21 June 2011

It just gets better

Wow, what an incredible day.  Today was amazing, I got to fly in a private plane from home all the way up to Scotland which I thought would be scary but it was so much fun.  It was a really nice sunny day and the views were incredible as we were flying quite low.  I got to sit in the front seat and my dad had to go in the back with our friend Phil.  It was quite funny looking at them back there.  I felt like a real celeb lol.

When we landed, a pink hummer was waiting to take us to the Deep Sea World and it was so pink that I thought my dad was going to die of embarrassment.  Inside it was a bottle of pink bubbly and I got my glass and sat back to enjoy the ride, waving and singing as I went like a 10 year old ha, ha.

The Deep Sea World people were waiting for me and I felt dead important again because there were loads of them all lined up to welcome me.  We went in and through the shark tunnel which was really long and then she said right, shall we get you ready?  I didn't have time to worry and I got into a nice warm drysuit and before I knew it we were ready to get in.  We had to walk through a little pool before we got in and I couldn't stand up properly and they had to put extra weights on me, I was like a telly tubby, I couldn't stop laughing.  Then they helped me with my mask and snorkle and we walked through and got onto the platform in the big tank ... scary!  I smiled every time a shark came past me and the biggest shark was 3 metres long - she was called Tinkerbelle which was funny.  I couldn't stop smiling but every time I smiled, the water kept leaking in.  I was in there for quite a long time and it was another of my best days ever.  I am so glad I did it as last night I was worried and I didn't know if I'd do it.

After the shark tank, I got to train the seals which was really funny.  I got kissed by one yuck and I played ball with them, but they weren't as good as Mabel at bringing it back.  I got to hold a Bearded Dragon and I loved that because I wanted mum to buy me one but she wouldn't.  A little corn snake needed a name and they said I could choose, so I called it Sam because it looked like a Sam!

We had such a great time but the time went really quickly and we were saying goodbye too quickly but then there was a huge fire engine outside with lights, music, bubbles and smoke!  They gave me a cowboy hat to wear and we all got a lift back to the airport in our fire engine.  It was so funny watching Dad and Phil in there.  We flew back home over the Lake District and I spotted lots of places I knew along the way, including my sister's school.  I was quite sad to say goodbye to Gordon and we watched him take off again before we got back in my mums car.  I wish that today was starting again.

I slept lots when I got back home because I was shattered, but then my next door neighbour Adrian arrived and he had a little something for me ... an iPad and a purple cover.  Wowie wow wow I am so excited I can't believe it. I have just finished charging it so I am going to explore now.  Next time that I post or tweet, it will be from my iPad.  Night, night x


  1. I'm so glad your having such a great time! You really deserve it. You're such a special girl and an inspiration to everyone. Best wishes to you and you family! Hope you have more fun to come! Jess xxx

  2. Looks like u have a full day.. Glad u had fun...

  3. I am so excited for you.. you sound like such a good person it just makes me want to help people who have terminal diseases make their dreams come true because it sounds like swimming with sharks was AMAZING! and now its one more thing that you can cross off your list...good luck with everything. I can see that you have a family that loves and cares for you which is the most important thing.. :)

  4. Hi Alice!
    I live in Japan
    Desire forces, have faith. For God nothing is impossible
    I am praying for you.

  5. I was wondering how you got such a cool font..im new at this so i dont know what im doing quite yet..if you could tell me somehow that would be awesome..

  6. Oh Alice, it sounds like you have had another fabulous day! I love reading about your adventures as you always sound so excited about everything!

    Just wanted to send you a quick message to say the iPad will make things like Twitter much easier! I got one a few weeks ago and after a few days of trying to work out what to do I soon started downloading apps to help me with my twitter, blog and facebook - now I absolutely love it! Plus, I downloaded Tetris, my all time favourite computer game, and now I think I am addicted to it!

    Have fun playing with your new toy and I look forward to seeing some photos of the purple case and the sharks soon!

    Keep smiling!

    With love,

    Natalya x

  7. Alice, you were on our news tonight here in Billings, MT. You were working in a ring with your dog. I was so proud that I already knew you and was following your blog.

    What a fabulous day you had today. You are braver than I would have been. I swam with dolphins but I'd draw the line at sharks. And a kiss from a seal - how special - lol.

