1 March 2012

LEJOG-ing Blogging

One thing I forget to do when I wrote on here was mention the LEJOG blog to you all. Simon, Cathy and gang are all keeping a blog in the lead to the big ride in April. Please go and have a look at it if you get it a minute because it's really very funny in parts. Anyway you can find the Team Alice on Tour blog here - LEJOG BLOG.  They are happy to accept sponsorship for all the miles that they are peddling and there's a link on the blog I think :)

The other thing I want to mention quickly, is that the Kili trek is now properly booked (I know that because mum is looking more panicky) and they have a team just giving page up and running so that you can all dig into your pocket and support them. They are hoping to be able to raise enough money to buy a holiday caravan for our families to stay in - how cool.  Surely my mum climbing up the world's tallest freestanding mountain is worth at least as much sponsorship as my sister raised running 5k?  Ha ha I hope so, you can sponsor them HERE - they might even do a funny video of it all if you sponsor them enough!

Finally, Dave Askham sent me some really cool photos today, arranged by his friend Simon, who works on the pylons. It's their take on the Lunchtime atop a skyscraper … "Teatime atop a pylon" and I've made it my main photo on here this week!  Thank you - brilliant photos and made us all smile.


  1. Wow! Brave or Crazy! Cup of tea at the top of a pylon.... But I do love their mugs! Hope you got your Snow Globe!

  2. Hi Alice,

    I love the photo! Especially love the fact that they are using your mugs! Sorry to hear your mother is getting a bit panicky but I'm sure her nerves will settle once she begins her journey. Thanks for the link to the blog. I'm heading over to look at that in just a sec.

    Love and hugs,
    Alyson in SC, USA

  3. Love the pictures. The mugs are getting everywhere which is fab.

    Already sponsored your Mum. I agree that her nerves will settle once she starts the journey.

    Much love,

  4. Hi Alice-It is always so awesome when you post!Love the pic,your mugs look great all the way up there:) I enjoyed checking out LEJOG and Alice's Escapes..wonderful! :)

  5. How exciting!
    I was nominated for the 7x7 Link Award. I've passed on the award to you. Here's the post with the details...
    I hope you have time to join in, but will understand fully if you don't!

  6. Hi Alice,

    I came across your site through Post Pals and wanted to come and say hi.

    Looks like you've done loads of really cools stuff on the bucket list. I would love to swim with sharks- maybe only in a cage though!

    Ulverston is a nice place, a friend of mine lives in Gleaston which is not far from you, and we stayed in Barrow-in-Furness for our wedding anniversary last year which was nice. No - Grange-Over-Sands, but we went to Barrow and walked around the little island at the end.

    My name is Rob and I am a personal trainer so I get paid to run around which is pretty cool. there is a little bit more to it than that. One of my clients climbed Kili a few years back and loved it. Best of luck to your Mum.

    I like your mugs, and I thought you might like to see another photo of one in a specific place. So I bought one and I will have a drink from it at the finish line of the Manchester marathon which is coming up and send it to you. Did you design them? I wish I could draw like that.

    Anyway thanks for sharing your site -it is great to hear about all the things you are doing -what an inspiration!


  7. Hi Alice,

    I am so happy to come to visit you here on your blog! I think you are totally adorable! And guess what? One day (decades from now), my dear Alice you will look at your disease as a hidden blessing! Because more than a Inspiration, you are a Connector! You are connecting people everywhere to this beautiful cause of yours and you are doing one mug at the time. You are going to save the world, Alice! You are saving a lot of worlds right now because each one of us is a world, right? Each one of us! I know you rock my world with your gracious and lovely presence.In my world you are a princess!!! A brave, bold and amazing princess! In my world you are a hero, an artist and a great girl! I would love to see some t-shirts of yours too! Lets expand your brand! More mugs, some t-shirts, cards, stickers. How about that? You have a lot of work to do! You have a lot of people to teach! You have a lot of people to inspire! You are inspiring your parents right now! Your mom is panicked a little right? Well, new journeys are always afraid. But she will handle it. You will see. She has you on her side to feel inspired. You are in a journey too and sometimes you are a afraid but you keep going right? You keep moving it! By the way, I would like to know if you are doing some therapy/hypnosis in your process. Do you know hypnosis is awesome? It really is. Many people do not believe because they think about stage hypnosis, but Medical therapy is totally awesome. The mind is a fascinating thing to work with. Is our subconscious mind that command 95 percent of the time our lives. What we believe, happens. If we limiting ourselves with negative self talk...guess what? We have to empower ourselves with positive self talk, positive people, positive situations. You are doing a very positive thing right now! You are connecting people to a great cause and you are allowing yourself to have fun in the process! Lets expand your bucket list, lets expand your brand, lets expand your beliefs! You can beat this, Alice! It is not terminal! It is the begging of an awesome life! You are creating this awesome life! You are swimming with sharks, going places, inspired your parents and friends!!! What a wonderful thing!!! England and the world love you! We all love you and we all root for you!!! I know I am!!! And you? Because the most important person in this journey is you!!! Be well, have fun, believe!!! Warm Regards, Claudia

