20 September 2011

Updated video ...

A few months ago, Abigail Breslin and Cassidy Reiff wrote and recorded a song for me with their band 'CABB' ... it now has an updated video which shows some of my bucket list wishes coming true.  I love this song, just figuring out how to save it to play on my iPod


  1. http://www.youtube-mp3.org/

    Go onto this link, copy the web address of the page the video is on into the search bar and click convert!
    I can do it for you and send it to you if you like!
    Best wishes x x

  2. http://www.youtube-mp3.org/

    Go onto that link, copy the web address of the page the video is on into the search bar and click convert.
    I can do it for you and send it to you if you like.
    Best Wishes :)

  3. Sorry for the 500 post of that comments! I am in Belguim and didn't understand the Dutch messages! x x

  4. Wow, great song.. btw I've been on the donor bone marrow list for years... Back then they took blood and didn't swab...

  5. A very nice song, get stronger Alice, a big hug

  6. So very cool, Alice :)

  7. I love that song. Please check out my blog Alice, and I will pray that your bucket list will come true :)