  8. Wow! Sounds like the best day ever!! And Yahooooooo!!! about the Ipad.. I love mine!! Almost as much as my kids do! Go to the apps store and download the free apps of Talking Tom Cat and Talking Ben!! My children absolutely love them!!!! And just quitely... so does my father! He spends ages with his grandkids talking into the ipad! Its hilarious..
    Keep smiling gorgeous girl.... cant wait to read about your next adventure! x

  9. Wow! What a wonderful day! I'm so happy for you that you got to experience zll these things xxxxx

  10. I'm so glad to hear you had such a wonderful day!!! Much love. xxx

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. :-)

  12. Sounds like you had an amazing time! Thanks for sharing these stories; I had a huge smile on my face reading it :)

  13. glad you had a good day Alice, your blog makes me smile :)

  14. oh wow your day sounded absolutely incredible. I'm so happy for you and I'm glad you got your Ipad. Here in Ireland i've signed up to be a bone marrow donor. Before I was bit iffy about it, but I know now it's important because I can help save someones life and if it wasn't for you I wouldnt have changed my mind (':

  15. Hi Alice.

    I check your blog every time I can - I'm traveling in Indonesia just now - and I almost cry everytime I do! But it's good happy tears! I come from Scotland - and I go back home next month - but I'm so happy that you really enjoyed Scotland - it is so beautiful, right? And that you ad a great day out at the sea life centre. I've been before and I've seen the sharks but it was through the glass so I'm really jealous. I'd love to swim with sharks. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for wanting to do it! Maybe only crazy people are cool like us!

    I also want to say - enjoy your iPad! How cool is it that you were given such a nice present. I'm on my iPhone all the time - they are just so handy! You should download the twitter app for your iPad because it makes it so easy to use twitter than logging on to safari all the time.

    Best of luck! I will be joining an organisation as soon as I'm home too! And will spread the word to my friends and my little sister. Love Vicki x

  16. So happy for you dear!! :) Would love to see some pictures! Good night <3

  17. So happy for you dear!! :) Would love to see some pictures! Good night <3

  18. Your happiness is shared by many many others. Glad to hear that you had such a nice day and thanks for sharing your experiences. Keep smiling always.

  19. This is so wonderful to read Alice. It makes me happy to hear you so happy. That is funny about your Dad and the pink hummer! Tina Cook, Littleton, CO USA

  20. So happy for you Alice! Every time I read your blog, I smile. Wishing you all the luck and love in the world. x

  21. Sounds like a great day! Enjoy the Ipad! Take care.

  22. I'm so excited that you had such a nice day today. That's so great to hear. I hope you have a good tomorrow, too! <3 from Missouri, USA

  23. Congratulations on the iPad and having such a perfect day! You inspire the hell out of me, your attitude is incredible!

  24. Fantastic stuff, glad you enjoyed it (and the purple iPad to boot!).

  25. Hi Alice,
    I just heard about you today through Girls' Life Magazine. You are such an amazing, inspiration young woman. You are going through a lot, and you don't let it get in the way of living your life the best you can. I am so inspired by you. I registered to become a bone marrow donor today, and am now waiting to get my kit. Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are helping a lot of people who are going through similar situations, and that is so amazing. I love what you are doing. Hope your bucket list goes well!!

  26. Wonderful day! I'm so happy for you. I hope you can upload some pictures...I'd love to see your dad in that pink hummer! haha and swimming with the sharks? Brave!

  27. Wow that sounds amazing! What a lot of awesome experiences.. no wonder you're shattered!
    YOu deserve all the attention and treats you are getting.
    Best of luck and love from New Zealand. :0)

  28. Good blog and nice posts, super layout, good writing. Cool ranking and best one among the blogs

    Best wishes and regards

    Biz and Legis, Online Legal Service Providers

  29. Wow Alice, what an amazing day. Ask your Mum to post some pictures, so that your long distance fan club can keep up to speed !! Lots of love, Helen Topalov xxxxx

  30. Wow Alice sounds like you had a super fun time. Glad you enjoyed yourself so much. Look forward to reading about more of your adventures.

  31. Aw awesome, you had fun! :D
    I already traveled by plane a lot of times because I'm always moving... I'm used of it but the first time was very funny too XD
    The way you said it looked fun, I'd like to do that too! ^^
    Aha and have fun with your iPad ^^
    See yah Alice!

  32. Hi Alice - what an amazing day!I did enjoy reading about your dog show as well and wish we could have bought our two dogs, but England is a long way to go to a dog show from Australia! My daughter is going to put her name down on the bone marrow registry, I am a bit old LOL - so I sponsored Milly's run instead! I look forward to hearing about your (and your family's ) adventures.
    Love Deb ( Syd Aust)

  33. wow!!!!!!!!!!! little girl :) glad you had fun .. three cheers...

