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14 June 2011

This should be a happy post ... but

This should be a happy post because I had the best day of my life on Sunday, but it isn't because we're all upset that so many people are pretending to be either me or mum on facebook.  We only have the Alice Pyne Bone Marrow pages (which you can see were started a year ago) and then just ONE general facebook page relating to me and that is ALICE PYNE - please 'LIKE' this page and report ANY others.  It is making my mum really upset and I wish these idiots would stop it as we were going to go to the beach for a walk and now we can't because mum is trying to stop the groups getting bigger.  I hope that they are proud of themselves for spoiling my day.
On Sunday morning my sister Milly did her Race for Life in Barrow and raised over £30,000 for Cancer Research UK which is amazing.  Thank you to everyone who donated through my link, it was so exciting for us to keep watching the amount change.
I can't make myself sound happy now because I'm not but Sunday WAS the happiest day of my life EVER and I had a really good evening in Manchester.  I felt dead important because we got to drive right up to the front and everyone knew who I was and they just let us walk right threw.  We had a drink in a little private bar and then we went into see all the boys in their chill out lounge which was cool.  I'm not going to discuss what we talked about, but they are the best and I know my mum will love them forever for what they did for me.  After I'd met them we went up to a box which was huge and had a dining area and a lounge area and a huge balcony.  I have never ever felt as important in my whole life and the whole of our balcony cried when they dedicated a song to me and Milly.  If they read this, thank you for making one of my dreams come true. I have a lovely photo to post, but because my photos are getting stolen, I don't want to, I'm too worried.

Will everyone else please help me to close down the groups made that are pretending to be me or mum?


  1. Lots of people have see the FB page now Alice so don't worry it will be closed down soon. Just shows how many people want to support you but now you have the real details on here lots of people will know about the fake ones and can move to your page.

    Your sister did so well. That money will help so many people.

    Glad you had a fab time at TT. I am gutted to have missed them this year but it sounds like they made your day really special. Super.

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your treats.

    All the best



  3. You and Milly and your mum and dad are the most amazing people I have ever met in my life.

    You go and enjoy your walk on the beach... we'll sort out these horrible people.

    Take That are so wonderful - weren't they amazing!

    Love you Miss Alice,

    Jayne xxx

  4. Congrats to Milly for raising such a huge amount, I had to figure out how much it was in US dollars though! haha. glad you had a good sunday! if i see anything via facebook on you guys i'll be sure to report it :D have a good week!

    minnesota :D

  5. Alice,

    Please try to focus on the good and be happy. Hopefully people will help shut down the pages that are pretending to be you and aren't.

    I'm glad you had a great weekend! Any news on any other fun stuff coming up that you can do?

    Steve in California

  6. Oh, wow! Millie raised a lot of money. As for the thing with your photos getting stolen, you can add something called a watermark to them. If you upload them to a website like Picnik, which is free, and you go to 'create' and then 'text', you can add words, such as (c) Alice Pyne and then it's a lot easier for people to detect when the photos are being used without your permission. Obviously it doesn't stop people using them in the first place, but it alerts people to seeing your photos seen where they shouldn't be.

  7. I love you sweetie. x

  8. Sorry to hear about people making fake accounts - sounds very annoying and I hope they get taken down.

    Really great to read about your weekend. Sounds really nice of them - Take That. And well done to your sister. It's cool to see you tick one off your bucket list! Have a great week !!

  9. Alice the idiot who has created the fake page on Facebook will soon get removed with all the people who are reporting it. Don't let a small minded baffoon spoil these special days for you and the rest of the gang. You have so many wonderful days coming up, try your best to ignore anything negative and enjoy your treats! We are thinking of you everyday and you truely are an inspiration to me and thousands of others. I am so pleased you got to meet Take That it honestly made my year!!! Much love and see you soon Luke xxx

  10. Hi Alice,

    I'm Johanna from Finland, I saw a link to your blog at BasicsDoc. I think you're amazing to start a blog and share your dreams with the world! I'm specialising in paediatrics and I think I'll show your blog to a few cancer patient kids at my hospital, if that's ok by you?

    Wishing you a happy summer!


  11. So sorry to hear people are upsetting you and your mum alice! Don't worry, we will all keep an eye out for the fake pages and report them, and once everyone has seen your blog post they will know which pages are real :) glad you had such an amazing time at take that... You actually got to meet them? WOW! I saw their show last week in manchester too and they were fantastic. Keep smiling and don't worry about the fake pages, they will get removed once facebook check them out xxx

  12. Don't let them get you down. Just enjoy! As for the photo, I'd say open it in photoshop and put a copyright watermark on it, then they can steal it to their heart's content, but it'll still point to the real you.
    Focus on how awesome the day was, and how awesome the next checkmark off the list will be!

  13. It's terrible and I'm sorry to hear how some people have no morals at all. However, you shouldn't let those low-lives spoil your best day and the things you do. You're achieving such amazing things together with your family and that's the important thing. Don't let them get to you, there are so many lovely people online and they are the ones that count. The others aren't worth a single thought. Keep smiling. Love from London xo

  14. welcome to

  15. PLEASE don't let those kind of people spoil your enjoyment of the lovely things that are happening for you right now. The people who are really supporting you far out way the fakers and they will help you put a stop to it. Please dont you or your Mum stress about it anymore!! Your sister did so well, congratulations Milly, £30,000! WOW! You should both be so proud of yourselves for that, what an achievement! I am so happy you got to meet Take That and had such a lovely time, it sounds amazing! xx Love from south London, Heather xx

  16. thats so horrible! you shouldn't have to be worried about your photos being stolen! i think everyone who reads this is going to keep their eyes open, and try to stop the other fb pages impersonating you, and i dont have fb yet but i will tell my sister.

  17. Alice, try not to let them get to you. You're beyond that hun, there's clearly some low life people on this planet.
    So so glad you managed to meet Take That, the closest I ever got was a few brief encounters with Mark Owen when he was living near Kendal, and we once walked our dog at Conishead Priory about 6ft behind him, but was too scared to say anything- haha.
    I hate that you've lost all your support messages on the fake site! People were posting some lovely things thinking it was you.
    Never mind ey love, keep smiling, and Ulverston and the world will smile with you :)

  18. Well, they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - but not if it's upsetting you and your mum, of course!
    But don't let that spoil what seems to have been a really great day. I hope you have many more such days,and get to fulfil all your wishes - and many more besides.
    Love and hugs from Jerusalem

  19. Hi Alice. So glad you had such a wonderful day on Sunday - you all deserve it. Try not to worry about the bogus pages there are enough of us following the real you and your Mum and I know we can get rid of the idiots pretending to be you! Go and give your Mum a BIG hug from me and tell her not to worry either - we're all on your side. Your blog is amazing and you have opened the eyes of so many people around the world to the cancer journey raising lots of much needed cash along the way and you have inspired us all. Keep smiling. Our 'puppy' Ninja (nearly a year old now but still as mad as ever!) sends you a BIG lick.... and I send you lots of hugs!!

  20. Everyone in the US can order a free bone marrow registration kit at to make Alice's #1 bucket list wish come true!

  21. Dear Alice and mum, From now on, please let other people watch & report the idiots.
    Just make your world as small as it needs to, to relax & enjoy.
    You don't need this mediacircus, just focus on yourselves.

    Lots of love & respect.

  22. Hey Alice and family,

    I think the fake group has now disappeared from Facebook! The name still appears in the search bar if I type in "Alice Pyne", but when I click on it I get my home page back. Which means they can no longer be accessed! Well done for everybody who reported it, justice has been done.

    Now go and enjoy your beach walk and re-live your happy memories of the TT concert and celebrate the marvellous result of Milly's run!

    Lots of love & hugs,
    Mieke xx

  23. So sad to hear people are doing things like it.But no worry, i guess people know whats your real facebook.
    I've been reading your blog and wanted to send you a ''hello'', and it's for you to know that people are supporting you all over the world.I'm from Brazil, and I saw your blog in a famous site over here and I've been thinking about it..I wanted to let you know that i wish I could have half of your courage.
    You're inspiration to lots of people out in this world!
    Have a nice week :)

  24. Unfortunately there will always be idiots in this world but for every idiot there are a multitude of amazing and decent people. You should focus on them. Focus on the love and know that they are all going to go out of their way to get all those stupid groups off facebook. Stay positive and keep hold of the memories of this weekend.

