1 July 2011

Mr John Smith ...

Mr John Smith from the US who posted a message on 30 June ...
Your blog comment is ignorant ... I've pasted extracts below. Has it occurred to you that we have both researched and tried several alternatives.  That may be something to do with why I'm still here FOUR YEARS after being diagnosed!  I'm confused, do we not all die eventually?  As for wasting a huge amount of time, I've spent four years fighting this - now I am resigned to nothing other than filling every day with magical moments ...
"you seem resigned to death and wasting all your time and blogs and lists. i really think you and your mother should be researching alternative cancer cures instead of wasting all this huge amount of time on collecting randoms people sympathies and trying to become famous"
BLAH DE BLAH DE BLAH .... (several hours later) ...
"might be best if you invested some of your time in doing your own research as unfortunately free things are seldom appreciated and often resented. up to you. adieus.i won't be posting again as i don't believe in mollycoddling and if you can't be bothered then why should i?"
At least we can all thank our lucky stars that you won't be posting again. Please don't, you're not welcome on my happy pages ... saddo :P

Normal update to follow for the happy people :)


  1. That man is really ignorant. I hope you won't let this faze you. You are a strong woman, and you shouldn't listen to people like him. Keep it up!!

  2. Wow some people should just not own a computer.
    Sorry that you get to spend you time here reading tripe from crap holes instead of from people who care.

  3. Well done Alice, just what he needed. :)

  4. Just how old is this bloke?
    You are battling something that can be life or death for you....some survive. Where I work we have a year12/into13 boy...battled leukemia..he is still fragile...but carrying on....
    I think "young adults" facing what you are doing is very brave. candles lit for you..godess bless you

  5. Unfortunately Alice, there are millions of "John Smith"s on the internet. It's one of the downsides of the web.

    Please, don't take the things these poor ignorant people say to heart.

    I comment from time to time and I hope I say things that are supportive and relevant and put a smile on your face.

    Take strength from the hundreds who do comment nicely, the thousands of people who read your posts everyday who don't say something.

    They are the ones who are supporting you. No-one knows how long they have here. Live life to the full and take every minute of every hour of every day by the scruff of the neck and wring out 110% from it.

    Be lucky.

  6. Thankfully this kind of nutjob is in the minority Alice. Anyone who knows anything about you knows that you and your family have done everything you can. They also appreciate that now you want to spend time doing things that will make you HAPPY. Rightly so! x

  7. What a sad man....do what you're doing!!It's fantastic....You are not only making dreams come true for yourself and your family. You are promoting brilliant causes, all at the age of 15, theres 80 year olds that have done less!!!!Keep living like you are and bring happiness!axxx

  8. What a loser!! Alice your happy and that is all that matters. Don't let low lives like this get to you. You have 14643 people behind you and this blog all the way! x

  9. Wow, some people are just total jerks. I don't get why they can't just read, disagree, and move on. Why leave snooty comments?

    ~ The Tuckerbag ~

  10. Please, who do not have kind words and encouragement, it is better not to write anything. Only those who fight alongside a person with cancer know what the daily life of this fight. Each day with life and one day you beat the disease, and there is always hope the next day. Alice, stay with God and that God bless you and keep you until it's time to settle with him to call you, you certainly are a special person. Kisses.
    Tuca - Porto Alegre / RS - Brazil

  11. what an awful man. good on you for calling him out, honestly don't even listen to a thing this ignorant man says, barely even worth a thought. concentrate on the magical moments :) (also insanely jealous of your new i-pad!) xxxx

  12. I think someone has an agenda ... but it isn't you Alice!
    "Vindictive: intended to cause anguish or hurt : spiteful"
    It's not big ... and it's not clever.

  13. oh alice! this guy is a butthole! i am so so sorry he wrote such a stinky disgusting ignorant arrogant clueless silly thing. perhaps he has never been in your or your mother's situation. my mother had cancer (stomach) and i know (sort of) what it's like to try everything and be left with enjoying your time and your family and living in the moment because medicine or alternatives or anything just isn't working. so ignore mr. butthole, please and know that this blog that you are writing is making me happy and live in the moment and appreciate what i have every single day. you are a hero. and you enjoy every single free thing you are getting. they are gifts that people are giving to you because they want to see you happy. that's all. enjoy them, beautiful girl and have the time of your life. none of us know how long we have. enjoy every second if it. and through you, i will, too. and thank you thank you for your beautiful, inspiring blog. xoxoxo Laura Mauk

  14. Alice - You are an amazing young women, and give inspiration to those who matter most. Thank you for being a light in a beautiful day. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope getting though and adding things to your bucket list brings you much happiness!