  34. I am so happy that you enjoyed yourself and I love reading your posts hun! You are doing a great job at blogging! :) If you need any help on how to upload the pictures just let me know, I can help ya! (I have my own blog I currently write) You should be able to upload multiple pictures at the same time :) Keep up the great posts and make sure you have lots of fun on your upcoming adventures!

    Kat xoxo

  35. Alice, I am so glad that you had a wonderful day! I love bearded dragons! When I was younger, I always wanted a snake or lizard but my mom never allowed me to. Have fun with your new iPad! :)

  36. It sounds as if you've had a wonderful past few days. I love reading your blog and knowing you're smiling and living your life. Keep strong and brave, you are an amazing and inspirational person.

    With best wishes,
    Jessica from New York

  37. Hi Alice!! read about all you did makes me feel so exciting like i was there with you and your family!!!thanks for share this. And once again give to your mom a big big huge :)

  38. so exciting. I just got a chance to see the news story on you ... one of the local news stations picked up the story. Fantastic...can't wait to see pictures of all your adventures

  39. WOOOOHOOOOOOOO! Go Alice! Thats so exciting!

  40. Sweet dreams, Alice. Ipads rock...especially purple ones!

  41. It´s difficult post a comment...I feel exciting every time a read your day by day activities...God is good and loving, he moved every people´s heart to do for you every moment special...give a big big huge to your mom!!

  42. That sounds like an amazing time!!! I love reading your blog. You seem so very happy. I pray blessings to you and your family!!!

  43. Lovely, lovely story Alice and GOOD FOR YOU!

  44. Ah moderated now - good job!

  45. OH MY GOD! you had so much fun, thank you for sharing!! =)
    love your posts Alice, always happys posts please!!
    ( sao paulo-brazil)

  46. Hi from Michigan, USA!
    I'm so glad you had a good day today! I would be way too scared to go in a tank with sharks, you're a crazy lady ;) Sounds like you had a great time at the concert too!
    I also wanted to let you know, I'm looking into registering to be a bone marrow donor here in the US. I'm pretty nervous though since I get sick when I just donate blood, so I'll have to talk to my doctor first.

  47. You are an incredibly brave young lady. I am so glad you got a few things marked off your Bucket List. You will be in my prayers. God Bless.

  48. WOW! I am sooooo happy that you had a fun day! I wish I was there :-)


    Pero antes de pedirte mi deseo quisiera darte unas pistas para que me lo puedas cumplir…..

    Alice…. pequeño ángel…. Hace 54 horas me entere de tu historia de vida…. y ciertamente aun hay mucho por hacer…. SABIAS QUE LOS HECHOS SORPRENDENTES Y EXTRAORDINARIOS SON SIEMPRE POSIBLE Y OCURREN TODOS LOS DÍAS DE LA VIDA... TU LO SABES... Pero? Que es lo que hace posible que le ocurran a algunas persona y a otras no?.... te lo has preguntado alguna vez?....

    A veces a la vida la podemos comparar casi con cualquier cosa….. a mi se me ocurre compararla casi siempre con un partido de fútbol…

    Alice, imagina esto:… “Un gran partido…. Una gran final…. Un gran premio… pero? …. que nos paso?... las cosas se nos salieron de las manos….. y con todas las condiciones en contra físicas, humanas y psicológicas vamos perdiendo este gran partido….. nuestro equipo es un desastre, y nuestros jugadores lucen lentos, cansados y sin ánimos y para colmo de males tenemos el tiempo en contra…. Mientras tanto, y, aprovechando nuestra desastrosa situación, nuestro equipo adversario se vuelve mas fuerte, con una defensa impenetrable y luce poderoso ante nuestro desnutrido equipo, que a estas altura ya tiene la moral por el suelo…. Nuestro equipo esta desorientado, perdido y sin ningún norte…. Terminamos el primer tiempo con un abultado marcador en nuestra contra nuestra y el equipo se va a los camerinos casi arrastrando el alma….. Pero aun quedan 45 minutos…. 45 minutos para voltear ese resultado a nuestro favor….. 45 minutos siquiera para conquistar la igualdad e irnos al alargue……”……