  25. Hello Alice :)

    Good news, one of the pages has been taken down already! We just need to work on the rest.

    Anyway, I think that you are so inspirational and you have taught me a valuable lesson: not to think about what's bad in your life but focus on the good.

    Please also give my congratulations to Millie-you two have done so well!

    Rebecca x

  26. (((Alice)) Hopefully the page will be shut down soon and these scum bags will get a life and stop doing this to you ... It's terrible that some people have to do something like this ... your blog has had such a positive impact, but these idiots are spoiling it for you!
    On another note i am glad you had an amazing time at Take That and that Milly raised so much money for cancer research - well done girls you are both amazing and such an inspiration.

    Cath, Cumbria xx

  27. Love To You From Sweden

  28. Blooming heck you always make me well up when I read your posts ! I wouldn't be too concerned about losers of Facebook you raised an amazing amount from this page and twitter alone it doesn't really matter if they try and be you your a one off and o yours mum ! Crack on with the list !!! And send more news x

  29. Oh no! That's awful that people are pretending to be you and your mum! I would be so mad! I'm sorry they spoiled your day. Just remember, even if there are people pretending to be you, I don't think anyone could be as great and convincing as YOU, the real you. But still, my mom and I will keep a lookout for the fake pages.

    I'm so glad that you got to meet Take That and check that goal off your bucket list!! :) I posted a link to your blog on my blog, so everyone who reads my blog can see yours. Not many people follow me, but my friends and family still read my blog even if they haven't hit the "follow" button. :) I loved your blog so much that I just had to share it.

    Best wishes,
    Katelyn P

  30. Glad you had a great time - what's next on the list? Sharks??

  31. Just come across your blog, you're so brave and amazing! Congrats to your sister for raising such a huge amount of money :) and those fake people on facebook will not be there much longer either- so don't let it ruin your day.

    Donna, Edinburgh Xx

  32. Dear Alice,
    Keep doing what you're doing!! I've seen so many postings around FB, twitter and here regarding marrow donations and supporting your sister's cause, that nothing can stop this awesomely inspiring movement!

    Those folks who've done the weird things you spoke of, have to live with let'em!!!
    I have one word for them---->KARMA<-----
    ;) enjoy your day
    NB, Canada

  33. Alice, You're truly an amazing young woman. Thank you so much for sharing these posts with all of us. You inspire me to live life to the fullest and for that, I am so grateful!

    Your little sister is a true hero! Way to go Milly! I hope the money keeps pouring in!

    I pray that you will be able to cross off the rest of the items on your bucket list and spend lots of quality time with your family.

    Sending all my love your way from Seattle, WA! -Love, Mia

  34. Please put everything that is not importent aside. Dont bother that people use you on FB (havent read what they said)instead, go to the beach, be together and give everything else the intention it the deserve....nothing. From a mother with experience of what you and family are faceing. Best wishes Cata

  35. If I were you I would shut down the computer & enjoy the time you have left together.

    Your time is so precious.

    The Bone Marrow theme is already carrying itself, it's all over the internet.

    You've given the world a huge gift, now give yourself the best gift of all:

    Time together.

  36. Hi Alice, I'm so glad you had a wonderful time with Take That! I for one would love to see some pictures. Please don't let a few idiots take up your time and energy. There are lots of us around who have time & energy to report them and get them stopped! What's most important is that you get to enjoy all the wonderful things that are happening for you right now, and look to the positives! There is good advice above about watermarking your photo's but in truth there is no way to stop it completely. So it's best to ignore it & leave it to the rest of us! Enjoy making your memories & congratulations to your lovely sister Milly for her race on Sunday x

    Lots of love Rachel & family (more recipients of exceptional care from GOSH)

  37. I know it's much easier to say as an observer, rather than you and your family - But please, please, try your best not to let these idiots get to you. Unfortunately, the world is full of horrible people. You should not waste one precious second letting them get to you.

    It's because of people like that, that your light shines so bright. You are the complete opposite of people like that, and have touched the hearts of thousands. We are here for you and your family.

    Please offer your mother my support and condolence as well. I've seen her comments and can see how upset she is. :( I have reported the pages I could find, and left notes stating they are fake. Please let me know if I can be of any other support.

    Amanda Kay
    Bloomington, Indiana, USA

  38. Try not to let these people get you down, they should be ashamed.

    I am so glad you got to meet Take That, I just knew they would be absolutely wonderful to you they are all so special and kind.
    The concert was amazing wasn't it!!! I missed most of it as I got a little scared as I was on the floor by the stage and wasgetting squashed so you sound like you were in the exact right place!

    Well done to Milly for raising so much money you are both inspiring other to be kind to one another and that is something we don't see to often in this world at the moment.

  39. Alice, don't let it upset you or your Mum, I think the page has been removed now. Wow pass on my congratulations to Milly, an exceptional amount.

    If you need any help with anything just let me know at

    Chin up hun!


  40. Alice,

    Don't waste your time being upset about those pathetic people on facebook! You deserve to be happy and enjoying yourself not worrying about things like that!
    I'm so glad you had the best time at Take That! You really deserved to! You are your family are an inspiration and I think you are so brave and amazing. More people should be like you. Wishing you all the best xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  41. Hey Alice.

    So glad you enjoyed Take That. I was there on Saturday and was blown away by the whole thing - think if I ever got to meet them I would turn into a jibbering wreck!!!

    I'm just designing some T-shirts for my gang of girls for when we go & see them again in Glasgow (my mum rolls her eyes & wishes I'd grow up & my son thinks it's funny that I'm an idiot).

    On a more serious note, don't let the morons spoil this special family time. We will try & close down any dodgy sites.

    Big "well done" to Milly & love to all the family.

    From Antonia. x

    PS - Maybe you should leave swimming with sharks until you've done everything else - in case they eat you!!!

  42. Alice - I just read about your story - or rather watched about it - on a local cable company's website. I want to commend you for what you are doing in the face of what you know might be your fate. I am a liver transplant recipient of 14 years, so I understand about fighting for one's life, and the need to raise awareness about donation. In my case, I work to raise awareness for organ donation. I can't be a bone marrow donor because of the type of autoimmune liver disease I had, as well as the anti-rejection drugs that I have been on for so many years now.

    I wish you well in your fight against your cancer, and am hoping that a breakthrough will still be in your future. Live well, live fully.


    Mr. Nighttime.

  43. Åsa from Sweden14 June 2011 at 20:36

    Hello! I'm a reader from Sweden, and I just wanted to tell you that I think you are an amazing person!! You inspire me!!


  44. Hi Alice

    We were at Take That on Sunday and I thought I heard the boys dedicate a song to you!

    Hope you enjoyed it.

    And hope you get all the nasty facebook stuff sorted.

    You are truely an inspiration.

  45. Siobhan ( June 2011 at 20:41

    Alice, my friend died of the same cancer you have when she was 16. i think its amazing what your doing & truly inspirational.
    You must be so proud of your sister!
    I'm so happy for you that you met take that (and jealous..) hopefully your other dreams will come true : )
    It is my dream to be a paediatric nurse, specialising in oncology, and stories like yours only make me want to do it more, so thankyou for keeping me passionate about my goal!
    I hope you are okay and feeling well : )
    your an amazing girl <3
    Siobhan xxx

  46. Dear Alice

    I found your blog last Saturday and immeditely loved it. You are a true inspiration!
    I'm really glad that you could meet Take That and spend such a great time. I myself am a big fan of a band and so I know how it is to meet your fav band :)
    And as all the before me said, don't let some idiots take you down! They're definitely not worth it.

    Tatjana x

  47. Try not to let the idiots get you down. Well done to Milly, that is a fantastic amount to raise and well done for completing the race.

    The Take That concert sounds fantastic and I'm glad you were given the full VIP treatment, you and your family certainly deserve it.