  15. you shouldn't waste your precious time on idiots like mr smith....
    fill your mind with the people that make you happy. xx

  16. oh for goodness sake.... what an arrogant idiot. I'm so glad you're not taking 'Mr Smith' too seriously. You seem to have a very mature attitude to the whole situation. The only thing that is guaranteed in life is death & you're choosing to do what you want to get the best out of the time you have left. In the process you've touched thousands of people all across the world & inspired people to do things they might not ever have done before i.e. being a BM Donor amongst other things. I hope your cough is a bit better & that you're managing to get some sleep.x

  17. I went back and read his comments from the day before. What a jerk!
    You shouldn't worry about people like that although their negativity can get to you a times. I think what you and your mom are doing with this blog is great. As you've stated, you didn't start this blog for fame but rather an outlet for support and to get people aware of bone marrow donations.
    Alice, just keep doing what you're doing. Don't let one bad apple get to you. Have a great weekend too!!

  18. Unfortunately, there are always going to be trolls on the Internet. Do you best to ignore them or just don't read them, and certainly don't waste your precious time answering their pathetic messages. In reality, they are probably just jealous that you've done more in your life at such a young age than they have. Keep being you!

  19. Wow.
    If he doesn't like it why doesn't he just simply "Unfollow" and go about his day? That's completely uncalled for! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that!
    Much love from Hawaii

  20. Good grief. I think he just wants attention. Glad to hear he won't be back...

    I just viewed the mug you designed. It's beautiful. I sent an email to all my friends and family about you Alice...I hope to get us all registered for the Bone Marror Donor Registry and share mugs of coffee from your design.

    Thinking of you and your family...

  21. Alice, I send you a big hug and a kiss. And I'm on of the happy people always waiting for your posts.
    Feel better Alice

  22. don't listen for a minute. continue to live life out loud. God bless you.

  23. Alice, unfortunately the internet is a breeding ground for fools like "Mr John Smith".. for every one person like him there are another 1000 that admire you. Your passion for life, your courage and the way you have encouraged people to give to charity is amazing! I wish you all the best and love reading about the things that make you happy... Please don't let idiots with "keyboard courage" upset you...xx

  24. kisses from Greece honey!! Smile all day!

  25. Dear Alice, I am sorry you are having to put up with up with such low-lives. You are so young to find out that the world contains such twisted people. I admire your spirit that you continue to blog despite the trolls who rear their ugly heads every so often. Unfortunately, the best thing to do is to just ignore them - it is the 'attention' that they crave... If you ignore them they tend to crawl back under their rocks... I pity them in a way because they clearly have nothing better to do with their time... How sad their lives must be. Take Care Alice and keep making those special memories. x

  26. Does this man obviously think that your mother, who we've seen from previous posts is so extremely loving and protective of you, wouldn't try every single reasonable treatment? Does he really think that you would try to become "famous" from this horrible disease? It's clear that he is ignorant and just wants to put his two cents in. It's interesting though that as he does so, he signs as John Smith, an anonymous name.

    What you're doing is amazing. You're taking control of your life and living it to the fullest. I hope that you know from all of the positive comments you receive that you can ignore the few pieces of garbage who feel it's necessary to post ignorant comments.

  27. What an unkind person. He clearly doesn't understand. You go alice!

  28. What an idiot! I am glad you take people like him with a grain of salt! Keep enjoying each day! No one knows which day will be their last! Cheers!

  29. Geez, what an A-hole. Ignore him, Alice - I think what you and your family are doing is fantabulous. Who needs ignoramuses like John Smith from the US?! Not you, that's for sure!!

    Keep fighting, kiddo xx

  30. Hugs.

    I think you're great, and kudos for not letting some stranger boss you around. More people need to stick up for their beliefs and not feel bad simply because someone else doesn't agree with their outlook on things.

  31. :D You're right, living life is the best thing to do. Also, you make me feel proud that I signed up to be a bone marrow donor in college.

  32. You go girl!!! Woot woot! Alice you are the strongest most ammmmmazing person I have ever read about (obviously haven't met you - but boy do I wish I could!) good on you for being so joyful with your bucket list. We are ALL going to pass away from this world one day and no one knows when that will be .....so why not enjoy your time :) Don't let sad sack John Smith bring you down.....keep your focus on yourself and your family and we will keep the bad vibes of people like him away for you :)
    As always sending love , hugs and positive energy! Xx Chris

  33. Hello Alice, Mr Smith is very jealous individual who has little grasp of who you are or what you are dealing with. Don't give him the satisfaction of upsetting you. Mr Smith is not his real name I doubt. He is hiding behind a mask of cynicism to afraid to give a real name but too willing to make such comments that he knows will get a response, if not by you then your family or other bloggers. It is his claim to fame he's only trying to grab his own headlines and get some attention for himself. We should pity such a person as he must be a sad pitiful excuse for a human being to post such ridiculous comments about a young girl who is so brave. I am sure that one day a cure will be found for cancer and that cure will come through people like you not through the likes of Mr Smith. Best Wishes to you and your family. Kevin x

  34. No negative energy allowed! The only time wasted was reading Mr. Smiths comment. Moving on....

  35. Hello dear Alice !

    Some people are really stupid isn't it ? Don't worry about them...