    Hasta aquí ésta es una situación que tal vez marca claramente un final evidente…. Que queda por hacer?.... hay algo aun por hacer?..... ¿Qué harías tú como técnico de este equipo para salvarlo y obtener el gran premio?..... al igual que en la vida, que, muchas veces hay que tomar diferentes estrategias y grandes decisiones que cambien la dirección y el rumbo de las cosas….?..... Bueno mi pequeña y hermosa amiga…. Te dejo esta tarea…. Espero que me la respondas y le des la solución a nuestro equipo… y lo ayudes a ganar…

    Alice, ojala y nos comuniquemos mejor por Email… mientras tanto puedo decirte que me he hecho un compromiso…. y es que te estoy acompañando desde que me entere de ti…. y sabes porque?.... porque quiero que me cumplas mi deseo… hasta pronto…. un beso de corazon...

  50. What an awesome time you had! Wow, swimming sharks. I don't know if I could do that. You are one brave girl. Have a good night and day. :)

  51. What an awesome day you had!! I'm so happy for you Alice! You got to do a few things that most of us will never experience. I'm smiling because I know you smiled all day!! Keep on smiling kiddo!!

  52. Wow... you sounded likr you had a right old time swimming with the sharks! And a purple iPad! That's another item ticked :)

    Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures... live your dreams, gal. Live out all our dreams for all of us, gal! :D

  53. we already knew that you were incredibly brave so really standing on the edge of a shark filled aquarium would be a walk in the park! It sure sounds like you had an amazing time and to finish it off with an ipad!! you sure are 'ticking' your dreams. God bless

  54. Dear Alice, thanks! It’s through your eyes, & your nice posts we are able to discover a more beautiful world around us – the blue open sky, deep sea waves, big sharks and many more things in earlier posts too. Feels like, I am enjoying the journey with you guys. We would never have been able to feel such great. People can’t do anything to heal you from the battle-of-life. But you are doing so much to make us happy.

    Congrats for the iPad! Feels lucky to post the 1st comment to this post. Hehe :)

  55. sounds like an amazing day !
    ive always wanted to swim with sharks aswell :)
    hope all your days are as good as this :D

  56. You make me smile. You are an amazing young woman.

  57. I'm so very glad that you're getting to cross off some of your wishes - may you finish as many as humanly possible.
    Do you know how many different types of sharks were in the tank with you? I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing I could have seen the expression on your face - you must have been enchanted (if you weren't too concerned about all the teeth ;})!
    As for the negative posts, those of us who are genuinely wishing the best for you will alway outnumber the dolts who aren't. Ignore them and cherish the moments of your life, dear girl.
    Mrs. Pyne, I'm a Mom, too. I would want to severely punish anyone who hurt my child in any way, but, please don't spend too much of your precious time with Alice on these lowlifes. Know that if nothing else, God knows exactly who they are & will see that they get what they deserve.
    My family's prayers and best wishes are with your family always.

  58. Aww that's so exciting! I'm so happy for you Alice!! I hope you keep having such amazing days! <3

  59. It sounds like you had a wonderful day! Congratulations on your iPad! :)

  60. Sounds like you had an amazing day Alice, well done x

  61. A special day for a special young lady.

    Good luck with the rest of your list especially the top one.

    As a Leukaemia survivor, I know the importance of having a huge list of bone marrow donors. These people are special people too as they give life to others.

    How many have you done from your list now?


    Richard, Huddersfield

  62. I'm really glad to hear you went swimming with sharks and maybe I'm even a little bit jealous. ;o)

    That must have been a very special experience and I hope you make more of them...

    Send also a big Thank You again to your mum, who sent me the link to the "Swiss-SwabKit-Page" (is this a real word?? ;o))

    I love to read your posts so keep on posting (from your new iPad)... :o)

  63. If it were possible to take the happiness you can feel simply bursting from this post and bottle it, it would be the best selling product of the century.

    So nice to see you so happy, Alice.

  64. Wow you really are lucky to have had such a fantastic day! I have been looking at shark dives in the Blue Planet Aquarium as I'd like to go for my birthday next month but they are so expensive so for now I just have to stick with the usual trip there followed by lots of shopping afterwards hehe. I'm glad there are people out there willing to help make your dreams come true though. You really deserve it and I hope that you are able to complete as much of your bucket list as possible! Make each day count and keep on keeping on :)

  65. you see Alice there no impossmble dreams!have a nice day!