    Take care, thinking of you all


  48. Christy Andersen14 June 2011 at 21:06

    Please don't worry about the fake Facebook pages. Everyone else has picked it up and there's now no way those pages could be mistaken for yours. It's just a shame the people who set the fake pages up haven't any more sense than a pickled herring. They're not worth a thought!

  49. Pernilla from Sweden14 June 2011 at 21:07

    I am so glad to hear all the happy news!! Do not worry more about the Facebook idiots, they will be taken care of. Do not ever let anyone get the power to decide how you feel!! Be happy and enjoy your time with your family on the beach!! Keep it up! :)

  50. Alice,

    I am so glad you got your wish to meet the boys and I am happy they made it an evening to remember for you. Don't let the fake accounts get to you, will keep an eye out for them as well, so I can report them. Just remember the happy memories. If you want to post the picture put a watermark on it. You can upload it on a Photobucket account and edit text in it. If you don't, then don't keep it for yourself, it's your special moment. ;)

    Wishing you all the best x

    x Miranda (Holland)

  51. I'm so glad you had such a special day and very pleased the Take That boys did something amazing for you. Well done Milly with your run - what an awesome amount to raise!
    I'm so sorry you're having problems with the fake pages. I can understand how upsetting it is and it's horrible that this is spoiling days like today. I have been blogging about you and someone commented they joined the register after reading it. The ripple effects from your wonderful blog are amazing - people are getting the message about you and bone marrow donation all over the place. Think of that and not the nasty fakes and enjoy working your way thought your list. xxx

  52. Sorry this had to ruin your day. If you look at this from the bright side, it officially means you're (relatively) famous. I don't know if you think that's good or bad, but I can say you've been handling it very responsibly!

    I wish you luck in all your endeavors you want to accomplish!

  53. Hi Alice,

    I knew about your blog through CNN and guess what? It reminded me of my youngest brother who we lost to lukemeia some 13 years ago and brought tears to my eyes.

    I hope you take good care ofyour self and make the best of your time.

    Loday Tsheten

  54. Hi Alice,
    I hope you had an great time seeing Take That :)
    I think you're an amazing girl and your blog is inspirational. I hope those pages on facebook are being closed down for you- ignore them and focus on the happy times from your bucket list.
    Congratulations to Milly on the Race for Life that's brilliant! I hope you enjoy doing the rest of the things on your bucket list. Mabel is very cute! Stay strong and happy. Big hugs xxxxxx

  55. Hi Alice,

    I am so glad you had a great time! You must be so proud of your sister raising so much money how utterly amazing!!
    Don't worry about the fakers we shall shut them down! As for your photos - keep them private!! It was Your moment. My family had a similar experience with the Spice Girls and the press wanted things from us which we never gave them!
    Love and Best Wishes

  56. Alice Darling why are you bothering to even think about these low life's (for want of a better word).You have so much support from your loving family Here and in your own home- ENJOY!Do not waste your happy moments thinking about these people that mean nothing to us on here. So glade to got a wish. please keep us updated .

    Love mandy x

  57. Congrats on being a "blog of note", but I was very sorry to read of all your trials and your fight to beat cancer. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope a miracle will happen. Congrats on raising money for cancer research also. In the States we have "Relay for Life"...I believe it's probably the same as your cancer fund raiser. I'll come back and visit and hope you'll keep on having great days like you did on Sunday.

  58. I got your back, Alice! I'll be sure to report any fake FB pages or other websites I see. In the meantime, keep smiling! This blog and your story is changing people's lives! That's amazing and something worth celebrating!
    What up next to cross off your bucket list?
    -Olivia from Chicago, IL

  59. Oi Linda..Jesus mandou eu falar para você que se você crer verá a glória e o poder Dele...Ele quer te curar hoje, basta você clamar com fé e Ele sem dúvida alguma te responderá com poder.

  60. I will also pass this on..theres some horrible people in the keep doing what your doing and sharing your list with the world sweetheart..I think everyone has your back xxx

  61. Hey Alice

    I really admire your courage and strengt! Your blog is really fantastic and inspiring and reminds us of the real beauty of life and that we should enjoy life everyday. Thank you so much for what you are doing!

    It´s great to read that you had such a fantastic day with Take That, take this good memories with you and don´t let you get down by a few idiots on the internet. You are doing the right thing.

    Best wishes from Germany

  62. Hi Alice,

    I live in the US, where your story has not been as widely publicized, but I just wanted to let you know, because of you and your blog, I registered as a bone marrow donor. I just mailed the kit with my cheek swab samples in it off today. Thanks for inspiring so many people to do good. :-)

    I'm glad you had a good experience at the concert. Please don't let the thoughtless actions of others get you down.

    Wishing you the best!

  63. I don't know what kind of a person does such a thing. I hope you and your family can mend it easily and move on to more fun times. You and your sister remind me of me and my sister but we are much older. She had Lymphoma and we did a lot of the things you two are doing together. I feel so much for you and your family having been through it. Enjoy the good times! We made some of the fondest memories doing things on the bucket list.

  64. I'm proud of you. You're always been a fighter and so you live your life.You see the world through different eyes. And you know what it means to really live. I would be delighted if you would write to me despite all the messages back. I have written about you a blog-entry on my blog. In German. Bye bye Anni

  65. I'm really glad you got to meet Take That. I've shared your post and I know a lot of people are now reporting the 'fake' pages....keep us updated on your next wishes. If you don't want people to see the 'special' photos, just have a few general ones to give people an idea of what you are up to. Ones you aren't that bothered about being put on the 'net'
    Take care x x

  66. Alice, Take That are my fave band too and I'm so pleased they made a fuss of you - you deserve it!!! You are such an amazing person - I wish you many happy days ahead :-) Don't waste another second on that silly Facebook thing - just continue to love your life, your family and your friends. Ultimately, love is all that matters, and it lasts forever. God Bless,
    Penny x

  67. Believe in God, don't desist!

  68. Alice don't let moron's steal your joy. Because of you I signed up to be a bone marrow donor. So did many others. Keep your eyes on the big stuff. There will always be people in this world who try to spoil things for others, it is up to us as whether we let them. Your blog touched so many hearts because you spoke from your own.
    Soo pleased that you had an amazing time at Take That and that the boys treated you like royalty. Treasure the good stuff, don't sweat the small stuff, others will take care of that. xx

  69. Alice, thanks for letting us all know what has been happening - it sounds as if you had an amazing time with Take That and we saw that your mum and Milly (and was that Mabel with them) had a good time at the Race on Sunday - don't let the silly blighters get you down, you have a lot of good things still to do which we hope you will enjoy. Lots of love to you all x

  70. Hi Alice, dont let idiots ruin any second of your thoughts angel. No matter who you are or where you go..there will always be some 'wanna be' trying to get attention-Those people thrive on causing upset and worry and the best way to conquer them is by still smiling and still being you!
    I (along with everyone else) will fight to keep the idiots at bay so you and your stunning family can enjoy and get on with your lives. Your amazing..keep smiling and keep being you.
    Emma x

  71. How can people be so sick!! I am really sorry to hear about the fake facebook pages. I am really pleased to hear you had an amazing time at the concert. I hope your mum can just spend precious time with you and your family and a stop can be put to the fraudsters. Keep smiling and don't let these idiots get to you. Love to you all xx

  72. ah! hateful people... Alice, you should protect your blog. I protect mine by this site: But since yours has more followers I think it'd be better if you search a way to guarantee your copyright.
    I'm sorry about those foolish people, they're probably evious you're a nice girl. Don't let yourself down because of them! They're jerks! ^^
    I'm happy you had fun on sundayy. I'm having fun today because it's my birthday :)
    See ya

  73. Reinaldo M Vieira14 June 2011 at 22:56

    From: Ray

    Alice, I hope whatever you do, that you can keep smiling knowing that there are many people who care about you in the world. We wish you happiness for it is what you wish also. I think if you can keep striving to stay joyful and positive you can do anything you want Alice. I would like to thank everyone also for supporting you, I think you have awoken us Alice, without even really knowing you personally there are many that LOVE you!

    I don't intend to dictate who you listen to professionaly but I would like to give you some advice and hope for the best that it will help you, It would be worth a try if you can do this for us since we care for you Alice.