    I think that if you enjoy every moment of your life, it's certainly the best medecin for you now !

    Dreams, projects, wishes, "bucket list", give a sens to life.

    I send you a lot of love from France.


  36. What a total jerk! You are entitled to live your life exactly how you see fit. I think what you are doing is courageous. Not many people can continue to enjoy life in the manner that you are after being dealt with tough times. Also, you have the ability to give others in your position a differnt outlook and show that this disease does not mean certain death but an opportunity to love the life you have. Keep blogging! You've got far more people in your corner than "Mr. Smith" could ever hope to have. You go girl!!

  37. Alice, I am amazed at how dumb/rude/mean/ignorant people can be! I am also amazed at how people can feel so willing to form an under-educated, under-empathetic opinion about a situation that they know nothing of. I don't understand why people always assume that what they would choose to do is what everyone should choose to do... And if they don't then they are wrong. It drives me crazy! I really admire your ability to shrug it off and stay upbeat! You are an incredible girl! And I am grateful for your example! :) Keep sharing!

  38. OMG,I have only been to your page a few times and I hope you are not letting those comments get under your skin... Delete those, its evident those people are starving for attention...I believe in Karma.. and believe me they will get theirs...

  39. Alice,

    Just wanted to let you know that this AMERICAN thinks your pretty damn wonderful. I'm on my ninth tour in a combat zone (Afghanistan this go around) and you inspire me whenever I think I'm having a bad day. One thing this profession has taught me is that life is fleeting and what you are doing now will have an impact for a long time to come. When you get to heaven I hope you will check in on friend of mine (Ed) who is up there looking down on us after his bout with Melanoma last year. He's a bit wild, but can dance one mean "smooth Criminal". Best of luck in finishing the rest of your list luv. Tommy

    1. Tommy, early hours here in the UK and I'm reading through Alice's blog (again) and came across your comment. How funny, we never knew each other then and yet came to be on one of the world's biggest mountains together! Hope this gets to you and hope life is treating you kindly. V x

  40. hi alice. you know what you should do? ignore him. dont give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to you. instead of posting the bad comments on your blog, why not post the good comments people write. appreciate the good in life and not the bad.

  41. Alice, I swear to goodness I am so stinkin' tired of people attacking you & I'm sure I only know of a FEW of those awful comments!!! Shame on "John Smith"! As a pediatric oncology nurse, I applaud you for fighting the ugly "c" word for four years. You are brave, driven and so sweet! Don't let anyone tell you differently! Hugs!

  42. hi lil lady. unfortunately, the internet lets ANYONE say ANYTHING whenever they want to. so just remember that 99% of these jerks are looking to get some kind of negative reaction from you, and that's just disgusting. these people are probably living in their mother's basements alone, with no friends, and spend all their time trying to cause a stir and upset people they will never even meet. you are such a wonderful girl, and for every selfish, mean, stupid idiot out there, know that there are 200 that do care about you and love to read about your adventures and thoughts. much love lady, and keep doing what you do!

  43. omg, he should not have said that to you! that is offensive to everyone battling cancer.

  44. I wish that man happiness. Maybe if he was happy he'd have something better to do with his time than bother you.
    You keep doing what you're doing! You have my support!

  45. I can't believe how terrible and ignorant some people are. Don't even think about him, he's a waste of time. Just focus on being happy :)

  46. Bless you, Alice! Don't let ignorant people like this guy get you down. Enjoy each of your days to the fullest! We all love you, and you inspire us dearly! You have done more than anyone I know, and I am a grown adult. Peace and blessings to you!

  47. Good riddance to that guy, right! #GirlPower! You rock, Alice!!

  48. Alice I love coming to your page because it's all about happiness and light, and making the most of every moment. You're an inspiration to me and so many other people.

    Unfortunately there will always be people like Mr Smith in the world, we can't all be wonderful! Our challenge is to rise above them as you are doing and maintain our 'joy'.

    We are all so very blessed that you are allowing us to share some of your journey.