  66. Ooh it sounds like you had an amazing day! I'm so pleased that you are getting to do the things on your bucket list. And how brave are you swimming with sharks?! I can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

  67. I like this happy post :) it makes me so happy to read what a fabulous time you had! :) xx

  68. Bless you Alice you have made me smile once again! I am so pleased you are ticking all the boxes! Enjoy your ipad :-D
    Suzanne and all the family send their love x

  69. having signed up for the bone marrow register I check your blog every day, and it makes me smile and cry a little at the same time, what abrave and inspiring young lady you are.God Bless, keep smiling and enjoy everything that makes the days brighter xxxxxxx

  70. Swimming with sharks! Your amazing and braver then me! I love my IPAD so much more portable then a laptop! Purples my favorite colour. Have fun your an inspiration. Xxx

  71. Hello there, Alice!
    I just saw a news story about you on our news in Australia. I think you are an inspiration to us all for taking the bull by the horns and living your life to the fullest in the special time you have left. You are a ray of sunshine! I really hope you can cross all those things off your bucket list. Prayers, love and best wishes sweet girl,

    Joolz & family

  72. Yay! Wonderful. What a day! The world can come together when it wants to yes?

    I am so glad you are having such a great time! Wow! Take That, Dog Shows, Plane Rides, Sharks, Seals, Ipad! Wow! Go You!

  73. Hello again Alice, What happy I am to hear that you liked storm of sharks. It's a dream I have to sima among sharks. When I make it I will think of you.
    The girl I'm proud of you, then Continue. Many hugs from Linda Persson from Sweden.
    http://lovehurtssomtimes.blogspot.com/ (min blogg) Mail: linda.person@live.se

  74. Hello again Alice, What happy I am to hear that you liked storm of sharks. It's a dream I have to sima among sharks. When I make it I will think of you.
    The girl I'm proud of you, then Continue. Many hugs from Linda Persson from Sweden.

  75. Oh wow, what an amazing trip you had! I am very happy for you, Alice! It's so good to know you had so much fun! You deserve to have fun! I wish you all the best and I hope every day you'll have another great adventure! Take care! :)

  76. I'm really glad you had such a wonderful day, must've been incredible swimming so near those sharks! So glad you're getting to fulfill your dreams. I hope you have lots more to come and that they will greatly outweigh the upset from a few sad morons. Have loads of fun with your ipad, I've never used one but would love to, let us know how you get on with it! love Clare (from the Dottie project) xxx

  77. I'm glad you took my advice (and others) to moderate comments now. Have you encountered any other horrible comments since doing this?

  78. Hi Alice, wow what an inspiration you are! I live in Australia (originaly from UK) and have just watched a story on you on the news (your story has made it onto Australian Tele!!) I hope you get to fulfil your entire bucket list, and i will look forward to reading it xxx

  79. Alice here's something else to brighten your day. I arrived home from work today to see an article about you on a news programme. They were telling your story and showed footage of you and Mabel at the dog show winning awards. Here's the exciting part I'm in Western Australia and it was a National news show! So now hundreds of thousands of people Australia know about you and your list. How awesome is that!
    Have fun with your ipad.

    Best wishes
    Libby x

  80. Hey Alice :)
    I'm 15 too and I'm from Ireland
    My mum showed me your blog and I read it all the time !
    You are so brave and an inspiration to all
    It sounds like you are having a great time
    Stay strong
    Caitriona :) x <3

  81. Your day sounds so amazing! I love that it made you so happy:) xx

  82. oh wow, jou are so a lovely girl, i hope you come better and i will pray for you that everything come better. I HOPE SO YOU GET BETTER, AND although we know that you do not recover, I have every confidence in that god will save your life.

  83. Hi Alice,

    What an amazing day- your own plane, hummer, shark dive & then your iPad! :-> Truly wonderful. I love logging on each day to see what you've been up to :-) I hope you have a good day today. Love to all your family, Michelle & Scrumpy xx

  84. Glad it's moderated now too- get rid of those trolls! This is a pic of Scrumpy btw- a very well fed, spoilt pussy cat :-)

  85. Wow you are so brave, I would never get in a tank full of sharks!Glad you had such a magical day love alicexx

  86. Sounds like you had a wonderful day .. what an adventure. Enjoy the iPad <3

  87. Alice, I'm so made up that you are doing these exciting things, you will treasure these memories forever in your heart and so will your family..you know Alice you have brought a community of people together on here and you, are making us all better people for knowing you...I cry and smile at the same time when I read your blog......love Glen and fam xx

  88. I love reading your posts Alice. Thank you so much for sharing with us all. Just as you couldn't stop smiling in the shark tank, I can't stop smiling when I read your words. What a ride you are having!