    Nothing in this life can be guaranteed(because that's the great mystery of life), but if you are willing to I would like you to do some research into a movie called the Beautiful Truth - Gerson Cancer Cure... It's worth a shot, cutie!

    And if you don't please know that it is with best intentions I write to you, because we are here for you, and will always care for you.

    Take Good Care Alice... Love!

  74. Don't forget to tick it off your list Alice :)

    As for the Facebook problems, it's my new personal campaign to help put an end to their selfish stupidity.

    Let's hope to see more of your list getting ticked off soon and try not to let the idiots of the world steal those smiles from you that you so deserve <3

  75. heey girl :D im from Brazil,i love ur blog, all the best for you s2 u wil be better !

  76. Have also researched and reported your dodgy bloggers on FB for you. ;-) WOW! So glad you had the best day ever on Sunday and you got to meet Take That ( and Robbie Williams! EEEEK!) Fantastic! Enjoy your dog show and remember how many people are with you in mind and spirit x

  77. FaceBook is very good about taking down pages (particularly when there are trademark issues involved). There is a way to put code into your blog so that no one can copy your content - that may also protect pictures - I'm trying to locate it. When I do, I'll give you the link.

  78. Signed up to be a bone marrow donor. One more down :) Thanks for being an awesome person.

  79. You are truly amazing and a inspiration for so many. I am sorry that people are messy around trying to be you & that your mum is getting so upset. I will do what I can to help put a stop to that. I will also sign up for the bone marrow donor, thank you for being you!

  80. I'm truly amazed by your positive attitude, so please don't let those idiots bother you the least bit & enjoy your days to the fullest!

    Also you may want to check the following websites below:

    1."John of God" @ Oprah's official website;

    2. "John of God Trips";

    I also wish more people of your kind will appear in this world, for they are the ones who can truly make big changes to this world!

    Take care & I wish the best of luck & happiness for you.

  81. Alice,
    You have organized a passionate army for your cause. Don't stress about the bad people, celebrate about the good you are doing.

    If you see anything else shady going on just post a quick update to the blog and your "army" is sure to take care of it!

  82. Thanks for opening your heart and life to the world, and not cringing away when the spotlight fell on you. You are far more impressive than you will ever know. Simple honesty is the most powerful thing in the world.

    (thanks to your family as well)

  83. Found the link....

    It does protect photos too. As always, there is always a way around it - but for the most part it should keep what you post here somewhat safe. xx

  84. Forget about the rude people! You're an amazing person! :)

  85. The internet is as baffling as it is wonderful sometimes. As for your photos, cherish them and only share what you'd like. Although it would make the image a bit distorted, I'd suggest placing it on the site after a bit of Photoshopping with a watermarkthat reads "This image belongs to If it is posted elsewhere, it has been stolen."

    If you would like any help in doing that, I'd be happy to send instructions. Send me a tweet :)

  86. Alice, I heard about you on CNN. I am also 15, and I think you are a great role model. You are the type of person I look up to and aspire to be. You are amazing!!! You must be so strong. Keep fighting, and I hope you empty your bucket list ;)

  87. Alice, my name is Dan and I am in Delaware in the US. I just read your post about others trying to "cash in" on your situation. I find that reprehensible. My mother had lymphoma, diagnosed in 1979. Whether by the grace of God or just dumb luck, she is still with us. I am not sure what I am trying to say or do, but I want to help you. Not to save you -- that's not up to me -- but to spread your message to the best of my ability. If you die tomorrow or live to be 100, know this: you have inspired me.

  88. You are so strong and wonderful for your age, actually even for anyone. I'm sorry you have to go through such an ordeal; having cancer is something we couldn't imagine. God has a very special place in heaven for you. Know Jesus and get exited, the end of this life isn't the end at all, it's the beginning. Don't sweat the small things, the people who are pretending to be you should be ashamed of themselves. You and your mom be happy and enjoy time together and your new fame. Take care!

  89. Alice, I read about your story today on CNN and was touched by how strong you are being while confronting your illness. The bucket list was a truly great idea, and I am always amazed at the warmth of the world in rallying around people in need. I am extraordinarily excited for you that you are getting to fulfill all of your dreams in your time left. You might take some comfort in you are going to live more than most people do in their entire lives in your remaining time here. The world has been a better place for having you in it. Thank you so much for sharing your remaining time with us.



  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Dear Alice, my name is Daniel, I'm from Brazil...
    You have beautiful stories and I'm learning a lot of things with you posts!
    You are so strong, like everyone should be, you are an incredible example of life!

    Good luck on everything!

  92. Alice create a Flickr account(its as easy as pie lol)and uplaod your photo there then link it to your blog.It has a feature where people cant copy it.Glad you had a nice time at TT :)

  93. :) Your Take That night sounds fab!!! Congratulations to Milly, what a star sister. Next time I give blood I will make sure I'm on the bone marrow donor register. Please concentrate on having fun, you deserve it. You have made a huge impact, touched many many hearts. Don't be upset, please. If any of this is causing upset, then stop it. Stop and just be you, you and your mum and family are what's important xx

  94. Hi I read about you on CNN! I can't believe people would be so horrible as to pretend to be you. But always remember that there are people everywhere who are on your side.

  95. Alice, you are the most amazing person - so strong and mature at such a young age. I'm so glad that one of your dreams came true, and I wish I had the connections to help with your other ambitions. Well, if you're ever in Glasgow and need a tour guide, I'm your woman. ^^

    As for idiots on the internet, the guys who have already posted have given a lot of good advice. Plus, because you've pointed out the fake accounts and groups, I'm sure the internet community will start to police itself. If not, don't let them spoil your day, and reassure your mum that... well, they're just idiots on the internet who have nothing better to do but troll. Makes them feel big and important, you see. ^.~

    I hope that many more of your dreams come true and that you can squeeze every drop of life out of the coming days. Take care, m'dear!

    Love, hugs, and pixie dust. x

  96. Alice...
    This is really important. Neither you nor your mother should waste one more second of your precious time letting this this person who made the fake site affect you. Yes, that was horrible what he did. However, there is always going to be a random "jerk" (to put it mildy) out there that will do crazy, hateful things for very stupid, selfish reasons. Do yourself a favor and go for a walk on a beach with your mom. Don't let this evil person win by taking up more of you time and energy. You have a ton of supporters here that will take care of the rest for you. I, among many others have reported him and will make sure he gets shut down. Don't let him win Alice. Put a smile back on that beautiful face of yours.

    *Hugs* from Leslie in Louisiana, USA

  97. Alice-
    Just remember - for every louse out there, there are many more fine, upstanding people. Focus on the good - we're pulling for you!
    Ludington, Michigan, USA

  98. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  99. I agree with the other posters. The creep who started the fake page will get taken care of. The world is full of idiots and you need to learn to not let them ruin your day. It's your day, it's special like you, and you had a wonderful time at the TT concert. Just remember those good times. And know how much we are all pulling for you.

  100. Don't ever worry about those stupid people. They don't matter. What matters is that you are living your life to the fullest and you are making an impact on people all over the world. What an amazing life you have.
    Love from Kansas,
    Steven =]

  101. Hi Alice,

    That's so cool about your bucket list, I read about it in the newspaper here in Brazil! What a great idea:)

    Even in the face of really tough circumstances, your bravery and determination are amazing. I hope you get to do practically everything on your list, and more besides! That's awesome how you're savoring every moment, it's an inspiration to all of us. . .

    Have you thought much about God? He's a wonderful Savior and Lord to all who come to Him, depending on Jesus. (John 3:16 in the Bible talks about it; also Romans 10:9) Knowing the Creator God gives a lot of hope even in the darkest of circumstances. . .I know it has for me. . .

    Parabens! (congratulations) to you for your courage and determination in all of this, Alice. . .You are a wonderful and very special girl!

    *hugs* from Brazil:)


    -For God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.- John 3:16

    *hugs* :)

  102. Just popping in to tell you how amazing you are. Your bravery truly is inspiring. May you get everything you wish for and more.