    Keep Smiling
    Libby :0)

  49. Dear Alice,

    Ms. Vanessa from the US will reply to your post with this: he is simply a spineless prick.

  50. What an idiot! Sorry for using such a strong word, but can't think of any other that would adequately describe a person who'd write something like that... I'm glad you are taking this in your stride and not letting it get to you - not worth it. Just keep enjoying yourself.

    Also just wanted to say that I think it's great that you're putting yourself out there and campaigning for more awareness with regards to bone marrow donations. I have been on the Australian bone marrow registry for years now, and I guess that the chance that I'll be matched up with somebody is pretty slim. But there is a chance. It is such an easy thing to register, and it might save someone's life... So good on you!

    Love and hugs from 'down under'.


  51. Please don't let this affect your view of Americans! I'm from the U.S. and let me tell ya, I am rooting for you and I love reading all you have to say. You are amazing girl and your story has affected me deeply and so I have registered for the bone marrow. Lots of Love from your neighbor across the ocean.

  52. It always amazes me how people like Mr Smith feel that they have to comment on something they don't like.
    I don't know what his personal experience of cancer is but if he's had any long term experience of it then he'll know that you go through the treatment and you deal with things in the way that is best for you. I know of a family that got high dosage vitamins off the internet and switched to using only organic foods because they thought it would help their child.
    My son had 8 years of cancer treatment with two relapses and we were given the choice of a bone marrow transplant or no more treatment. We chose the transplant and 3 years later he's still here.
    What the future will bring I don't know but I do know that you make the decisions that are right for you and that the one that you and your family have made is the hardest one that anyone can make and one that a parent never should have to make. You and you family have my every respect and your in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you have lots of fun with you list.

  53. there's karma. don't mind him. he's one reason why duct tape was invented. to keep his mouth shut and to tape together his fingers! live life to the fullest dear girl. greetings from the Philippines. :)

  54. That's super funny that that person thinks you haven't been trying to find a cure, that you're just sitting around hoping millions of people will pity you. I'm glad you post this blog because some are not brave enough to go out and do things after they've been told that they have a short time to live, I mean we all have this short time anyways, but you've been told a date or a certain number of years. I'm proud of you for completing a lot of your list already and I hope to see more things added[and crossed off] in the future.
    If I may make a suggestion, for a good laugh, watch "Easy A", an American movie that's pretty darn funny, oh and maybe "The Breakfast Club". Cussing is present in both, but they're both really great watches.
    I look forward to all your posts and wish for every possible happiness available to you :]
    -Happy Reader,

  55. I totally understand your life Alice! Unfortunately, I lost my aunt last year to cancer. She tried EVERYTHING!! Homeopathic treatments, chemo, surgery... you name it, she tried it! Eventually, it was just too overwhelming - so she surrounded herself in planned vacations, horseback riding, and living life to the fullest for as long as she could! I truly believe she died without regret.

    Bless you for living! You're a source of inspiration to MANY! I can't wait to read about more of your adventures. Forget John Smith! He's just jealous ;)

  56. Bet this man has never saved one life ! and you are going to save thousands !!!
    The world thanks you for what you have done and are still doing in getting so many people on the BMR!

  57. Obviously some people defy all the traits of decent human beings, this man is evidently one of those people. What an idiot! Maybe he should spend more of his time changing his personalty than looking through a blog that he knows he wont like, nobody asked him to read it he did that on his own accord. Alice, I'm in admiration of you and idiots like him should take a hike. xxx

  58. Alice, don't sweat what "John Smith" - if that IS his real name - had to say. Like Mr. "Smith," I'm a bitter, nasty old dude and yet even I would never think to berate a brave young lady who is obviously trying to make the most of what time she has left. I admire you, and even look to you as a role model; a great many other bitter, nasty old men would do well to do the same! :)

  59. Seems like this mister is the one who wants to be famous with infamous comments. Good reply.. Way to go girl...

  60. Mr John Smith, please crawl back under the rock from whence you came, and Alice, carry on with what you are doing, your public adores you xx

  61. Oh My Life! I actually want very bad things to happen to that man, and I don't usually wish anyone harm. What a complete and utter idiot. Nasty people with their nasty, ill-advised opinions should not be allowed on the Internet.
    I strongly believe that everything you're doing right now is much better for your health than chasing around worrying and getting stressed. Happiness is a strong medicine.
    I haven't commented before, Alice, but I read your blog and tweets on my iPhone whenever I get a break at work. Lost my Twitter login ages ago (I never figured out how to use it, but I can check without being logged in now ;-)) and I don't have an account on here so I didn't think I could post. But I wanted you to know that me & mam love reading your posts and we all think you're absolutely amazing. And I'm so pleased that you're finally getting to do all the wonderful fun stuff you've always deserved.
    Sorry I missed your cinema party :-( I was gutted when I got Vicky's message in the early hours stuck a million mikes away in Hemel Hempstead :-( think you can talk them in to doing it again? ;-) Only joking, sounds like you all had a really good time and so this makes me happy :-)
    I'll shut up now, that man just made me absolutely furious.
    Love to you all and hope to see you soon,
    Faye xxx