    PS: Great Hypnosis Professor and Physician (Tulane University/USA) Dabney Ewin - he has an awesome/short/efficient book (101 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started Using Hypnosis) and a Youtube video (Dabney Ewin - Hypnosis for Burns - BBC TV 1980)

    The amazing Melissa Tiers (Professors from the Columbia University adore her). She has two amazing books and teachs in hospitals too. Ask your mother/father to watch her videos on Youtube. You can watch too. They are amazing!

    Doctor Friedman Schaub, PHD - his work is amazing. He does Skype consultation. He used to be a cardiologist in Germany and he moved to USA to do his PHD. He decided to study how the mind interfere in our health. He has three amazing cds too.

    Simone from The House of HipGnosis (she has a Master degree from Columbia University, one of the best in USA) and she is a darling!!! She looks like a doll and her website is the most cute ever. She studied with Melissa Tiers and her father is the most famous psychologist/hypnotherapist in South Korea.

    These people are truly amazing and they are all from the best places in USA. Ask your parents to do a research on them, please!!!

  8. Nice post, sounds like you have some good things lined up!
    By the way, I have passed on the versatile blogger award to you! I wrote about it here so maybe you can do it too! http://theblogofablondegirl.blogspot.com/2012/03/versatile-blogger-award.html


  9. I think you are amazing- and so, so brave! I have lymphoma too, and you are a great inspiration to me- you're blog is so brilliant! Lily xox

  10. "Christina Pirello was diagnosed with leukemia at age 26 and given little hope for survival. Within just two months of diligently adopting a diet based on beans,greens, and whole grains her condition improved dramatically and after fourteen months her cancer had disappeared. The Emmy Award-winning host of Christina Cooks!, and the author of several cookbooks including her latest: Im Mad as Hell, and Im not going to Eat it Anymore."

    Source: USA/Magazine - Spirituality & Health - The Soul/Body Connection - March/April 2012

    Christina Pirello website: http://www.christinacooks.com/index.html

    In her website: ...". At age 26, she was diagnosed with terminal leukemia. By the time her illness was identified, the cancer had already advanced to an acute stage. Her doctors gave her little reason to have hope for the effectiveness of conventional medical therapies and told her she had only months to live. Initially, she was discouraged and uncertain. Then a co-worker introduced her to Robert Pirello, a whole foods advocate who helped her adapt her lifestyle and diet based on whole, unprocessed food. With love, dedication and death-defying discipline, Christina overcame the odds, and in the process developed an expertise in cooking with whole foods. After just two months of eating beans, grains and vegetables, her doctors noticed a significant improvement in her condition. In fourteen months, her cancer was gone. From that time, she was utterly convinced of the close relationship between diet and health. She knew her life’s calling was to help others discover the importance of this relationship in their own lives. To that end, she studied and became an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture and earned a Masters Degree in Nutrition. Today, almost 27 years later, Christina is a glowing example and inspiration on the power that our food choices have on our overall health and well being."

  11. Alice, check this out, please - Oopsie Daisies (USA/brand) - hospital gowns with positive messages to heal faster the people that have to go to the hospital. Can you imagine that in England? Amazing, right? Maybe you can work on that, make it happen. Who knows? I truly believe that if you put in your head that you want to go to the moon, you will! By the way..how about contact Sir Richard Branson to arrange a space trip? He loves adventure and he is the owner of Virgin Galactic. Can you imagine something like that in your Bucket List? OMG!!! Do it for all of us, Alice!!! I would love to go at least to a balloon trip with him in his amazing island in Caribe!

