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26 June 2011


I'm sorry that some of you can't find me on Twitter. I promise I'm there, just look for @Alice_Pyne and you should find me. I actually quite like twittering and as I had to close my Facebook account, it means a lot.
I've been getting loads and loads of emails and messages about my mug and I'm a bit worried if there'll be enough for everyone. The mug should be on in about 2 weeks time, that's all I know. They're supporting the THHN, a great charity that is very close to my heart
I will get the original - the very first stamped by me, next week. Tempted to say I'll auction it to raise even more for charity, but I know my mum will use it forever so maybe not LOL!
Tomorrow, I'm having my very own cinema screening at the Apollo in Barrow so I best get my invites out as I've only managed to tell a couple of people. Oops!


  1. Nice one, Alice - must try and get one of your mugs. I see you're in the Sunday Times today!

  2. Hi Alice,
    I hope today and tomorrow are good days.

  3. Don't worry - you are easy to find on Twitter.You are doing amazing things with your fundraising, Alice.Well done. I hope you have a lovely time at your screening! x

  4. Gosh Alice. I have just been reading some more of your posts and I am so sorry that you have been targeted by so many awful people.Please pass on my sympathy to your parents.If I come across anything on Twitter or Facebook I will report them.I cannot believe how cruel some people can be.Just try and focus on the good people out there. We are all rooting for you and sending our good wishes.Sarah x

  5. Alice,

    That's amazing! What movie are you going to see? I like to look over at your list and see most of your goals getting checked off!


  6. Hi Alice
    It's such a lovely day, I hope you're having a good one too.I've just come back from walking my dog. We've got a Mabel too, a lurcher cross (not sure what with,it must've been something very hairy though). I think you're right, lots and lots of us want to buy your mugs! I'm sure your decision to hang on to your original is a good one too - there'll never be another one like it, a bit like you Alice - unique xx Have a lovely, lovely time at your screening - what are you seeing? xxx

  7. Hey :)
    We hope there will be enough mugs for everyone! It is really nice of you to help the charity and design the mugs. You are really a great person, you are a true inspiration for all the people that are fighting with cancer.
    Have a beautiful day!
    Dora & Tesa

  8. Looking forward to seeing the mugs. Have fun at the cinema screening.

  9. Hi Alice,

    Glad to hear you're enjoying tweeting. I prefer it to Facebook really. Can't wait to see your mug design. Michelle (Witchygrrl on Twitter)

  10. Hey,

    I just wanted to say when I was 15 I went through the same ordeal. They gave me a very low chance of survival but im still here. It just shows you how much a positive mindset and hope can help your body heal! Don't ever give up, don't ever stay down, keep fighting my dear!

    Kind Regards from Vancouver, B.C.,Canada

  11. Hope you have a great time Alice. Always thinking of you and your exploits x

  12. Querida, quando quiser dá uma olhada no meu blog, também estou lutando contra um câncer e coloquei minha fé e esperança em Deus, porque os homens nada podem por nós. Deus vai onde não podemos ir e nem atuar.
    Você é um exemplo a ser seguido, exemplo de amor e beleza sem par.
    Eu estou aqui orando por você.
    Um beijo.

  13. Excellent news on both the mug and the cinema viewing.
    Perhaps you can get mug #2 and auction that? ;-)

  14. Wow Alice you are such an inspiration we had an assembly about you at school last week and everyone was just amazed at your story since that assembly every time I have felt sad or angry I thought you know what look what some people are going through. Stay strong you are one very very special girl !. From Nicola <3 xxxx

  15. Love watching you work through your bucket list, am looking forward to your mugs and your mum truly deserves the first one, you have been blessed with a beautiful family. Enjoy the movie,
    .....:-) Hugs

  16. Hi Alice,
    Thank you so much for the mug it is simply AMAZING!!! I hope you have a great evening at the cinema!! :-) We had Louis christened today :-) Thinking of you all every day!