  62. Be gone, sad sack Smithy! On with the goodness--which you, Alice, are doing an amazing job of spreading, by the grace of God, through your tireless efforts to make people aware of the BMR.
    Hugs, applause, well-wishes, and prayers,

  63. And another thing! Every single person should be living like you are right now. Mr John Smith will die one day, we all will. And we can spend our whole lives trying to prevent the inevitable, or we can choose to LIVE in the time we have. Everyone should have a bucket list and everyone should be working through it all the time, it's called having goals. I have a list of things I want to do in my life. I wrote it when I was 16 and I keep adding to it. You're an inspiration and you live life exactly as it was meant to be lived.

  64. Everyone has already voiced my thoughts. Now let Bugs Bunny voice his,

  65. I am so sorry that you have received comments like that. I am shocked by people's cruel behavior.

    Actually...no. I'm not shocked anymore. And that's the sad thing.

    I hope you don't lose your beautiful and uplifting spirit from reading crap like that. You're an inspiration to many.

  66. Hey Alice ... doesn't your keyboard have the ability to respond to this moron appropriately ... my suggestion is (&^*#^(#$_ #*&!_$#&*& ***#$#***!!! Obviously he has "issues" so forgive him since he probably is off his medication or something. Cheers ... and keep going strong!

    The Masoods
    (Karachi, Pakistan)

  67. Hi Alice

    I have to agree with Blessed Rain - some folk just shouldn't be allow near a keyboard.

    Take comfort in this - we follow you cos we want to - people wishing you all the best and love following the updates on your list.

    It begs the question - just how many people want to 'follow' anything this negative, sad, little creature might write on his blog?? - not a lot if this is the rubbish he wants to post on a young girl's page - you are just more popular than him! After all I bet you had no idea how many people were going to decide to 'follow' you when you started!?! You keep going girl - I visit your page every few days just to see how you are getting on and they always make smile :) Big hugs to you and your family - as big and brave you are - I know they heroes too :D

  68. What a jerk!!! Don't waste your time listening to that crap, listen to people who actually care about you. There are a lot of haters in the world but don't give them the satisfaction of bringing you down. Stay strong! xoxoxo

  69. Bishop of Kerala Mar Alwin Eldhose
    God Bless You my dear Alice.
    Pray to god almighty.

  70. Hi, Alice.
    I´m from Brazil. Here, people simply LOVE you when they know you and your story.
    Please,don´t waste more time (and more posts, too) with these kind of losers.
    Posto to the people who LOVE you, whom are the vast majority.

  71. he's not worth your time or anyone's time at all. Keep bringing positive vibes to everyone all over the world. Thanks for being my inspiration for strength..

    melai from Philippines
    God Bless you

  72. Pahah, what an idiot. I can't believe that a grown man like him had to be shown how to behave like a civilised person, instead of an ignorant pig by a young woman like you. Some people don't deserve to be called human beings. They're horrible, insensitive, and just swear-wordy (*!!"$£%^) He's such a........... (fill in the blank as needed, I know mine is filled with swear-words.)

  73. Wow! Why do so many feel the need to preach at you? I think you're handling this whole situation with great poise and courage, and I agree. We're all dying, right now, it's just more gradual for some than others.

    Well, I think you've been spending your time wonderfully well! Trying to promote your charities, encouraging people to help more people like you, finding something to look forward to every day...that is not wasting time. That is making the most of what you have right now, and living each moment like it's your last. You should be very proud of yourself, and I really appreciate the example you've set.

    Ignore the preachers telling you what YOU should do with YOUR life. They don't know what it's like to be you, and they certainly shouldn't act as though they do.

    Who do they think they are? God?

    Anyway, I hope you have a great day and get some good sleep tonight! You deserve it.

  74. i think what u do is very brave!
    unfortunately there are very ignorant people outthere...but u should not pay any attention at them! God bless u and ur family! greetings from Mexico! :)

  75. That person is so WRONG!!

    ~Bright Blessings Alice~

  76. Alice,

    All anyone needs to know is that you are fighting the good fight.

    People like Mr. Smith are either hurting themselves, trying to make themselves feel better, or are extremely jealous of what you have.

