25 January 2012

My new mug

I'm trying to be good and update my blog a bit more cos everything keeps thinking I'm dead or something when I don't, so here it is. I have had lots of good news in the last couple of days.
Firstly, my new Emma Bridgewater mug comes out tomorrow and I am so excited that I can't stop thinking about it.  My first mug raised a huge amount of cash for the THHN and this mug is going to be raising money for my own charity, Alice's Escapes.  It's so nice to know that my charity will be there after I'm gone and that other kids like me can always have a holiday with their family. I think that you'll be able to FIND MY MUG ON HERE from tomorrow. We had fun seeing your photos last time and I'm hoping to have a new photo album on my Alice's Escapes Facebook pages so that we can see pictures of everyone with their mug again.  I still have the picture of Holly the Labradoodle with her mug on my wall :) and I loved the chickens and the Spiderman photos. I challenge you to do something unusual with your mug - my mum has said that she'll take hers up Kilimanjaro with her and raise a toast to me at the top! 

The second thing that is really interesting to look at, is our Team Alice on Tour LEJOG blog - I like saying that, LEJOG BLOG, LEJOG BLOG ... ha ha you go wrong very quickly!  If you have a look at their blog, it tells you all about the training, the route and our wonderful sponsors. On the right side is a list of the different days and if you click into them, you can actually see exactly where they'll be cycling every day, how far it is and if there are any big hills! If I wasn't already dying, I think that cycling 100 miles a day would finish me off!  I'm keeping focused on living and I'm hoping that I might be able to do an appearance along the route, but from the comfort of the support car.

My charity is coming along and we have had more generous offers from local businesses. I'll get told off for not remembering them all, but one new accommodation provider is Park Cliffe at Windermere and I'm so excited about them supporting us, cos caravan holidays are one of my favourite. So, huge thanks to them and all the other businesses who are supporting us.  Park Cliffe have also kindly offered to make us their charity of the year as have the ladies of Dunnerholme golf club in Askam. We're really grateful to everyone who is thinking about how they can help us.  Our registration to be an official charity has gone in and we're all hoping that will be back very soon and then we will be able to offer collection tubs for you to have in your shop or work. 

Mabel is still so lovely and I'm hoping to get to visit the people at the home this week - I was away all of December and haven't managed to get back there yet this year, cos I've been so tired, but I'm going to try on Friday if they'll have me lol.  I think Mabel has missed her little trips there cos she gets lots of biscuits. Mum is trying to fit lots of walking in so that she can do the K2B - she's organised a huge group of Team Alice walkers and it wouldn't look very good if she can't do it. Ha ha I know she'll do it really.  Mum has also booked the Team Alice trip to climb Kilimanjaro so she's kind of committed to that now. As soon as we're registered, we'll have Just Giving sponsor sites and you can sponsor her, Dad and the rest of the team.

So that's all folks lol, Alice xxx


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I've just figured out how to reply!

  2. You are a ledgend Alice!! Love the new mug, love the charity and love to you!!

  3. This is wonderful! I love the mugs. You are inspirational Alice!

  4. Congrats! I just went on the mug website to purchase a mug and it seems they are all sold out :)

  5. I ran across your blog on bloggers blog of note. I usually read the new ones but today i decided to look farther down the list. I am glad I did, I've been enjoying your blog and I will pray for you.

  6. You are truly an inspiration! I read your blog and you make me smile. Sending you a virtual hug all the way from Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Kindly, Teresa

  7. Alice - I have been reading your blog for many months and I think you are so amazing. You have such strength even whilst so sick. I am from Cheshire, UK, but I live in Tanzania running a Baby Home for orphaned and abandoned babies. (www.foreverangels.org) I work with brave children every day - but you are truly inspiring.
    If you ever do make it to Kili (or your family ever do) please look me up and we would gladly give you a place to stay and show you round.
    You are in my thoughts....

    1. My mum is climbing Kili in September for my charity, I'll show her your website x

  8. Beautiful mug Alice! You are doing great, a big hug, Carina

  9. I like the mug, reminds me of a summer day by the lake!

  10. I visit your blog on occasions and I am happy to see you enjoy life so much. I (just like you and your family, I think)believe that no matter what comes in our way we just need to keep going and enjoying ourselves on the way. I once wrote a little story for my kids which they quite enjoyed, so perhaps you might as well if you have a minute (http://stonki-castaway.blogspot.com/2011/02/southern-cross-inn.html).
    Keep going Alice! We keep our fingers crossed!

  11. thank you, alice, for sharing your thoughts, ideas and wishes with the rest of the world. keep dreaming up new wishes, it keeps the magic of dreams colourful and warm.
    did you read the little book "le petit prince"? yes, it does come in english too. if you are too tired maybe someone can read the little story to you, i think you might love it as much as our family does!
    sending you much love from sydney (australia)

  12. Love the mug! Congratulations on your progress towards your charity, it's good to know there are such wonderful people in this world.