  17. Alice what is the film you have picked? x

  18. Hi, was late to see you have this blog. The other people are right - it is wonderful, and I know your mug is going to sell big: perhaps you'd want to see if they could do more production runs on it?
    Sorry I hadn't seen your blog and how big it had become. Last week I went and sent you a Rogz collar and lead for Mabel and a letter to your postpals contact, and then I discover the blog and realise, you aren't likely to see any of the massive mailbag that will be waiting for you, as it would be too, well, massive, even if you had 20 or 50 more years to go through it! And also that one of your recent prezzies was a collar and lead for Mabel from a big petshop.
    So I will just make a good donation to Milly's run, and sign up for the Bone Marrow register. I thought I was too old, as I shall be 40 next January, but I see on the top of this blog that the UK register allows people up to 49, so there may still be a chance to help someone. Many thanks for that.
    And best of luck with your mug and all your other projects, and Milly's too.
    Lots and lots of love

  19. Hello there Alice, from New Jersey, USA! Alas I tried to sign up for the bone marrow registry, but found out I was too old. LOL I am loving your blog, and think you've found some answers others search for forever. You go, girlie - there may still be some surprises in store for you.

  20. Keep up the hope and giving others some joy as well. I have a charity i started in the states to inspire and register people for the national marrow registry. We need more people on their and want to launch a britches site as well. Stay strong, positive and control the situation don't let it control you. Tom

  21. Hi ALice- i have been catching up today with your posts- havent been on as my son is himself in hospital.
    So glad you are enjoying all your wonderful days- we you scared in the plane ? i would have been terrified !! Kellie x

  22. Alice,

    I can't even begin to describe the inspiration you are for thousands, if not millions of people around the world, including myself. The courage and bravery of one young girl like you is much needed in this world today, and you are doing great things.

    I want to say thank you from Washington DC, and also want to tell you that you have my prayers in your struggle. I will be praying for you continuously. Thanks for being an example for me and for people all over the world.

  23. OOOoh, I can't wait to hear what film you saw (and an Alice-review of it). How cool is it to have a whole cinema just for you and your friends? I hope you have a brilliant time, eat a lot of popcorn! I keep checking the Bridgewater site, I'm pretty sure your mug's going to be a hit.

  24. You're amazing attitude is helping me to fight my cancer. I will definitely buy one of your mugs! Have a fab time at the cinema, I can't go at the minute because of my blood counts! You totally deserve it. You are such an amazing inspiring person.
    Thank you for being you!
    Lots of love.
    Tammi x

  25. Visiting and reading your blog is part of my daily web surfing ritual. I live in Australia but as soon as your mug comes out, I am going to order a few for my family back in the UK.

    You are an inspiration to hundreds of thousand, dare I say millions of people. Your bravery has inspired me.

    I hope you have a great day at the cinema today.


  26. hi Alice
    We are watching and supporting you from Thailand.
    Take care, stay strong, and enjoy your movie screening.
    Love and respect from
    Paul in Bangkok

  27. Hey, i hope you are doing OK and enjoy your screening tomorrow. Very excited about the mugs and i am sure to follow you as soon as i get a twitter too!

  28. Congrats on your mug Alice!!
    I have a blog about my cancer and make up if you'd like to check it out! Its
    Keep up the good work!!

  29. Hi Alice, I think your blog is the best one I have ever seen. I think you are an amazing person who doesn't let even cancer stop her from doing what she loves. I'm glad that you have such a bright light in the dark. Sorry I'm a poet.

  30. Hi Alice,
    just came to wish you a great weekend. And the movie, what movie will you see?
    Whenever I come here I read your list and I am very happy to see that a lot is
    being made. :) Cheers dear.
    PS.: I'm thinking, how can I do to get a mug?

    Betinhabf - Brazil

  31. I'm sorry you had to close your Facebook account, but glad you like Twitter! Please keep posting updates on this blog as I love to follow what you're doing. Details are much appreciated and welcome! Stay strong and keep enjoying life! I'm living vicariously through you! I can't wait to see the mug! I definitely think you should keep the first mug ... you've done so much to raise awareness it's unbelievable. I think of you most every day even though I don't know you!

    Weston, CT USA

  32. I am so sorry for you Alice.I pray to god that, he should give you strength to recover.don't loose up Alice.everything is possible in this world.
    Animal Planet

  33. Got my swab kit in the mail today! Thank you so much for being my motivation to join the bone marrow registry. Keep up the blogging! Sara

  34. I just discovered your blog. It is lovely. Praying for you all the way over in Texas. All the best - enjoy your movie!