    PS:Do you know Sir Richard Branson has dyslexia and did poorly on school but he fond away to overcome his issues (he dropped school with 16 years old - your age). He is one amazing guy, right? He totally believes in himself even without a college degree, dyslexia, etc.

    "So I've seen life as one long learning process. And if I see - you know, if I fly on somebody else's airline and find the experience is not a pleasant one, which it wasn't in - 21 years ago, then I'd think, well, you know, maybe I can create the kind of airline that I'd like to fly on." Richard Branson

    PS1: Did you watch on Youtube - Doctor Dabney Ewin from Tulane University?(BBC)

    PS2: Amazing documentary to feel super inspired (I think your whole family will love it) Beyond Belief!!! A lot of cool people: NPL, Hypnoterapists, Therapists, Scientists, Doctors - you name it!

    PS3: Idea: how about ask for suggestions to expand your bucket list? I think you are going to be surprise of how people are creative with their wishes! You can let people inspired you with their dreams, right?

  12. Wow, that's awesome! Great pic. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    Your fellow bucket lister,
    Mike Hoang

  13. HAPPY WOMAN'S DAY FOR YOU ALICE!!!!! KISSES FROM BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  14. Wow Alice you really are living life and getting other people to as well! There's no better way to live :-) And you will inspire others to make the most of their time here too. I hope you enjoyed Crufts, did you manage to go along? lots of love xx

  15. A;ice, a young man named Drew Ducatelli is in your same situation and is fighting hard to win his battle with lymphoma. Positive thoughts are important to him and his family and he is trying to get as many "likes" on his facebook page as he can. The positive energy helps. If you could like his page and send him words of encouragement, it would help him to know someone who is going through the same thing. You're amazing! Stay strong and keep fighting! http://www.facebook.com/pages/​Cure-for-Drew/235374043211122

  16. Good luck to your Mum and great news about the charity. Good luck you inspirational lady xxx

  17. Hello Alice,
    I'm 15 and I'm from Spain. I was searching for interesting blogs and I found yours, then I couldn't stop reading it just beacuse each word of your entries spreads positive and feelings and encouragement and now I've finally finished reading all of it.
    I only want to wish you more wonderful days as the ones you're telling us through your writing.
    Please continue sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.

    Wish you the best,

    Marta xx.

  18. I honestly have no idea where to put my comment, because everything I read is so inspirational. :)
    My heart is warmed by you! You are such a wonderful person, a fighter, stronger than you know. You are brave, and kind and have an open mind. I wish to be like you!
    Although I haven't really introduced myself. I'm Jillian Carter. I have an incurable illness called Wegeners Granulomatosis. I know it's a long name. It's not really important what it is, what happens to me, but I know that I will not know when I will be leaving this world. I am so inspired by your story. I'm 17, and have had this illness for about 3 years and I am struggling with it. I find the hope, but honestly, you are the best! I love to read your blog, I love to see your smiling face next to it! I'm glad you have a bucket list, just remember that every happy moment, smile and laugh is another day or week or year you will live even longer, I know you can do this. I'm rooting for you!
    As a daughter of a cancer patient and a friend to people that have been effected by cancer, or have it, I can tell you, "Don't always go by what the doctors say" Just because someone gives you a timeline of how long you'll live, doesn't mean anything! You can live so much longer just by having high spirits! I guess what I'm trying to say is that I admire you for who you are. I know all days aren't the best, but you seem to have such a positive outlook on life!
    Sorry if I rambled!
    Love and hope!
    Jillian <3

  19. It's a wonderful thing you're doing with this charity, Alice. I so enjoy reading your blogs. Great pics, too.
    Thinking of you.

  20. Alice, keep up the good work on here and am sure your Mum will get loads of sponsorship for the Kili trip (tell her not to panic!!) :-)

    Andrea xx

  21. Hey sweetie. i hope all is ok and everything going well. you havent updated in a few weeks :)

  22. Hi Alice. My husband has just done LEJOG solo with no back up team in 10 days, 30th March to 8th April. He's raised £1600 for Great Ormond Street. While it's a great achievement and donation, I so wish we had know about you and your achievements first. We would have taken you as our sponsor. Good luck, very best wishes and much much love, the Greenough family.