    As for the jerk-off(s) on facebook, try not to give them another thought. Idiots like that are a dime a dozen, unfortunately, it's best to ignore them! )easier said than done, I know.)

    Much love to you and your family.

    Nicole From Canada

  103. Alice,

    You are an inspiration to me.

    It's people like you that make this world a special place to be and you should be proud of all that you've accomplished and continue to accomplish. I could only wish to have touched so many people the way you have. Your friends and family are so incredibly lucky to have a person like you in their lives..

    Love from Long Island, New York.


  104. People are stinkers sometimes, right. I wouldn't worry if I were you, people know that there are scammer's out there. All you have to do to find your information is go to a reliable site, like your blog. I am sure many people are catching on. I think your amazing and so full of inspire me in so many ways. You definitely will always leave an impression on me, and encourage me to do more....forever. Thank you for that gift. Take Care Dear One, Janna Lynn

  105. I am praying or you. Enjoy your night.

  106. Hi Alice,

    Let other people handle the fake pages for you ... they'll be gone shortly. You and your Mum and Sis just enjoy your time together and let the negative stuff go. Everyone who hears about you is so proud and loves you so much. All of the United States is behind you. I don't know about Take That but off I go to look them up. Keep having fun !!! Holly

  107. People are cruel. I think you're simply the best and what you're doing by sharing your story, well, you just make me happy. You're an inspiration to all of us. I wish you nothing but the best. Don't let those meany people bring you down. Boo on them. Sending tons of
    ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) your way.


  108. Alice,

    you are one of those angels that God sends to earth from time to time to teach us that there is only one love and it´s the one that brings people from all over the world together to say "We love you Alice!" Thanks for being there for us .. Life is a trip! the way you pick! Keep having fun!!

    *Love from Brazil

  109. Keep fighting Alice. My younger brother has been battling leukemia for the fourth time and is very sick as well. True definition of the word "courageous" should be "anyone who fights cancer." No one understands the emotional and physical pain a cancer patient goes through to live each day. XOXO.

  110. One more from Brazil to say we love you and hope you have the best day every day of your life!

  111. Don't let them spoil your day Alice! They will get their pages deleted I am sure!
    You must be proud of yourself! You are a very strong girl! I hope you keep making your dreams come true! You are really an inspiration!

    Angela from Vancouver, Canada

  112. Alice, you are an inspiration. Enjoy each and every moment and let the world take care of that FB account. I love the Bucket List and I will pray that it is fulfilled. Keep smiling.

    Laura in Southern California

  113. Hi Alice. I have 'Unliked' a page and reported it. Thank you. Also I had another 'Like' which has since dissapeared so looks like that one was closed down! YAY! :) Sorry you had to even think about these people. AND- Thank you for your link on Post Pals, Myself and 2 children have decided to keep in touch with a child each (so 3 kids!) on a regular basis. Hope we can brighten their days a little every now and again.Shared on FB too so my friends can get involved. You're a legend Alice. And well done to Milly on all that money!!! Love it!
    Much love from the Phillips Family in Australia. XOXO

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  115. I am glad you had a good time. It's so sad what people do for a little attention. If I lived near you I would so cross of the back massage on your list. I went to school for massage here in the US.

  116. I wish I could help. Sending positive energy your way from Colorado, U.S.A.

  117. alice, you inspire me to live in the present. keep on posting you lovely girl -elizabeth, usa

  118. I just read your wish to have a back massage. My mother went for one today and offered to take me but I said "no way, $50 is too much for a back massage" - makes me realize how much we take granted. I hope all of your wishes are fulfilled and that these people stop faking being you. But rest assured alice - the real you can never be mimicked or replaced! - PK, USA

  119. You know what? The world is full of horrible people that take advantage of anything they can. Those people will answer for their misdeeds eventually...I believe that what goes around comes around. But the good news is, that world is also full of people filled with happiness, light and love. And those people may or may not find a "reward" as such, but making the world a better place is it's own reward. You are one of those people, and don't focus on those that aren't. I'm glad you're meeting with the band went well. And congrats to your sister - what a wonderful contribution she has raised. Best wishes from Calgary, Alberta Canada.

  120. Hello Alice -

    I've just today joined your blog and just wanted to send you much encouragement and hugs from Kansas.

    I'm so glad you had a good day on Sunday. :o)

    Take care -


  121. Alice,

    My grandma lived to be over 100 and her secret was that she never gave control of her feelings to people that did not deserve it, and she ate lots of pizza. You and your mum should enjoy every moment. If someone wants to hijack your name, report it and go on with your day. You seem to have done what is impossible to most. You decided that your illness does not deserve the right to control you, so do not let some idiots on the internet do so either. Best to you and your family from Arizona.

  122. Hi Alice,

    I'm so sorry you had to deal with such idiots as those people pretending to be you and other members of your family. Don't let them get you down, they're just small minded and not worth the trouble. Your little sister is a hero! Please give her a big hug from me and tell her that Millie from the USA is proud of her. I'm glad that you had such a great time with Take That, it sounds like it was everything you hoped it would be and more. Stay strong little one.

  123. Dear Alice:

    you have touched so many.......what a wonderfull person you are!

    Thank you for sharing!

    from Michigan with love.....Myagi

  124. I just came to know about you, today only. I m happy the way you are living. God will send you again in form of some another ALICE so that you can fulfull you remaining dream. :-). He is kind enough to do that.

  125. Hi Alice, you are an inspiration to many of us. I echo what so many say, your moments are special with your family and friends, enjoy every moment and don't let selfish individuals make you all sad they're not worth it. Wow, take that! Aren't they just SO fab?! I hope you get to do all the things on your list. Sending a hug for you all. Claire from Stafford, England

  126. Samuel Attaochu15 June 2011 at 08:31

    Saw you on CNN and God is going to heal you Alice. Things would start changing as soon as you read this message. Jesus would touch you and you will begin to get better. You will not die, but you would live to a good old age. In Jesus name

  127. Oh Alice, I'm so sorry that others are spoiling your mood. Easy for me to say but don't let them. They're sad little people who are of no consequence and you shouldn't waste your time and energy on something so negative. Same for your Mom too. I'm a Mom so I know how protective she must feel for you all but better to let it go and concentrate on the good :-)
    So happy that you had a dream come true and met Take That. I'm not a TT fan but to meet Robbie, well that would make my year!
    I hope that you can put all the negative behind you and concentrate on all the positive that is going to be happening for you. Keep smiling girl xx

  128. Don't let it get you down. You've been around long enough to know that some people are just ugly. It's a sad thing, really, but it's just the way it is. Your beautiful spirit is far above them, and will outlast them. There are a handful of people trying to bring you down, but countless others around the world who are in your corner and doing all we can to get rid of those few.

  129. I am writing from Brighton cos it is time someone from the south joined in the general praise of you and your family.

    Everything that should be said of you has been. You are a wonderful girl, as is your sister - £30,000+ WOW! I have two daughters and two granddaughters and know your parents must be panting with pride for you two.

    So glad you were KO'd at the Take That gig. My elder has been a fan since she was thirteen (she is now 33, which only goes to show how old Robbie really is:)

    Small aside - can you block people like vananhshop and ed hardy you are climbing in here to promote their commercial ventures? It is possible to vet every post but time-consuming. I hope everyone who reads will spam them. Despicable creeps.

    Love to you and enjoy whatever is next out of the bucket x

  130. I saw your story on, and all I can say is WOW. Alice your a remarkable young lady, and I feel in my heart your Mum is very proud of you.

    I to have a facebook page, and will spread your message among my friends, and will include a link to your blog, as well.

    Cheers and greetings from New Mexico, USA.

  131. Hi Alice!
    I have a facebook group (not a page, basically if people want to join, I have to choose whether to add them or not) I started it when I was told about you as a way of getting people willing to help with your bucket list together.
    I will delete it if you want me to as I believe most of your bucket list is sorted :)
    Sorry for all the trouble, I did tweet you about it too.
    I'm sorry if my group and the other pages ruined your day :/
    Harri x

  132. Hi Alice,
    One of the problems is online, people think they can stay anonymous. There are also a lot of sick people out there, who enjoy the attention they gain from upsetting people. If you can, the best way to handle them is to ignore them. They aren't worth your time, they certainly aren't worth you wasting your precious time trying to deal with them. They are often known as trolls, trying to get rid of these trolls feeds them, giving them the attention they crave. If you can, don't feed them, don't let them win, don't give them the attention they crave. PLEASE don't let them take away your precious time, they aren't worth it.