  89. What a brilliant adventure! I'm so happy for you to be able to experience all of this!

  90. Wow indeed! that sounds like a truly magical day Alice, would have loved to have seen your Dad blushing with embarrassment in the pink hummer, hope you took some pictures?? I just watched the clip of you on the ITV news, you and Mabel both looked like true professionals. Hope you enjoy your ipad, they are a lot of fun aren't they? we don't have one but we often go into the apple store just to have a go on them ;-) Best wishes as always Alice. Nicky, Mark and girls xx

  91. Awww Alice, sounds like you had an absolutely amazing day. Must admit to having tears in my eyes reading about it.

    I hope you enjoy your ipad - I'm an Apple addict and that's next on my list to buy.

    Looking forward to hearing about more adventures.

    Take care hunnie xxx

  92. I just love your happy posts Alice. I am so happy that you are fulfilling some of your dreams. Keep on dreaming sweetie.

  93. I love reading your updates Alice. This is another that has made me smile and smile as I read it. Saw you on the news last night too with Mabel.
    Enjoy & I hope today is another amazing day
    Jane xxxxxx

  94. Your trip sounds so amazing! Glad you got to tick off some more things in your bucket list, and I hope that you enjoy you iPad! :)

    Hearing about what a lovely day you've had has brought quite a big smile on my face.

  95. Cool! Fancy swimming with sharks?!? I'm glad that you are getting to do the things you want to. Our family's had a hard time with cancer this year, and the one thing I have learned is to do what you want to... a bucket list is a cracking idea and I hope you get to do it all. I think everybody should have a list of dreams and ambitions and get out there and do it, not wait for illness to be the starting point. Tell your Mum she's doing a grand job and not to worry about the swines who write nasty things. Love and live life. Bless you all xxx

  96. Wow! Sounds like you have had an amazing day Alice! We all love reading your blogs in our household and can't wait to hear about your next adventure! Have fun on your new ipad......it's addictive!!!

    Kelsey-Ursula xxxxxx

  97. Hiya,

    I'm so sorry to have to ask you this, but can you please get in touch with Vicki at Postpals - I just tried to open their website, and they've been hacked again.
    I got a screenshot of the box that popped up which appeared to have the "person" responsible's name in, if that's any help to them; I closed the window as fast as I possibly could in case of a virus....

    Again, I'm sorry to have to ask, but don't know any other way of getting a message to her.
    Thank you.
    The Violet Fairy

  98. Rock on, you truly are a Superstar!!!

  99. Your joy flows through ur posts Alice and makes ur readers happy as well. Wish u all the luck with all your wishes :)

  100. Your post moved me to tears. It is really nice to read you doing all these fabulous things. You deserve them! Hope you will enjoy loads of fun to come! Keep on going, you are a brave little Girl! Take care...

  101. You've just put the biggest smile on the face and a tear in my eye. May you have many more incredible days. No-one deserves it more than you. Your selflessness is a credit to you and a lesson to the rest of us.

  102. I can't seem to get through any of your posts without going all teary-eyed! :-) I am so happy for you---getting to experience so many of your dreams! And it is so refreshing to see how GOOD people are.....stepping up and helping you reach your goals! I know that there are a few bad eggs out there but try your best to ignore them and focus on all the love you are receiving! You Go, Alice! You are AMAZING!!!!
    Marcy from Texas

  103. So happy to read this Alice. You are a sweet heart. And I know there is lot more in life coming your way. Keep smiling and happy posting!

  104. I'm stranger, But please allow me to leave message.
    I have a news .
    One of your dreams---(#alicebucketlist become trend on Twitter)---has come TRUE in Tokyo,Japan!!
    Congratulations and bless U !

  105. Yea Alice! :) You are SO much braver than I am to swim with sharks! Soak in every moment of that happiness and joy.. you deserve every second! Continued prayers and love for you from Nashville, TN, USA.