    I have been told by my fellow Christians, that when someone gives you something and you reject that gift, that you are robbing them of a blessing. So when you accept the gifts that people offer, not only are you being blessed but the person giving it to you is being blessed too.

    Stay strong and enjoy your gifts and family, we only have them for a short time. Also know that you have unending love and compassion that follow you. People think that they are giving you something but fail to see that you also giving them something in return, HOPE!

  77. LOL, you go girl, your 'saddo' comment made me laugh. Guess Mr Gutless I can only think of original name 'John Smith', will get everything he deserves, Karma is a wonderful thing! x

  78. don't listen, he has no idea what he is talking about.

    Don't ever believe you have made a wrong move or arn't doing something you should, because you are living your life the way you want, to the full and that's all you can do, there are lots of people who don't do that and he is probably one of them.

    stay strong, everyone is here for you, your mum is also a very brave women.

    keep fighting sweet.

  79. he's a just dissapointed he can't live life as well as you can.

    you are doing all you can do, living every day to the maximum and having so much value, i admire you.

    you and your family stay strong sweet.

  80. good on you alice! some people just have no sense of reality, keep positive girly!


  81. What a jerk even for an American. We have plenty more in the US than we need. that's for sure but this guy is certainly crossing the line. I guess he missed the fact you have way over 14,000 followers who, from what I can tell, are very inspired by your writings. Maybe with a little research of his own, he would find that nothing heals like a positive attitude.

  82. Alice, I love your response to this numb skull. I'm a student paramedic and get to meet awesome/inspirational people like you and also the losers like said Mr Smith. The awesome ones are always put a smile on my face - keep being Awesome Alice. Stay happy x

  83. Alice, I feel sorry for people like Mr. Crabby Pants... He has to live inside his own body and feel his own feelings... and by his post...it's a very unhappy place to be.

    You... my dear ... are an inspiration of courage, happiness, strength, wisdom, and love .... I think why so many people are so inspired by you ...is because they wish they could be a little bit more like you ... You are an angel on earth to so many people.

    Ahhh...I think Mr. John Smith probably is enjoying his "day in the light" and all this attention...

    So... No more about him !! Onward and Happiness !!

    Love from NJ !! Thank you for being a part of my life (even though we never met).


  84. You rock Alice. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

  85. Johnny boy smith needed a butt whupping and you obliged him quite well young lady...Kudos to ya.


  86. He must be a very sad, angry man to have nothing better to do with his day that post comments. Your blog is inspiring. You're making far more out of your life everyday than many people twice your age!

    Good luck with everything!

  87. It is your time to use as you wish. I pray you have time to do everything you wish and then every other thing you think of on the way.
    I only know you through your blog...but i think about you often.please know i think of you in my prayers, and think you are a very mature person , and you have an amazing family. Hugs sent to you all.
    please ignore any one who is negative, they are truly not worth it.

  88. What a total "£$%&*&%^!!! Some people shouldn't be allowed to have computers. Why shouldn't you enjoy working through your bucket list? You are a very brave girl Alice, and you are spending your time wisely, not least in encouraging others to become bone marrow donors and organ donors. I wish I had half the guts you have. *huge hugs*

  89. Hi Alice. As I am sure you and your mum are aware, writing has real healing properties... not necessarily for your luekemia per se, but for your anxiety, depression and mental health - thats why I do it anyway. Your story is inspiring... Don't let someone who doesn't know you or your life play with your head. He is entitled to his opinion (and we don't know what has happened in his life), it's just unfortunate he's has to scribble all over your beautiful blog. You are truly a survivor. When you are all grown up and working and want to come out to Australia... come and hang out in the sun with me and my family. Keep on writing honey! xxx

  90. He is complaining at how you're 'wasting you time'but he thinks an appropriate way of spending time is leaving nasty comments on the blogs of strong and inspirational yet unfortunately very ill young women? maybe he needs to take his own advice about 'time wasting' and go and live his own life.... you go girlie, dont let him bother you x

  91. Hey! Listen, don't pay any mind to people like that. They've just had negative life experiences that made them spread negativity for the rest of their lives. We only have now, and right now do you want to be upset with that guy? No. You know why you started this blog, he never has to understand. :)

  92. what an a**hole!!!
    you know what, a wise man once said "love your haters. they're your biggest fans" ;))

  93. Way to go! He is very ignorant. Fantastic comeback though :D

  94. Alice, I'm so glad you aren't listening to him! life is short, for all of us. Live everyday to it's fullest just the way you are! You are inspiring! I'm so glad you could see through him and his comment, he obviously doesn't know how to live life. You are amazing Alice! God Bless! <3

  95. There is a saying you learn as a blogger, "Don't talk to the trolls." And there will alway be trolls and he is a troll with a capital T. And you have better things to do and I don't see him gong off to meet with the Prime Minister.