  133. Hi Alice, Firstly we're just thrilled that Milly and you raised SO much money on Sunday, absolutely superb!

    Your Take That experience sounds totally amazing. Which song did they sing for you and Milly? I would have LOVED to have been there just to see your reaction. You truly, truly deserve such a treat - you ALL do - and we're so pleased that you enjoyed it.

    Lastly, try to forget those small minded people who would turn something good into something that focuses on them. There are so many positive comments on here - you focus on those sweetheart and leave the others to mum and dad - they'll sort them!

    Lots of love from Doddsville (Jan, Paul, James and Winnie)

    PS. Fox got the chickens whilst we were away so now have another six!

  134. I'm so sorry that there are some evil people out there Alice.

    But there are loads of lovely nice people as well, i know it's hard when people say nasty things to you, but try not to let the minority bring you down, there only jealous that there not as brave as you.

    You've got loads of support because everyone knows that you an amazing person.

    P.S I would be worried if i had Auntie Vicky after me lol :-)

    Glad that you had a great time in Manchester

    Dan P xxx

  135. Hey Alice!
    I think you are an AMAZING person.
    Wow!! 30,000$!!
    I really look up to you.

    I have a facebook page, and I will spread the message to report these idiots and get the pages to shut down..
    Meanwhile, you don't be sad!
    Make the most of everything!!

    India is praying for you :)

  136. Poor, poor you. Please try to ignore these complete idiots. The publicity you have raised is incredible: I've joined the bone marrow list, and I don't know how many have just on the inspiration of your blog. Chin up. Go for your walk and let them stew. (From one mother to another, good on you Vicky Pyne!)

  137. I think you might have been told this already, but there is a way to stop unwanted comments being posted...there is an option where the comment first gets sent to your email and it only gets posted to your blog if you wish it to:)

  138. Alice, I'm SOOOO jealous of you getting to meet 'the boys'. How fabulous! And, £31+K is amazing. What a week (and what a fabulous sister you have)!!! Well done you. Sally x

  139. Wow Alice - what a fantastic achievement of you and your sister to raise such a lot of money for research, and how exciting for you to meet Take That! I'm looking forward to watching you cross things off your bucket list. I've never heard of Cadbury World (I live in Australia) but I think that it better go on my list too - my idea of bliss!

  140. Hi Alice - You are a truly brave young lady who is an inspiration to people around the world. I'm from India and I see you featured in the newspapers here! Would you like me to send you a cutting?
    I just wanted to suggest two things to your Mom:
    1. About anonymous comments - you can opt not to allow them or have all comments come to an email account for approval before you publish them.
    2. Put a gadget for your Facebook page on this blog so that people can move from here to the FB page directly.
    Let me know if you need any help with setting either of these up.
    You are in our prayers, Alice.
    Best wishes

  141. Hi Alice, I just want to say how much I admire you and your sister for what you are doing. I believe that God has purpose for everything that happens to us in our lives even though we may not understand it. At times we ask , WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME and when we do not hear the answer we think he is not listening, but, he is, and we just do not see it. Maybe this is your call or plan in life to put out this list and make everyone aware of this disease even more, I do not know. I do know that you have enlightened me more. I hope and pray that they find a cure for this disease within your lifetime because it will be a great loss to lose someone like you when the end comes. Just keep fighting it and tell it you will not go until your done with what you have started. Cancer in any form must be defeated because it is cruel and has no boundary on who it infects. I lost my wife to a cancerous brain tumor after 7 months of marriage. She fought everyday to beat it, but in the end I Thank God I was there with her when she gave in and said goodbye. No one should have to suffer like you and my wife, so I will pray everyday for you to kick this in the BUTT and WIN. Take Care and God Bless.

  142. Wow Alice it sounds like you and Milly (and Mum) had a truly magical time with Take That. You are an inspiration to me every day Alice. Looking forward to hearing about all of your treats/wishes. Lots of Love Nicky, Mark and girls xx

  143. Hey Alice!
    I'm glad you had a fab time at TT, and got to meet the guys..there are million very jealous fans out there!!
    Well done to your sister for the race on sunday too, both of you are a huge inspiration to all of us who read your blog!Thank you for sharing your life with us all :-D xx


    Alice you're in my prayers again today .!! I read about usurpation of your names and id's This is the IONternet Crime Unit in London . using false names false id's and internet protocol is a crime regarding European Laws .
    t(ell your Mum to deposit a complain .
    Love from Belgium

  145. izabella andrade di fonzo15 June 2011 at 13:44

    Alice, é uma linda e muito triste história, quando a ouvi fiquei emocionada e pensativa, me colocando no seu lugar, espero que voce supere isto, realize todos os seus sonhos, e principalmente ache um doador de medula, torço por voce e tenha certeza de que voce sera um exemplo na minha vida e tambem espero que nao aconteça, mas se um dia descobrir que tenho uma doença, lembrarei de voce e tentarei fazer a mesma coisa que voce esta fazendo, voce estara nos meus sonhos.

  146. Some people are idiots online, same as elsewhere in life. I can only echo what the others on here have said - ignore them as much as you can, and think about the good you're doing.

    I've started asking around to see if we can do a bone marrow registration drive at my work.

  147. You are a beautiful beautiful person and your family is beautiful for truly living each moment of life they and you are all blessed to have. Your life is poetic and you have lived it deeply and wisely in a short amount of time. I commend you for your spirit and in the coming years I hope to become a marrow donor because of to others in my opinion is a well-lived life. Thank you for being in the world.

  148. I know it is difficult but try to forget about those horrible people - they are not worth the time and you have inspired so many people and so many people want to help you achieve your bucket list so try to concentrate on those people.
    Some people have no worth and it is so difficult to understand why people can be so needlessly evil.

    Sending lots of love to you and your family. I hope all the positive comments you receive help to erase the nasty comments from your mind.


  149. The net is such a sick place at times... sorry these fools are trying to steel your joy. But do not let them win. You or your family memeers. The fact is they themselves are so full of envy... because even in your darkest moments... you are a light... a light of hope for all.... so many of us are not ill, have nothing wrong with us... yet we give up.. because something does not go our way. I have been very down the last couple months and then I came to your blog.... you will now be my inspiration.... what ever little issues I have I will pray on... and know that a prayer will be said for you and your family!
    As for those that are not even worthy of a split second of your time... you and your mom need to let one of these beautiful people moderate your messages... so that this negative does not even hit your eyes to be able to take one more second away!. Never let those take away from your day again.. get out there and walk the beach.. there times will come... KARMA... let that take it. I wish I lived by you or had the money to fly to you. I would love to spend a week photography you and your family and making abook for you all. I do photgraphy. Do you guys have a photogrpher that is doing this for you? If not I would like to research and find one in your area! Please let me know!

  150. Alice, I hope you and your family have put that negativity behind you; those idiots don't deserve a millisecond of your time. Be assured that they will get what's coming to them! I was so happy to read about your time with Take That and am thrilled that they did this for you (though I had a very good feeling that they would :))!

  151. Hello Alice

    I'm glad you had such a lovely time on Sunday :)

    Best wishes

  152. Alice and Mom,

    You may get this comment twice. Sorry about that. I read about your story on CNN. I was saddened and inspired at the same time. You are an amazing and strong little girl. I am a Chistian and have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I am not sure you know him or have done the same. What a wonderful man. He has done and continues to do amazing things. I would love to meet you in heaven on day. I hope that you have asked Jesus to be your personal savior and come into your heart. Here are a few bible verses that you and your mom can read Romans 3:23, 3:63, 6:23, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-10 and the whole book of 1John. I have prayed for you and your mom for strength. You are such an inspiration to me and as I read to many. I pray that you know Jesus Christ or get to know him. May God Bless you and stay strong.

  153. Best wishes to you Alice and your wonderful family. Pay no attention to low-lives, keep up with the good work on this blog and may all your wishes come true.