  106. Glad you had a nice day.
    Reading this happy post made me happy :)

  107. Well done, sounds like a brill time. You will love yr iPad. I got one a few weeks ago and am enjoying filling it up with free apps. I'm watching the tennis on tv now and can also catchup on other programmes on the iPad. Woo hoo

  108. Glad you had a great time.. I'm typing on my IPad now it 's Cool!!.. Now we can talk iPad to iPad hahaha

  109. You are doing so well and having such fun with your bucket list :-)
    I'm not doing so well with mine, I tried to give blood the other day and join the bone marrow donor list but because I'm married to a South Africa I have to drag him in to donate as well ..... which is not a bad thing but he's a bit needle phobic so he's taking some convincing - I'll keep working on him to come with.
    Keep smiling. Laraxx

  110. What an amazing young lady you are - such an inspiration. Keep ticking those boxes and while you are at it, think of some more things. Swimming with sharks is something I couldnt even contemplate so not only are you inspirational you are incredibly brave. You go Girl, keep having fun xxxx

  111. Looks like an extremely amazing day! Happy for you :)

  112. Sounds like a great day! I'm betting you the smiles you put on everyone's faces were bigger than your own! Keep having fun and keep posting updates!

  113. Alice, what an amazing adventure! Did you take any pictures that you could post! What's up next on your bucket list?

    Keep writing!
    Olivia from Chicago

  114. sounds like you had an awesome day at Deep Sea World! it's not actually far from where i live in Scotland - glad you had lovely weather when you came up as well as it's now raining here!
    you're so brave to have gone in the tank as well. (: x

  115. YAY Alice! Glad you had such an amazing time! One day, as I stated yesterday, I hope to be able to "swim" with sharks too!

    An Ipad too, all in the same day! So happy for you!

    Much love,
    Alyson in SC, USA

  116. Your beautiful and an inspiration... Your doing great I cant wait to sign up for bone marrow donor, for you. I read one post & i love you already.... your a little super girl

  117. Sounds like an amazing time! Keep checking off items on the list!

  118. Alice,
    What amazing adventures!! I don't know that I'd be brave enough to get in the shark tank. Have fun with your new iPad. Can't wait to hear about more of your days.


  119. Wowie wow wow is right! What an awesome way to spend the day! I'm sure you had lots of fun. I'm not sure if I would be brave enough to swim with sharks... you've got quite the guts :)

    A hot pink hummer? Nice! You definitely got the celebrity treatment.

    I'm happy that you got an iPad! Those are awesome; my friend has one and I love messing with it xD I'm loving that purple cover, dearie.

    Glad you had fun! Stay strong and keep laughing. Smiles always make life a million times better :)

    Much love from Los Angeles, CA! <3

  120. So pleased you had a wonderful day. You are bringing out the best in so many people.

  121. A perfectly fabulous day! We're very excited for you!!

  122. Hello from Darwin, Australia. I heard about you from another Blogger that was very much touched by your blog.

    I'm glad your bucket list is getting ticked off. But I'm also very sad that you feel you are not going to win this one.

    I think you are very brave and know I would never be as brave as you are. And that's why You Rock Alice.

    Big hugs to you and your family.

  123. Good to see you had such a nice day.

    You deserve it, little lady. You are indeed doing a great contribution by stimmulating money donnations and marrow donnations. So enjoy all you can, as you are also helping the world in return.

  124. Sounds like you had a very exciting day! Sending you best wishes!

  125. What an incredible adventure Alice. Very proud of you, YOU DID IT! You are a much braver soul than I!!

  126. Oh my goodness! What an incredible trip! I am so glad that you have so many supporters Alice. It must have been amazing to swim with the sharks! I hope you enjoy your iPad! That's great that your bucket list is getting completed. Wow, I can't believe it... I think you're doing more stuff in a few weeks than I do in a year!

    God Bless you Alice,

  127. This is stunning! I am so glad you got to do things that you really wanted.

    I hope to pray that you complete everything on your bucket list! xxxx

  128. Wow! How amazing! I am glad of your happiness.

  129. hi ALice!
    this is very good
    and I'm so happy for U now



  130. Hey, Alice!
    This is the first time I have seen your blog cos I only just heard about it. I want to tell you to keep fighting cancer, to keep strong. remember (i am a christian - dunno bout u) that god is forever loving you and holding you in his hands.

    Sounds like you are having a great time at the moment - I heard you saw Take That and had a song dedicated to you!

    Don't forget we are all praying for you :)

    Stay strong!


  131. dear alice,

    i saw your blog on the news. i just wanted to say that i'm glad you are getting to do some of the things you dream about. my cousin's son has cancer, and he is doing well at the moment, but it is a shocking thing when something like this enters your life. and i don't really have the right to say that as i don't even know him very well at all, i live far away and i wish i could be there for him. but it has shocked me, and made me think more about life. anyhow, i wish for you the best and think having a blog is a great idea and is probably also cathartic. i hope you get to do everything on your list. if you like taking pictures, you might like the 365 project, where you take a photo a day and share them online. (or even just for your family, in an album.) if you google "project 365" you will see various ideas about it. anyhow, take care and keep being strong!

