock on and you can be sure that the piece of poo will most certainly lose :) They are no match for the Alice Followers! Muahahahahahaha ;)

  55. I am sorry Alice, I don't understand why people feel that it is okay to steal from others.{hugs} sent your way.

  56. Wow. People really never cease to amaze me. I've seen way too many hateful comments online this week, as a celebrity passed away in the US, and this just takes the cake, by far.

    I know it won't shield you or Alice from having to deal with these idiots, but perhaps you could turn on the option where you have to approve comments before they'll be posted? It'd probably take a bit of extra time... but it might be an okay price to pay to prevent those idiots from getting the sick satisfaction they somehow achieve by being horrible people.

    Please follow through on your words, get the authorities involved, and trace their IP addresses. It's just so wrong. :(

  57. It's a real shame when horrible people like that ruin things!
    Don't give up, let's not let them win!

  58. I am pleased to hear they didn't manage to get any money, horrible horrible people

  59. the devil runs riot in this world nowadays this guy will face the consequences that has been assured.

    im so sorry to hear what has happened to you no one deserves to die at such a young and tender age. btw you must be really special for god to be taking you so early. Please watch


    or type

    BBC: PAM SEES GOD. NDE Pam Reynolds. Amazing! Full version!

    into you tube.

    god bless you young angel. x

  60. Hello dear girl, your news reached the ears Mexican, I speak for my country to say you're a girl admirable, may not believe me, but I feel a great affection for you, good luck, god bless you honey.
    Greetings from mexico