    Nevena from Belgrade, Serbia

  154. Alice, sou Dagmar, tenho um blog chamando "Coisas de Daguinha", sou portadora de mieloma multiplo (câncer de medula) há 6 anos e já fiz um transplante. Eu fiquei em remissão por 4 anos e meio e no ano passado a doença voltou, estou em tratamento novamente só que os médicos não estão muito confiantes. Sou um dos raros casos dessa doença em jovens, na época eu só tinha 29 anos, agora estou com 35 anos.
    Eu quero que saiba que você é uma grande vencedora, nunca diga que o câncer venceu, porque ele é cruel e covarde conosco e nós, independente do que aconteça, somos vencedores.
    Saiba que os médicos daqui da terra podem dizer que não vamos conseguir mas Jesus é Deus e é Ele o Médico dos médicos e Ele pode tudo em nossas vidas. Creia em Deus e saiba que vou estar orando por você...
    Você é mais que vencedora...

    Se quiser dar uma olhada no meu blog, é

  155. Hi Alice! just keep smiling and don't get upset about that. Soon enough they'll stop making trouble. Me and my family are inspired by your positive way to treat this. Only good vibes to you and your family! Marilia - Brazil

  156. Hello again Alice!
    I'm terribly sorry to hear that people are ruining your day simply because the Internet can make them anonymous. Rest assured that they would not have the guts to do that in person! There is only one fake Facebook profile left, and I reported it this morning. Hopefully it will get taken down soon.

    As always, good luck with everything! And congratulations on getting a song dedicated to you at the concert. That sounds fantastic.

  157. I'm thrilled you had such a wicked day with the Take That lads. I bet THEY were humbled to meet you. Strength comes in many forms Alice and your family are united and fighters, that is more than evident. As for those f*wits who spam you with their crap, pity them. They will never have even one ounce of your integrity. Let karma bit them in the butt, lets hope they never have to go thru what you or your family are going thru. Life is too short to waste energy on idiots - it will make you laugh and it is so true! Forget them, they are clown shoes - so what's next on your list? x

  158. You should tag your photos ;)

    Just picnik (search on google) and write your url to your blog across it and no1 can pose as you with them because they have your blog on them. It is so sad the people doing this get a kick out of it.

    Anyways stay strong and ignore the haters remember if you are not hated you are doing something wrong ;)

  159. I live in Barrow and am a cancer surviver. I wish You all the luck in the world with yr bucket list. And think you and yr family are doing a fantastic job raising money and awareness.

    There are some truly horrible people in the world I hope you manage to stop them from spoiling yr lives.. Good luck to you and yr family. Xxxxxx

  160. Sending you lots of love and hope for your endeavors! You are brave and inspiring - I hope whatever cruel, bitter people posting hurtful anonymous comments don't dampen your spirit!

  161. Dear Alice, thank you for your honest words.

    You know, in this world are so many people, who don't appreciate to have a health. But I am sure you are not one of them :)

    I wish I could help you to accomplish all your dreams from bucket list. And maybe to accomplish also the biggest one - life.

    I don't know if you known God, but I can tell you that He has already accomplished this dream.

    You are ill for some purpose. Maybe to show your strength while fighting with cancer. I want to tell you that you are going through something, which most of people cannot do. And you have done it!

    "If people see how strong you are, they will take a look of their own life." - This is a quote from movie Letters to God. I believe this fits also on you :)

    And I want you to know, that you are strong! You are a warrior. You have already inspired tens of people by your strength.. I am one of them :)

    The fight is not useless.

    So, be proud of yourself! You have already done wonderful things in people's lifes. Even if you don't realize it yet.

    I believe that God wants to use you and your strength to make his plan. He loves you and He has prepared a wonderful live for you, not only in this world.

    If you want to find some encouragement with the war with the illness, I recommend you to see mentioned movie "Letters to God". It's about 10 years old boy, who has similar story than yours.

    .. and for some encouraging music tune to K-LOVE or at

    I'm praying for you, so God will give you life.

    .. and don't forget: You are beautiful and strong!

    if you want to reply to me, here is my email: seevyn (at) gmail (dot) com
    Or you can use the address from my google profile.

    Greetings from Prague (Czech republic, Europe)

  162. Hi Alice,

    Just wanted to say hi, I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.


    The Awesome Lady xxx

  163. My mother has cancer, too. I hope that you will be stronger to get through it like my mother do. Let be optimistic…

  164. Hey, Alice you are a great Girl! Believe me you're very special for all world! sorry for my bad english.
    Thanks for you existence!

  165. I like to play online and chat as well? come here and be part of this cominudiad q and there are millions of users ...

  166. Maybe i'm wrong, but, consider not expending even an hour with all this bullshit that few (very few) people wrote to you.
    Focus on your life! Focus on good things people have written here.
    If you post about these bad things, you make it more important. And, this, oh this, i'm sure it's not important.
    Hope you and your mom enjoy life together! =D Live... as you wrote before! =D
    Mauricio, Brazil!

  167. So sorry to hear about such wicked people taking advantage of you and your mum. I am redoubling my efforts to find out if i can be put on the bone marrow register.

    We both love you

    Jonathan & Melissa

  168. Ugh, horrible people pretending to be you!!! You can write your email address and the © on them I think, I've had my photos stolen before, too. *hugs* Aside from that though, I am glad you hada lovely time, you really deserved it! And yay for take that!!! :) Lots of love and hugs xxSarahxx xoxoxo

  169. Hello Alice,
    It is so sad that there are so many cruel people in this world! Please keep in mind that they DO NOT have a life and they hate themselves as well as everyone else. They are so jealous of you and your family and the love that you share, the support you give each other and the support you receive from the rest of the world. They are to be pitied. Please do not allow them to take control of your feelings. You are very special and have such a wonderful outlook so keep that upbeat attitude. My prayers are for you and your family and I pray for peace for all of you. Hugs, Sharon :o)

  170. Hi Alice!

    So lovely to see two sisters that are so obviously very close :) Continue to have fun marking everything off your bucket list and don't concern your self with nasty people. They're not worth your precious time! Looking forward to reading all your positive posts.

    In our prayers,
    Melanie, Carly & Shani (sisters from Queensland, Australia)

  171. Hi Alice

    Please ignore the nasty people.

    You've been an inspiration to so many people, keep up with making your wishes come true.

    So glad you enjoyed Take That on Sunday, and actually met them, how good is that.

    You must be very proud of your sister, raising all that money.

    Be proud of yourself for raising awareness of bone marrow donations. I am in remission from leukaemia, fortunately my brother is a suitable donor if I ever need a transplant. (Fingers crossed I never will).

    You are such a brave young girl - look after yourself.

  172. Hey Alice,
    i´m writing from Brasil, sending good and healthy thoughts for you!
    You´re so lovely, i´m sure you´ll be ok!

  173. Alice - so sorry to hear that some foul people are trying to spoil things for you. Am so glad you had a great time here in manchester with TT . I hope that when all this nasty stuff goes then you can look back on your happy memories of the day. I was wondering whether you had been !

    Vicky - I hope you get rid of everything and can enjoy the happy times with Alice and Milly ( and dad ) . As a mum of a child who has had cancer i know some of the difficulties faced and wanted to say that you should be proud of yourself for your strength. I hope you are looking after yourself too

    My very best wishes and , Alice - please keep writing about the fun things - it is lovely to read.

    Milly - well done you for such an amazing achievement !!!!!


  174. i know someone made an account to help fufill your bucket list and that was a group i was apart of, it's always distressing and sickening to see people making fake accounts to try and scam people out of money.

  175. Hy Alice

    My first Blog about the iPhone is a bit older:!

    But you have inspired me to create a second one about me, my life, my wishes and about the fact, that I'm so glad to be here on earth. Keep fighting and I hope you can do as much as possible from you list.

    You are great! :o)

    Sacha W.

  176. Hi Alice,

    Am so glad you enjoyed the Take That concert - don't know who your favourite is, but I'm from Robbie's hometown, and my "almost claim to fame" is that my Auntie used to play golf with his mum!