  13. Hi Alice! I've been following you for quite some time now, but this is my first comment. Just wanted to say that I love your new mug and that I'm happy to see pictures of you in your posts! Also wanted to give some encouragement to your mum for climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro! My family went back in 2008 and had a blast! It's really more of a long hike than a "climb" per-say (depending on the route) but still hard work. Training is definitely a good idea, but also mental preparation and a positive attitude. Take her time, focus on and enjoy the journey day by day (much like you are demonstrating for us!) "Pole, Pole" (slowly, slowly) as they say in Tanzania. :) If you all start a page for that trip, please let us know, as I would love to know plans for the trip.
    With Love from NM, USA

  14. Hi Alice,

    Love your new mug. Your charity is really off to a great start! I know your mom and the rest of Team Alice will do great with K2B and the climb up Kilimanjaro. So nice hearing from you again.

    Love and hugs,
    Alyson in SC, USA

  15. You're stronger than I could ever be... I love reading your updates and seeing your photos... and I just think you're grand!

  16. Have been following along with your blog for a long time now, and absolutely love it. You're so adorable and sassy, as well as strong and dedicated. It amazes me how much you've accomplished in the past year.

    Your mug is awesome, and I'll be watching for it tomorrow.

    Sending the very best of thoughts to you and to your family.
    Natalie (from Oklahoma, USA)

  17. Alice, I love your updates and your new mug. Lighting a candle for you in Kentucky, USA. x

  18. Briliant stuff Alice- and I've just ordered your second mug to go along with your first one! Will definitely send you a photo this time around x wishing you and your family all the very best x

  19. Ordered my mug Alice to go with your first one :-) I've ordered one for one of the Post Pal children I write to too. Go Team Alice! Xx

    1. Awh I saw the photo, that made me really happy. Thank you x

  20. Alice, your strength is infectious!
    Sending you smiles and prayers from Aurora, Oregon USA

  21. Dearest Alice, it is lovely to have a new blog post from you. You shouldn't feel that you HAVE to post more regularly though. Just update when you feel that you want to. x

  22. Thanks Alice, Love reading all your updates. The mug designs are great!
    Hope the English winter isn't being too hard on you, it's beautiful and sunny here in Australia. I went swimming with dolphins and sea lions in the wild at the end of october, if you can manage it you should definitely try, even just being on a boat while other people did would be amazing. Sending you lots of love around the world to you Nay xoxo

  23. So happy to hear all your news. Thanks for keeping us informed and sharing your inspiration. xo Noni

  24. You're adorable! cute blog


  25. I visit your blog because I read the article on " You List life´s". I'm writing a history about "birthday fifteen girl's" this is romance on adolescent. I very like your list. I used as inspiration. I wish strength and optimism ... God bless

  26. I love your Mom. Everyone should have a Mom like her. But I want you to be on the mountain with her raising a glass. ♥

    1. ha we always said we'd climb it together but maybe mum will have to do it without me, but I know she will do it lol

  27. Hi Alice,
    I did read your blog. I think you are amazing and brave person.
    You are absolutely inspirational, you did your own bucket list..there is good to have dreams. =)
    Sonja from Finland.

  28. Glad to see your updates and will be purchasing a mug. A Big hug from Ann in Philadelphia, PA (USA)

  29. Alice, Im Marcia, from Brasil...Ive sent an email to you with some pictures of dolphins I have been taken lately, cause Im whalewatcher and I think u will like those. :)
    All the best to you, little darling!

  30. Very very nice mug,indeed!
    Many kisses from Italy
    Your new friend

  31. Alice, I haven't posted for a while but I check your blog every day. I've been doing that for months. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I love reading your posts. Give Mabel a big hug for me too!!

    Al B (Pittsburgh, PA USA)

  32. lovely mug. keep up the fight

  33. Just a hug from your Italian new friend

  34. I am happy to see you back and strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU

  35. Hey Alice,
    You and your Mum may not be able to climb Kili together but is there a hill near your house where you can get to with a good view from the top instead? Then at least you can both feel that you have climbed a mountain together while you still have the oompf. Why go to Africa when there are plenty of great hills in the UK? :)
    Love reading your blog xx

  36. Got my new Alice's Escapes mug this morning and am drinking tea from it right now! So now you have at least one pair of mugs in Shetland. I think of you when I use them, Good morning Alice!

  37. Haha, that's awesome that you have your own mug! You are an inspiration.

    Your fellow bucket lister,
    Mike Hoang

  38. haha this post is awesome...

  39. After reading some of your blog i have registered to donate my blood and sign up with the BBMR on the 18th of this month. I am a film buff and after reading some of this blog a quote came to me "It's better to burn out than to fade away!" Live your life bright and fierce let the world know and never forget that you are here and will be remembered