  96. What a KN*B this bloke is! Is there a way you can block him? I hope so as he is clearly just wasting valuable comment space.

  97. That man is such a douche! You are so inspiring. :)

  98. Alice
    I cannot believe that someone would have the nerve to make such a comment. I think what your doing is brilliant. You arAe the face of bravery in my opinion. Such negative and condescending comments are not deserved and are best ignored.
    You are living life to the fullest, something I've always found myself unable to do. Everyone is in the awkward stage between birth and death, and you are making the most of it. You are benifiting the world with your blog and optimism.
    You make people like me try harder at life. Mr. Smith sounded like a Know-Nothing-At-All sort of person, wanting to make himself sound intelligent. Pay no mind to the more vocal of the rude and ignorant. He's one of the people that makes us Americans look bad

  99. I'd smack the guy if I knew who he was, even though I'm a lawyer and it'd cause a misdemeanor conviction.

    That's the only thing that is appropriate for this guy: a knuckle sandwich.

  100. Way to go Alice! You rock my socks :)

  101. Honestly, people like this are the reason that I pretend to be from somewhere other than the U.S. Not that people from other countries can't be jerks as well, but it seems we have the most vocal jerks here, unfortunately. People like Mr. John Smith and his amazingly original name are most likely just jealous that they don't have the gumption and spirit to get out there and live their lives like you do! In fact, I wish I was as brave as you are! You're an amazing inspiration to people all around the world! Don't let people like that get you down. You're awesome! ^-^ God bless you, Alice. :) Much love and hugs from a more positive part of the States,

    ~ Kira ~

  102. Ah, forgot to mention! I think that everyone should have a bucket-list, no matter what. It's always a good idea to have some general idea of what you want to do with your life. In fact, I'm thinking of making one myself! I'll probably keep it private, though, unless people ask to see it. Still, might as well enjoy life, right?


    ~ Kira ~

  103. Please don't listen to Mr John Smith. He's just being an idiot. God Bless you. I hope you manage to do everything on your list. -- Josef :-)

  104. Well said, Alice. YOU are magical and create magic every day.

  105. What a patronising and cowardly idiot "Mr Smith" is. I love your spirit, hope he feels the shame!
    Take Care

  106. Love your attitude
    Love your blog

    I just signed up to be a bone marrow donor!

    Hsave a great time at Alton Towers

    that is all

  107. Alice, I have to first admit I did not bother reading through all 107 comments before I made the post. It doesn't matter since I am not... being an idiot.
    Sometime, there are people so ignorant, your best bet is just ignore them like... dogs barking?
    It sadden me that the inevitable is so much closer for you. I am glad you are doing what you love to do, instead of wasting time fighting the inevitable.
    You know, in a way, you will live on through all the people you've touched.

  108. -For Kira- (now don't want to get too carry away :p)

    I don't believe you should pretend to not be from the U.S.
    Personally I don't care for people who hates me for where I am from instead of who I am.

  109. As a person from the U.S.A I would like to apologize for Mr. Smith. Unfortunately there are many men like Mr. Smith in the world and at times I think we have two many of them in my country. There is an old joke that says "What do you call a bunch of lawyers at the bottom of the ocean; A good start." Personally I think they should switch out lawyers to idiots like Mr. Smith that would really be a good start for the world. Please note that I am not advocating harm to anyone however if we could weed out the gene that causes idiocy like Mr. Smith has then maybe we can cure it while they are children. Anyways Alice as the old saying goes "keep up the good fight" and know that there are people in the United States that are rooting for you


  110. Bicarbonate of soda cure? Thank you, Mr Smith. I am going to try that one - for the odor in my microwave from a botched attempt at roasting almonds in it last night.

    At first I thought that Smith was posting so that people would follow his link to a commercial website, but there is no link so he's just a freak. Ignore him.

  111. Any man who has the time to write something like that, has to much time on his hands and really need to get a life. Alice don't stupid lonely man get you down.

  112. Hi Alice,
    That is the "problem" of public bolgs, you can't avoid this kind of people. You are fabulous, so is your family, keep faith and keep going!!!!
    Take care.
    Greetings from Luxembourg.

  113. Hey Alice! Just found your blog and we think you are doing a fantastic job. Your blog shares the reality of your journey which may help to inspire/encourage others with cancer. Keep moving forward and pursue all of your goals and dreams. You are in our prayers and thoughts.