  132. Glad you had a wonderful time. You are braver than me - swimming with sharks! I hope that many more happy days are ahead for you. x

  133. Sounds like the best kind of day : )

  134. It sounds like you had an amazing time Alice, stay strong you are in my prayers.

  135. Hi Alice!

    Wow what a day you had! Sharks, seals, and dragons, oh my! I'm glad you had such a great time, you and your family definitely deserved the little vacation. And it sounds like you're a bit of a celebrity! Not many people can say they road in a private plane.

    Have fun with your new iPad and good luck with everything.

  136. Hi Alice :)

    I'm a 22 years old Egyptian, you're teaching me a lot of things everyday :)

    God Bless you Dear, I Love you :)

  137. What a fantastic day. So pleased you enjoyed it!

  138. Hey hey, that sounds like a kick ass day, I'm glad you enjoyed it, congrats!

  139. Alice,
    You're such an inspiration.

  140. Good Morning Bog Pynie
    Reading about your amazing adventure - so pleased that you got to do it and had such an awsome time - Private Jet very Rock and Roll and kissing a seal!!!!! About this snake looking like a Sammi???????
    Love you xxxxx Sammi B

  141. What an amazing day Alice! I'm so glad you got to tick one more thing off your bucket list! You are definitely an inspiration to all who come across your blog! Keep up the faith Girl! Hugs & Prayers for you!!

  142. Oh, what a super fun adventure Alice, Thank you for sharing with all of us!!! Have fun with the Ipad....I sooo want one too!!!
    NB, Canada

  143. What a wonderful, memorable day for you. God bless you to have many more!

  144. What a wonderful day!

    I admire your courage, because I have so much fear of flying, specially flying so low.

    Brazilian kisses for u!


  145. I think it is just lovely that you are getting to do all these fun things. I include you in my daily meditation, and I send you and your family light and love. You have been an inspiration to so many, including this runner from across the pond. Much love to you, and I hope that all your dreams and wishes come true~

  146. I'm so glad you had fun! I just read your story and you are an incredible young lady! You are an inspiration to me and i can already see how you have touched so many hearts already! :)

  147. Alice,

    You are my hope in the world that there is still so much greatness in it! Just as a human being I want to say that I give you my spiritual love and full support!

    May you stay blessed every day!

    I believe we are all connected in this life: healthy, sick, American or Brit, abled, disabled... whatever.

    Please check out my new blog if you have time. It's called The Wheelchair Philosopher. I'm trying to leave a mark on the world just like you.




  148. Alice Oh, how wonderful was your day. :)
    I would love to see pictures. But respect his fear to publish them. You deserve it all! You and your joy of life is a lesson for the world.

    Ah! Congratulations on the new iPad. I have an iPhone and I have so much fun with the apps I think are very good. My nephews are very fond of the "Talking Tom." It is very cute.


    Betinhabf - Brazil.

  149. What a gloriously perfect day!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story and for advocating for bone marrow donors.

    You have done so much with your life, that is really wonderful. Jana http://www.adoctorandanurse.com

  150. Oooh, that sounds like so much fun! The swimming with sharks, I mean. I used to volunteer at our local aquarium, but I wasn't scuba-certified, so, no swimming in the tanks for me. :P Congratulations on getting the iPad! It sounds really cool. I don't know if I'd be able to use one. I'm so old-fashioned, and things without buttons drive me crazy. Sounds fun, though. :) Hope you have loads of fun with the iPad and whatever you plan to do next! I love hearing about your adventures!

    ~ Kira ~


  151. A brilliant day :):):)- well done Alice and everyone who helped make it perfect for you :) You deserve wonderful things :) Thinking of you - keep smiling :)x

  152. Alice I think you are amazing, I am so happy that you are able to enjoy so many things on your bucket list. If I had known you were going to deep sea world I would have popped over to see you as I live nearby :) You are such a inspiration. Stay strong Alice. Take care. Love Kareen xxx

  153. You are so very brave, flying a plane and swimming with sharks, OH MY.. I am glad you had a good time however.

  154. never seek your luck .luck will seek you

  155. never seek your luck .luck will seek you