    Please don't let fake Facebook accounts, or nasty comments on here, or anything else for that matter, spoil the concert, or anything else that you achieve off your bucket list. Some people are very sad, others plain nasty, but they're seriously not worth the effort of getting upset about.

    I've taken many years of abuse because my disability makes me look kind of like Shrek's body-double, but after a while you realise those people are just pathetic, and have nothing better to do with their sad little lives.

    Reading your blog, after seeing a link on Twitter, was truly inspirational, and for that I thank you.

    I'm a regular on Facebook, and have got a number of offensive pages taken down by complaining, so if you and your mum want us to organise a mass protest to FB we're here for you.

    In the meantime, enjoy every day and every experience, and don't let them stop you doing what YOU want. (Oh, and that includes posting pics of the Take That concert!).

    Tim (@Tim_Mullen on Twitter)

  177. So sorry that low-lifes have spoiled your happiness. There is no accounting for the depths that some folk will stoop to... I am glad that you got to meet Take That, sounds like it was a wonderful experience for you. Hope you have many more great times like that and are no longer bothered by folk who clearly have nothing better to do with their time - which is very sad, really!

  178. So sorry that people are being pathetic Alice and causing your family some grief, but i'm so glad you got to tick off something on your list. It sounds like TT were amazing and i'm sure they thought that you were! Keep making those memories!
    Sending you a big hug :) X

  179. David & Hilary & Family15 June 2011 at 22:33

    Dear Alice, We follow you from a very small town in the west of New South Wales in Australia. As so many people have said, there are some -just a few - sad and misreable people in the world - but they don't matter, not one bit. You, and your family, and your friends and the amazing life you lead are all that matter. Your Mum must be the best, smartest human being in the world. With Love xx

  180. ALice you are one amazing person. I wish you and your family happy times and that the distress those who are not genuinely following you have caused with diminish.

    Good luck with the bucket list and I for one wil be looking out for the Emma Bridgewater mug...

    I am already a bone marrow donor and have been for 21years. If anyone reading this hasn't signed up yet do it now!!!

    I am urging my friends to follow you and to nag people I think can help with the bucket list...hope you manage them all lil one xxx

  181. Alice, use your incredible strength to disregard the sad people who say or do stupid things. They only want to spoil your incredible experience, so don't let them. They want a reaction, so don't give it to them. Just delete and move on. You are far better than them, and of course they are outnumbered by a million to one by all the good people who just want to see you smile.

    It happens to all famous people. You're famous now, so act like a star and just disregard them.

    So glad you had an amazing Sunday and your sister raised so much money too!

  182. Be happy,
    Smile as you can,
    Don't care about stupid gnomes of the web :)
    enjoy life with your family, dad, mum, sister, friends...
    ALLAH bless you.

  183. Oh, alice, dear, I'm one of the many people that read your blog here in Brazil and I must say your history touched me so much I even cried...But those tears weren't only sadness, but also pride of such a strong girl. I really hope you accomplish most of the itens on your bucket list, you deserve this and much more! <3

  184. Sweet Alice!!!
    I live in Brazil, but I'm sitting here, just admiring your courage!!!
    I'm alredy a blood and marrow donator and, if I can do anything to help you, count me in!!!
    Keep being brave!! I'm praying for you!!!

  185. Hey girl! I just found your blog, and you have no idea how you inspire me! Your strength and courage, and sweet personality are so encouraging to me. Cancer is a terrible thing... but I am so glad that you are living life to the fullest! I think a lot of people forget to do that until they get older and wiser, and realize how precious and awesome life is. I hope you get to fulfill every single thing on your bucket list! Woo!
    Praying for you and much love,

  186. ^ An earlier comment caught my eye. I recommend the movie "Letters to God" as well! It's a true story I believe, and really touched me. I tend to not watch movies that much because I sometimes feel it's a waste of time, but this was worth watching, in my opinion. Much love!

  187. Hey Lady! About the only thing you can do about the facebook things is to report it to facespace. Don't let it ruin your day though & don't let it get under your skin! Please! Just report them & tell everyone else to & then go for a walk! Please don't let it upset you. & as far as photos, make sure you but a watermark behind the image, a large one that it's obvious enough to be seen but not enough to detract from the image itself. Please don't let idiots bother you, there are so many stupid people out there that if we worried about them constantly, we would have no life. So do those things & don't let them get to you. Only really worry about them if they're soliciting money or donations & keep people informed on how they can safely donate to any of your causes. I'm sorry that you're so frustrated. Like I said. Let them go! They're just idiots & they'll get their own soon enough.

  188. Don't listen to those idiots girl! I followed a link in a Swedish magazine,, found your blog.
    It's really inspiring to read about you and your way of thinking and i really wish you all the best! People have alot to learn from you, i hope you know that!

  189. You're amazing, thank you so much for this blog, I check it every day from my desk in New Zealand. Please remember that for every jerk out there, there are 1000 people who adore you and are sending you nothing but love and good thoughts. You're a wonderful girl, it's so inspiring that you would put yourself out there like this and make what you're going through real for the people who support you.

    You've got such an incredible spirit, I know that you won't let these jerks bring you down. Thank you again for letting us share this with you, it's an honour and priviledge. As I said before, I check your blog every day, and think about you often, even here, on the other side of the world. I feel strong knowing that there are thousands of others who care about you and are checking your blog at the same time. There is an army of people sending you their love at this very moment. xx

  190. are an amazing young lady and bring a positive beauty to the fight against cancer. Congratulations to Milly on her wonderful achievement. Please don't let the negative actions of others taken a way from the beauty of your message...please focus on the wonderful hope you are bringing to others and enjoying the days you have with those who love you most. My prayers and love are with you always. Jordan

  191. Stay strong Alice - they are not worth your energy!!

  192. Alice I am SO happy for you!!! Thanks for sharing this post it made me smile! Sorry to hear about the people that are ruining it for you! I went to search on Facebook to try and help shut them down but I only found your actual page. I would love to see you be able to post pictures!!! You're such an amazing girl! I'm still praying for you God Bless!! And that is EXTRAORDINARY amount Milly raised!!! So proud of you both. You are making a difference in this world you will never be forgotten for it.

  193. Reading your blog is one of the very few things getting me though this dreary exam period. Seeing you (and Milly) achieving such amazing things in difficult circumstances is heartwarming. Forget those fb haters and just live everyday with you family and friends. lovelove

  194. bonjour Alice, je connais une personne qui s'appelle André et pratique la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise. Il habite à Marseille. C'est lui qui m'a indiqué votre blog et il pense pouvoir vous aider dans votre maladie. écrivez-moi et je vous donnerai ses coordonnées ».Je vous embrasse et pense à vous. Brigitte

  195. Hi Alice,
    You are wonderful! Don't let scummy people get you down. We all know the real site, and there is your lovely blog right here where we know its definitely you. Keep your chin up! lucky you meeting Take That!! :D Lots of love from Singapore xx

  196. u inspire me alice

  197. Sorry to hear about all the stress you and your mom are going through. Because of you, I have now joined the registry. I just sent in my swabs this week. You are an inspiration.
    ~Angie - Madison, WI, USA

  198. Today I came across your blog in a matter here in Brazil, and come visit you!
    My English is not the good, but enough to tell you of someone you need to know! I saw that you have desires, dreams and wants to accomplish ... perhaps not complete some wondering .... but you all do and still live, you know?
    But how? Knowing that someone, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, He knows you, knows your yesterday, today and tomorrow, and make sure he does not want to see you suffer with this disease. You are a beautiful girl, have so many things ahead to live, and I know I can! So darling, look today even know this kind called Jesus, He wants to do something great with your lives, to be sure! We will pray for you ok. I wish all felcidade for you, though doctors know the diagnosis, they only know to know where the medicine, but medical doctors can you operate without surgery. His determination to draw attention of the world, will certainly be higher when God work in your favor! Thanks dear, and you might know this friend of mine named Jesus Christ, the physician, friend, savior, Lord, full of love to offer you.

  199. Thinking of you and yours often.

  200. Dear Alice,

    I'm happy for you!

    You're a special person!

    Kind regards!

    Marcela - Brazil