  114. What a loser. Glad you outed him as being a complete jerk. Much love and support from Canada! <3


  115. Alice,

    I think John Smith should give up his career as a motivational speaker! He is terrible at it! Ha Ha.

    You on the other hand are amazing, and a terrific girl with a awe-inspiring spirit and zest for life. I have been moved by your story and your candor.

    I pray for nothing but the best for you and your family. You are a brave soul and I personally am better for having heard your story.

    Sending you a big hug. Keep fighting and winning Alice!!!!

    All the way from TX,

    Jenny Ward

  116. I have a feeling he isn't truly an American, because he uses language terms that aren't common for us, such as "mollycoddling"... that isn't an American term...
    Nonetheless, this guy is truly a jerk, and needs to find something better to do than try to bother an ill child. If he truly IS an American, I am ashamed to have him as one of ours... GET A LIFE JERK, and leave her alone... I think she is brave and incredibly courageous.

  117. Quality over quantity, honey. You are clearly more enlightened than Mr. Smith. He will probably live to be 100 and have nothing meaningful to show for it.

    Shine on....:)))

  118. Hai dear , all my prayers for you wish i could come and see u to give you a hug.. i knw how it is as my mom went through this as well...
    luv u dear
    enjoy every secs u have and keep that beautiful smile on ur face always..

  119. The "john smith" character is both ignorant and cowardly. If "alternative medicine" worked it would just be called "medicine".

  120. Hi Alice - well done! Perhaps Mr. John Smith should spend his time researching how to be a gentleman. We can only hope and pray that he does not have kids!

  121. Hi Alice,
    What an A-hole that John Smith is, would be interested to hear though what alternatives you did try, and any benefit you had if any?

    Also I'm not sure if you would class this as alternative, but there is a maverick doctor based in Texas called doctor Burzynski, who has had amazing successes treating brain tumours.

    There is a documentary about him, just google his name. His medicine is currently in FDA phase III clinical trials, which means it has shown significant efficacy. Plus it is completely non-toxic.

    This guy is currently struggling to raise enough money to get his drug through the final stage of clinical trials (it costs $25m to put one drug through phase III, for one type of cancer I think).

    Please watch the film.

    Apologies in advance if my opinions offend you in anyway.

  122. John Smith can kiss my fat... Anyways, just found your blog-I don't know what to say. Seeing people like gives me hope. You're not dying, you're living more than most. Resignation is death.

  123. What a numpty "John Smith" is!

  124. Alice, I believe people like "John Smith" are very much needed in the world. First I feel sad for them, but then always think, "We need people like him in the world to remind us how NOT to be". They keep us on track and keep us going down the road we want to take, not the one they are taking. Stay strong, stay positive and keep ticking off your bucket list. You rock!

  125. Oh my lord, how people like "John Smith" (a pseudo name, no doubt) even continue to exist is BEYOND me. As Hermione would say, "What. An. Idiot." Stay strong, love. x

  126. You really are an inspirational young lady. Ignorant, twisted people like Mr Smith are not worth you time. You have a lot of support from all over the world.

  127. ...mollycoddling? That's the best he's got?

    Keep your head up and continue to live your life, Alice. If possible, let me know where I can see the rest of the list...I would really like to know if I can make one come true. Blessed love from Trinidad and Tobago.

  128. Live your life and live it well. Yea sure finding doctors and information is all good, but that would be a sad life if it just focused on that. Just forget about that comment and don't let it bother you.

  129. What an ignorant.. ahole! LOL sorry for the language! Keep your head up and tell those ppl right where they can go!

  130. Dear Alice,

    I hope you're well. I've been reading your blog intermittently over the last couple of months and I just want to say what an inspiration you are to the thousands who read this. Every story is a testament to your inner strength and amazing family and friends. I can't believe someone wrote to you in this way. The anger I feel is extraordinary, especially as I don't even know you! But rest assured, he is clearly a pathetic individual, unhappy in his own skin so he feels he must vent. What a loser!
    My thoughts are with you. Live life, love life and you will never be sad! X

  131. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  132. what a terrible man for having sent that note to you. Sometimes I am so sad by how people treat each other. Good for you for standing up to his ignorance.

  133. I noticed August 28th was last post on ur blog... I hope ur peaceful.....I'm old...41YRS..... BEEN BATTLING BREAST CANCER...STAGE 3.8 for approximately 1 1/2yrs........ Nov 10the was the 1yr anniversary of my 32yr old brothers passing 3yrs to the day of brain cancer......... sooooooooo....... I found out in my old yrs that when a person gets sick......u really find out who ur friends n family( which doesn't have to be blood) are!....and allllll of us live on borrowed time!......... sending peace n white comforting light ur way!!!......... melynda... nashville.... tn