  35. good luck in your battle, stay positive and strong honey :)

  36. Excellent news Alice, and it was lovely to meet with you and Vicky recently. I hope you are enjoying any apps I suggested and hope we meet again.


    PS Will be buying a mug for work!"

  37. Alice, great news, was lovely to meet you recently and hope to meet you again you brave lady.

    Andrea xxx

    PS I will be buying a mug for work!

  38. I can't wait to see a photo of your mug Alice. I bet it's fab!
    I hope you enjoy your cinema screening, how grown up and glam that should be. Keep us all posted, but you do!

  39. Sounds like you have been having lots of fun, good for you!! I think letting your mum keep the first mug is fantastic. Can't wait to hear about your movie screening. How many friends will you get to bring? Popcorn and M&Ms are my favorite at the movies.

  40. Hi, Alice!
    My name's Leonardo, I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and I read about you on another website... you're an amazing person and I only have to say "thanks" for sharing with us your kindness!
    Now please, listen to me... keep on fighting and NEVER surrender. Nothing is impossible, force of will can make miracles! And you're such a beautiful girl :D

    Kisses from Brazil, sweetie! Just loved your blog :)

  41. Hi alice , im from sonora, mexico! I saw this blog in the news, and as i read youre the most wonderful amazing and beautiful person in the world, please keep like that be strong! God bless you Alice... U make me think about how im wasting my time.. Thanks alice! Xoxo ill keep in touch...

  42. Hi Alice,

    I must tell you how inspiring you are. I just recently started to blog again, and your blog came up as one of the popular ones to read, I'm glad I decided to check it out. I don't know what it's like to have cancer, but I do know pain. I have JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) and feel for you. I was diagnosed at 4 and I'm 24 now with a son. Any way's I just wanted to send you some love and cyber hugs from California USA. You're an awesome kid, and because of you lives will be saved. I tried to register to donate, but they don't wanted my "tainted" marrow. Oh well, I'll try and spread your message and help in other ways. Take care, and enjoy your iPad, my son has one and LOVES it.

    Much love sweetheart and keep up your AWESOME work!!


  43. Hi Alice!

    I am so sorry that people are targeting such an amazing cause in such a negative way. I honestly don't get how they might even think it could possibly be okay to do that. :(

    On another note; your blog is helping me fight a very different battle of my own. While it's nowhere near what you're going through, knowing that you're out there making the most of life is giving me hope. :)

    Sunshine, unicorns and chocolate,
    Olivia from New Zealand ♥

  44. Hi Alice,
    I've been reading your blog for a while now and thought it was time to comment! You've turned something not so great into an incredible oppourtunity for yourself and the potential thousands of people you could save by encouraging people to join the register! Keep up the good work, and I'm glad that you've had so many days to smile about recently! Can't wait to see the mug!!

    Lizzie xx

  45. Hi Alice, I read about you today online in America. Glad to see you've done so many things from your bucket list already. Please keep us updated, we'd love to see more.

  46. Wohooo! I ordered my mug this morning. It's beautiful. Between the families that THHN will be able to help and all your fans who are buying your mug, just think how many smiles you are spreading. :-)

  47. Nice one, Alice - must try and get one of your mugs. I see you're in the Sunday Times today! is byafoy i joyce

  48. I just wanted you to know that you inspired me to sign up on the bone marrow donor list. <3 thank you

  49. Hi Alice,

    Please could you let us know if/when the postpals website is back up, please? I've tried googling it, but it looks like the "old" site, so I don't know if it's ready yet!

  50. twitter is great! have a good time at the cinema :) what are you going to watch? can't wait to see your mug!

  51. I am praying for you Alice.

  52. wow... u r my hero!!! well i was wondering if you would post a comment on my blog... if u wanted 2... well the URL is so ya... u dont have 2 but it would b nice! :)

  53. You're a brave girl Alice...
    Glad to see you've already done lots from your bucketlist. Our prayers for you..

  54. I am off to find you on Twitter and read up on your tweets. I hope you get a wee bit of sleep later on tonight, your mother too. (hugs to you)

